July 2024

(unknown photo)

GoldToken's Monthly News

  • Games Have Begun

GoldToken's 2024 Summer Olympics are underway! The first batch of games started this past Sunday. If you've changed your mind about playing, you can still join The GoldToken's Olympics Master Club and participate in the upcoming tournaments. Games start in weekly batches. Thumbs up

Wishing you much luck and tons of fun!



In this month's newsletter, we have:
Bulletpl Birthdays & Special Announcements
Bulletpl Photozone Competition
Bulletpl Discussion Boards in the Spotlight
Bulletpl Photo Album of the Month
Bulletpl Game of the Month
Bulletpl Club VS Club Tournament of the Month
Bulletpl Best Recipe Contest
Bulletpl Pony Up!
Bulletpl Crafters' Fair
Bulletpl Up Front & Personal
Bulletpl Testimonial of the Month
Bulletpl Contest of the Month
Bulletpl Caption Contest
Bulletpl Icon Mania!
Bulletpl Shout Out!
Bulletpl Olympic News

Birthday cakeBirthdays & Special AnnouncementsOffering gift

-- Happy Birthday to Massimo Villa on July 1st! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Dru on July 2nd! From The Friendship Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Linda Sue on July 6th! - From The He's Alive Club and The Backgammon Tournament Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Dru on July 9th! - From The MasterClass Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Mustang John of the Wolf Pack on July 9th! - From The Wolf Pack Club, The Prime Time TV Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to theagle on July 11th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to **YANKEE ROSE*JR FRANK PAB on July 11th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to smokey164 on July 12th! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club,The Scoop's Castle Club and The To Your Health Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to DAKOTA on July 15th! - From The Wolf Pack Club Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to seabird on July 15th! - From The Pork Chop Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Pinksmoke on July 18th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club and The To Your Health Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to EU BNL frisian3 on July 18th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Klaus11 on July 20th! - From The Wolf Pack Club - Offering gift
-- Happy 70th Birthday to Specialsteel on July 23rd! - From sallyp - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to RubyJoy on July 23rd! - From The Scoop's Castle Club & The Prime Time TV Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to kellymcinaz on July 23rd! - From The Wolf Pack Club and The Friendship Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to SarahMills on July 26th! - From The Pork Chop Club - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Judy on July 27th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to wgh on July 27th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club and The Friendship Club Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to Chester on July 28th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to peanuts on July 28th! - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to leewisdomjr on July 28th! - From The Wolf Pack Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Cinnamon on July 29th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club, The Scoop's Castle Club and The Renegades Gaming Club. - Offering flower
-- Happy Birthday to theoldmaster on July 30th! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to unbeatable on July 30th! - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to antibs on July 31st! - From The To Your Health Club - Offering gift
-- Happy Birthday to Susie on July 31st! - From The Daily Laugh Club - Offering flower

*Anniversary & Other Wishes:
-- Happy Wedding Anniversary Bride Groom goes out to asmdrm and her husband on July 15th! Offering flower

* If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)

Photozone Competition
Brought to you by: Photozone Zepher

Film RollFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip PFilm Strip HFilm Strip OFilm Strip TFilm Strip OFilm Strip ZFilm Strip OFilm Strip NFilm Strip EFilm Strip SpaceFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip SpaceFilm Stripend

12 robin50, with (unknown photo), is June's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with 19 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token

6 (steelbound) came in 2nd place with 16 votes for (unknown photo). Offer silver token

5 PattyMac came in 3rd place with 14 votes for (unknown photo). Way to go!!

7 Scheherizade came 4th place with 13 votes for (unknown photo). High five

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.

We had a total of Film RollFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip 0Film Strip 4Film Stripend entries and 62 votes this month. Thumbs up

Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled Purple

Sunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower Divider

The theme for July's competition will be:

(unknown photo)

Come show your photography skills @ Photozone

(unknown photo) Discussion Boards in the Spotlight (unknown photo)
Brought to you by: LittleTree

Word Associations - On this board, a player posts a word. The next player posts a word that the previous post brings to mind. The first player posts a word in the SUBJECT LINE.The next player clicks "Post a new comment" and changes the Subject Line to a new word evoked from the previous post. To keep the game moving, please try not to repeat any of the previous five words. Stop by and check this fun board out! The more, the merrier! Group hug

Large Arrow RightDon't forget to check out the newer boards: Hypothetical Questions and Warning Labels.

