Vote for you favourite Hack
Vote for you favourite Hack

Poll assigned to board: Life Hacks

  • 20. To keep bananas fresh and not get black quickly. (17%)
  • 14. Always make a double batch at dinner so you’ve got enough for the next day’s lunch. (13%)
  • 8. Use coffee filters as a small bowl to put in chips and raisins or nuts in for the little ones. (9%)
  • 9. Treat people the way you want to be treated. (9%)
  • 16. When microwaving, Spread food out on the plate and leave a space in the middle to ensure it heats up evenly (9%)
  • 1. Never walk empty handed. (4%)
  • 2. Drink water throughout the day. (4%)
  • 5. Don't waste money buying both storage bags and freezer bags. (4%)
  • 6. My purpoise is to spread joy as much as I can. (4%)
  • 12. Keep a bar of scented soap in the same compartment or bag as your dirty laundry. (4%)
  • 15. Save your passwords to the site's you use on Google save passwords or similar apps. (4%)
  • 18. Satisfaction. That which you wanted so bad and worked so hard to obtain just doesn't do it for you anymore (4%)
  • 19. If having a cookout or setting up tables outside, spray water on the table then place a tablecloth it will not blow away. (4%)
  • 21. Use an electric bike. For short trips where you'd normally use a car. (4%)
  • 22. Avoiding leaky waste cans. (4%)
  • 3. Wake up and have coffee. (0%)
  • 4. Use a clothespin to hold a nail while you hammer. (0%)
  • 7. Paint both sides of the key head with brightly colored nail polish. (0%)
  • 10. Always be humble and kind. (0%)
  • 11. Rub beeswax over your shoes to waterproof them. (0%)
  • 13. Carry a few safety pins with you everywhere you go. (0%)
  • 17. Focus on doing one thing at a time. (0%)
  • 23. Wood screws made easy. (0%)
Votes: 23
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