Club News

Wikis that are shared without opening a page on the sites main wiki system are easily hidden, so any info you share with one tends to remain entirely private until we are ready to post it in the news. So keep a copy of the name and send your article to GoldToken Support on it. That makes it really easy for the gals to post it in the newsletter. This is going to be an awesome section Patty! Any questions?

THIS is a draft wiki, nothing on here is for print

Its one month into 2015, love to see this the year of the "Clubs". Send me all your club news so I can get them out there in the GoldToken Newsletter.

Example: working on membership such as you have almost reached your goal, or maybe you have a special tourney going, hallmarking a special occasion or person, a new game set up or game type, etc., information that someone that is not in the club would not know and that you would like for them to know. I belong to a lot of clubs out there and some of you have some awesome games going. Send that news to me!

Let me know when ever it comes up or when ever you think about something, I will be keeping a wiki with notes for the month before the newsletter comes out....the newsletter come out first of the month, so let me know if you have something you would like added to "Breaking Club News!"

If you would like to be taken off of my monthly mailing list, please let me know. Thanks so much and good luck with your club. Belonging to a FUN club is another reason that makes GoldToken such a great place to call home.

remove per request - tango2
do not send to callie, send to monkeytyper , callie has been removed
Guanarteme removed per request
Golden queen of ny - removed
ema - removed
removed King Arthur
mcgoo98 removed per request
berecca - added
firefly - removed
jools - removed per request
johnnyyboy - added
Lorraine of the Renegades - removed per request
heyred72 - removed
kookaburra - removed per request

We are updating our games lists at our club "A Fast Games Club"
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This page was last edited by PattyMac at 11:27AM on 5 September 2021

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