Polls - The Best Poll for this month was submitted by Yenta! She posed the question, What Do You Do To Relieve Stress?. Congratulations, Yenta! If you'd like to submit a poll suggestion, send a PM to Pollmaster. Be sure to include a brief question and several possible answers for it. Now, who are the 9% of you who don't have any stress?! Panic Attack

Other boards GoldToken provides for your enjoyment

Caption Humor
Crafters' Fair
Crossword Puzzles
Cutting Board
General Chat
Goldie Story Contest
Holiday Profile Contest
Hypothetical Questions
Jest for Puns
Jokes Board
Paraprosdokian Sentences
Photo Album Contest
Poetry Corner
Pony Up!
Puzzles and Riddles
TerryS's Contest Announcements
What's in Your Pantry?
Warning Labels
Word Of The Week

Photo Album of the Month
Brought to you by: ladyvic

Check out these great albums of some "Awesome Cars"! Flowery Thank you to all that participated.

Contest Winner divit's Album titled Cool cars Congratulations Watch for your token coming soon!

2nd Place Contest Winner Model A's Album titled Autos You win the 2nd place token! Way to go!!

3rd Place Contest Winner Jools's Album titled Mini classic variants Great album! High five

For the month of July, you get to pick your album entry! Can't get any easier than that!
(unknown photo)

Come join in on the fun, post your album @ Photo Album Contest

Have fun

Game of the Month

July's game of the month is American Rummikub (50-point)! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Game of the Month - Jul 2024 - Amer. Rummikub (50) Tournament! Have fun

There are few key differences in this Rummikub variant: Initial melds only require 21 points, a tile must be picked up at the start of a turn and a tile must be discarded at the end of a turn, you can pick up discarded tiles, the trumps tile may be used in your final move, and the number 1 can be played either high or low. For more information, check out the Rules of American Rummikub.

We hope you enjoy it!

Club ~VS~ Club Tournament of the Month

July's game of the month is Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock! Join us in a fun Round Robin Style Tournament by signing your club up today. Have fun Please notify PattyMac to join, or post in the The Site Wide Club vs Club Tournament Club. Hope to see you there!

Best Recipe Contest

June's winner is: Cowboy Casserole

Cowboy Casserole

1-2 cans Pinto beans
1lb. hamburger
1 can diced tomatoes or salsa
1 onion diced
1 box jiffy cornbread made by directions
1 cup shredded cheddar cheese

Cook the hamburger, onion, salt and pepper, pour off grease, spray your casserole dish, add hamburger beans tomatoes cheese, pour jiffy corn bread on top and bake at 375° 40 to 45 minutes

I have used one can of pintos and one can of kidney beans.
Make sure you make the jiffy by directions on box before you pour on top

GoldToken's ladyvic will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big Congratulations to ladyvic! Dancing

July's recipe contest is: "Cabbage". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
  • Entries must be posted by the recipe guardian/creator on the Cutting Board DB.
  • Recipe must be original and have never been posted on the Cutting Board DB before.

Pony Up!
(unknown photo)

Sweating It's sure hot in my part of the country! I'm staying cool, playing my games and looking over the discussion boards here on GoldToken! Don't forget to stop by the Pony Up! discussion board, to see what's happening and look over the tokens to see what is offered for winners!

I hope everyone celebrates safely for Independence Day in the US, and a happy Happy 4th of July! to all!

We had Name the New Species Found, posting pictures of your pet, riddles, and Club Crawls (finding pictures from different clubs) for our contests in June. A big, appreciative, thank you to all who entered!

June Winners:


Crafters' Fair- Hosted by sallyp

Crayon DividerCrayon Divider

I did not do a poll in June as we only had 3 posts. We each got a crafters token
Thank you to those that posted.

July is anything you like month.

Lets see what a varied selection of different crafts we can find.

If you are not a crafter, have a look online to see what takes your fancy.

Post your picture on the Crafters' Fair discussion board.

