How to play in a tournament

How to play in a tournament

This information is relevant to Dream 's tournaments
Firstly it helps to be familiar with the wiki system
  1. All the tournament pages are linked to [ Backgammon Tournaments ]
  2. It is a good idea to add this page to your wiki hotlist, the option for doing this can be found at the bottom of the page, in the blue area, you can also access your wiki hotlist from any wiki page here as well. When you have a page on your hotlist everytime it is edited it will show up on your game sheet
  3. It is very helpful to read the wiki [ Getting Started ] page which can be found under the wiki web icon on your game sheet

  1. You only play 1 game per round but you need to make sure you have room on your game list for that game
  2. The games are normal Goldtoken games, not like ItsYourTurn and the games do not start automatically, you or your opponent, depending on the game standings, must invite for the game
  3. Make sure you take note of A the tourny start date and B the standings once they are posted
  4. Some people have had problems accessing the Wiki page because of their computer systems, please let me know if thats the case and I will message you with your opponents name BUT everyone else should find this information themselves
  5. When inviting a player make sure you have the right information, the length of the game, ie: 1 day or 3 day loss of game and also the tourny name ie: Renegade Blondes backgammon tournament or Fast Backgammon 1.
  6. The loser of the game should report the loss to me, with the tourny type or if you have won and do not see the posting then let me know, if you are confident editing the wiki then you can add the information yourself, (you need to have played at Goldtoken for 3 months to edit a wiki) but please do not hesitate to message me if you are not sure.
  7. If you do not receive your invitation let me know or you can message the opponent yourself if you would prefer to play the game than have a forfeit.
  8. Any problems do not hesitate to message me Dream

Some common questions

Q Do you play in these tournaments?
A No, but if you hold one I will play in yours!
Q Do I need to be a paid member of goldtoken
A No, these tournaments are open to all, but I may hold members only in the future
Q Will you message me to tell me its time to invite or play
A If I had to message everyone, I wouldn't have time to do anything else in my life, so no, except for players who have let me know their operating systems won't load the wiki page
Q How do I know then?
A The wiki page [ Backgammon Tournaments ] links to all relevant tourny pages, its up to you to take note of the start times and check for the standings, I do also post this info at the Backgammon and Tournament Discussion Boards, you can subscribe to these pages and everytime a post is made it will show up on your game sheet
Q Do you get paid for this
A Ummm no, but donations are readily accepted :-}
Q Why are you doing this then?
A Sometimes I wonder, let me get back to you on that one. :-}

The main idea of these tournaments is for everyone to have fun, and have the opportunity to meet new players
So goodluck and enjoy!! ;-}
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This page was last edited by Dream at 8:56PM on 17 April 2002

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