To make it easier to do the poll, please post your entry as A New Comment Flowery Thank you

Everyone that takes part will get a token.

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Up Front & Personal
Interview by: laura lee


We would like to say Thank you to lovelysharon for letting us step into their personal life for a bit.

1. How'd you choose your name for GT?
  • Many years ago when there were chat rooms and webtv.. someone asked me what I did for a living. When I said I was a machinist his reply was.. “ I bet you are a lovely one”. Hence the name.

2. What interests you most on GT? Do you have a favorite game?
  • The variety of games. (unknown photo)ROLLING DICEYellow Outbreak Viruscheckers

3. What state or country do you reside in? What do you think tourists should definitely see?
  • I am originally from Massachusetts now living in sunny Southern California. There are many things to explore here.. first off the beach (unknown photo) .. then there is San Diego Safari Park and the Zoo Zebra, Legoland if you have kids, old Town San Diego,.. La Jolla.., the wineries Green Bottle, … lots of trails to hike and bike.. BIKER

4. What hobbies do you have?
  • I like to crochet and read Book and of course play games. CARD DEALER

5. Children? Grandchildren?
  • I have 2 adult kids , a son Twinkly blue horse and a daughter Twinkly Pink Horse, plus I have 2 almost adult grandkids.

6. Do you work? What kind of work do/did you do?
  • I am retired. I worked for General Electric Aircraft Plane Engines as a machinist

7. Any pets?
  • I have a calico cat named Peekaboo as she likes to hide { Image: animated-gifs.org/wp-content/uploads/2011/12/cats-013.gif }

8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50? Male or Female?
  • I’m well over 50 and female. Twinkly Yellow Horse

9. Favorite food?
  • Everything that’s bad for you… lol.. Recently on a weight loss journey. So far 10 lbs down.. (unknown photo)

10. What's the farthest you've been from home?
  • Hmmm what’s further from Boston… Europe or Hawaii? Island

11. If you could be anywhere right now, where would that be?
  • I am happy right here.. happy

12. Favorite season?
  • Previously I would have said Spring.. but since moving here we have what they call May Gray and June Gloom. I like sunshine so let’s go with Summer

13. If you could meet anyone (living or dead) in the world, who would it be ?
  • The only one that pops into mind is Clint Eastwood.. lol. .. or maybe Paul McCartney…. .. or how about …..

If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know.
laura lee

Wolf DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerKitty DividerKitty DividerWolf DividerWolf DividerWolf Divider

Testimonial Of The Month
Brought to you by: *GoldToken* Players

I first joined GoldToken on the 9th Feb 2004. I was on a few other game sites. I came across this site I liked it for the games. On the 26th June I became a paying member. I got lots of help from some nice people who were nice. About me I loved to paint and wall paper some DIY can do now as suffer with arthritis getting bad now plus I have few health problems. This is my favorite game site out of all one been on. Lots of nice ppl on here with help out when need it and you're all doing a great job in your clubs. I like to play games on psp5.


Contest of the Month

Best Blog Contest

What Is A Blog?

A blog (according to Wikipedia) is a website where entries are written in chronological order and commonly displayed in reverse chronological order. "Blog" can also be used as a verb, meaning to maintain or add content to a blog.
Many blogs provide commentary or news on a particular subject such as food, politics, or local news; others function as more personal online diaries. A typical blog combines text, images, and links to other blogs, web pages, and other media related to its topic.

If you decide to enter the world of blogging, you should decide what kind of blog you want your blog to be. What do you want to write about? Are you going to write about many things or something specific? Decide how often you are going to add entries - every day, once a week, once a month, etc.
Once you have decided what you are going to write about, you need to think about how you are going to write it or enter it into your blog, be it by text, by pictures or even external links. A great blog will take advantage of all of the above things. Your blog story or viewpoint can be enhanced and made much more enjoyable and interesting to read by the use of pictures and links.

Write about what you are passionate about, write about what you know and make sure you know what you are writing about. For the more serious bloggers, be aware that you won't be taken very seriously if your blog is full of grammar and spelling mistakes. So make sure you spellcheck.

No matter your blog content, people will continue to come back to read it as long as you continue to make it interesting.

  • The contest winner will be chosen by poll on the Blog Entries DB, based on entries submitted this month. Entries must be posted no later than 11:59pm, Pacific Time, Wednesday, July 31, 2024, to be eligible for voting.

  • The winner will receive 5 Golderos and a Profile Token!

We have a winner for the Best Short Story contest!

Congratulations to Spades Master, who won with this twist on the "Dream Vacation" theme:

Carnival of Souls
By Tony Hall

If I had only one wish for my dream vacation, it wouldn’t be a place but rather to relive the memory of a very special moment in time.

21 years ago, my best friend and I spent our July 4th holiday vacation at Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, located 75 miles south of San Francisco.

When we arrived, it was a warm Friday morning. The park was already crowded, with festivity brimming in the air! We rushed past the carnival games, arcade galleries, and snack booths, laughing like two giddy kids in a toy store. We didn’t care - because this was BETTER than a toy store– there was also an amusement park on this 24-acre boardwalk! To ride the Giant Dipper roller coaster was our very first intro to the park.

Fun was the name of the game. We’d already experienced the horrors of 9/11 less than two years prior. In fact, we were in Manhattan when the terrorist attacks occurred. We desperately needed a break from the barrage of war. This was our celebration of life.

After our fill of amusement rides, we couldn’t resist the lure of snack booth corn dogs, BBQ, and slushies. We were both forty-somethings, savoring our second childhoods. LOL, I can tell you - on this day - we were the happiest kids in the park! We swam in the frigid ocean to cool off, then napped on the beach.

At sunset, just before the fireworks celebration, we walked hand in hand far down the shoreline along the beach until we were alone. The cold waves washed gently over our bare feet. The warm salt breeze brought the faint aroma of popcorn and the distant echoes of the calliope from the loudspeakers.

With the deep red sunlight shimmering upon the water, I got down on one knee and popped the question.

She said YES!

While the crowd oohed and awed at the fireworks reflecting over the Pacific Ocean, me and my new fiance made our own private fireworks celebration.

The end to a perfect day. My perfect dream vacation.

Caption Contest

The Caption Contest winner for the June, 2024, newsletter is shobee1 kinobi with:

(unknown photo)

Finally I found the treat you hid.

Congratulations shobee1 kinobi!

To enter July's Caption Contest, click on the image below and post your best caption.
(unknown photo)
The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.

Icon Mania!
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Icon Fairy

July 4th is Independence Day in the United States. You will find those icons in Row 2. July is going to be very hot, so bring on that summer fun. From water fun { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon2304291037161.gif } to fun at the beach { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon131022141540.gif }, have a wonderful July.

(unknown photo)

SHOUT OUT! to Melman - from San Jose, Ca, member since 2005. "I lived in Texas for 28+ years and now CA. I am married for 30+ years now. I live and work in San Jose, Ca.. Life has its ups & downs, but God is always good." Thank you Melman for being such a committed member of GoldToken and we're glad you're a member of our GoldToken family! Group hug

SHOUT OUT! to kess&ellie - from Michigan, born and raised in England. (Essex } veteran member since 2002. "I like playing most games except chess and checkers.I enjoy watching the Red Wings play and get to a game from time to time. I am owned by our German Shepherd dogs, Ellie (9), Koda (3) and our recent shelter rescue GSD, Zena (4).". Thank you for being such a valued member of GoldToken and we're glad you're a member of our GoldToken family kess&ellie! Group hug

SHOUT OUT! to PattieAnn - from Long Island, NY, member since 2007. "I love to play shake it fast, shake it up, shake rattle and roll, maxi shake, shake your bootie, backgammon, dice dots, and grabble race, so if your interested send me an invite. I will talk if you want to, just start if off." We enjoy seeing your picture on your profile and the ones in your album. Thank you being such a dedicated member of GoldToken and we're glad you're part of our GoldToken Family PattieAnn Group hug

Olympic News
(unknown photo) (unknown photo) (unknown photo)
Brought to you by: GoldToken's Olympic Presidents

W(unknown photo)

The Grabble Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubSenorita ZORRO_
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBuddha
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA

The Lower Division of the Loco Ochos Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
Loco Ochos
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubhoot
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubMary
Gold, Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubPattyMac

The Lower Division of the Salvo Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLorry
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubroad_hog

The Lower Division of the Stacking Word O'Rama Race-Around Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Mystery Games Tournament
Stacking Word O'Rama Race-Around
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubZanda
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubheyred72
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubStraycat

The Outbreak Ataxx Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Outbreak Ataxx
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubThe Viking
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11

The Domination Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubNukkle Dragger
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11

The Novice Division of the Backgammon Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLorry
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubAcedog
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubZanda

The Chess Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubGeorge 1955
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubStraycat
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB

The Upper Division of the Fives and Threes Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Fives and Threes
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubwilsoni
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubstinky_malinky
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubnw2425

The GoldFences Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV

The Upper Division of the Whist Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubshobee1 kinobi

The Hangman Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBuddha
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubRoad Runner
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubtwotees

The Upper Division of the Muggins Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLolla
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubGoldiLocks
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubstarzone

The Upper Division of the Kickback Executioner Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Mystery Games Tournament
Kickback Executioner
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubRoad Runner
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubmarshmud
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubPoint01IV

The Outbreak Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubThe Viking
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgolfnutrof
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie

The Relic Rush Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Relic Rush
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club(steelbound)
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubhoof hearted
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie

The Dipole Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubjd91

The Halma Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 4 Tournament
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubKlaus11
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubmelanchton1
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubspiritebear

The Mancala Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubRoad Runner
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubmarshmud

The Polar Poultry Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
Polar Poultry
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubAndrewB
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubheyred72

The Lower Division of the Hypergammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Hypergammon (3 Point)
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubunicorn
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Club1karlos
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubB*Elanna

The Upper Division of the Long Gammon Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Long Gammon
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubSenorita ZORRO_
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubNukkle Dragger
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubrushfan2000

The Grand Dice Chess Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 5 Tournament
Grand Dice Chess
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubM3
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubbrodie_bruce
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubMad_Monkey

The Lower Division of the Cribbage Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubshobee1 kinobi
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubDIRKSTRA
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubPinksmoke

The Upper Division of the Hypergammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Hypergammon (3 Point)
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubbillb
Gold & SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubSarahMills
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubbengt
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubBigDaddyTuaine
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubegis
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial Clubstinky_malinky

The Swapping Senet Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 2 Tournament
Swapping Senet
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubOddie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial Clubgpr11
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head

The Intermediate Division of the Backgammon (3 Point) Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
Backgammon (3 Point)
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial Clubprecious
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubRabidWolff of the Wolf Pack
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubSarahMills

The Lower Division of the Nackgammon Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubMan of Steel
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubGail_M
Silver & BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubLinda Sue

The Inverticade Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubshobee1 kinobi

The Upper Division of the Cribbage Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics Cruiser Memorial ClubStraycat
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Nina Memorial ClubMoondyne
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubnw2425

The Konane 12x12 Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 3 Tournament
Konane 12x12
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubBig Giant Head
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial ClubTrueIndian

The Upper Division of the Switch Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 1 Tournament
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial Clubshobee1 kinobi
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial Clubunicorn
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics Grimsweeper Memorial Clubnw2425
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics catlover Memorial ClubTerryS

The Square Grabble Competition in The 2023 Winter Olympics Group 6 Tournament
Square Grabble
GoldThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubHamsarnie
SilverThe 2023 Winter Olympics Wild Horse Memorial ClubSenorita ZORRO_
BronzeThe 2023 Winter Olympics SHARRON Memorial ClubRoad Runner

1Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined (unknown photo)


  • Do you have a special story, poem or testimonial you would like to share? How about some club news, announcements or any other special events? Then don't delay, send GoldToken's Newshound your submissions today! We look forward to hearing from you! Smiling
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **

Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter (unknown photo)? Our winner last month was PurrMomma. Congratulations to her for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken's Newshound. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.

Trumpet player right [ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ] Trumpet player left