Personal Blog of ladyvic
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A Poem I wrote titled *Rainbows and Ribbons*
I woke up 1/14/21 at 3am with it on my mind as I'd been thinking about how Covid and death has taken our loved ones away so quickly.

Rainbows and Ribbons
As the night draws near, my love, my friend
We dare to speak about seeing the end
They say to call, to say goodbye
But how can we talk because we cry
Your time has come way too soon
I'll always love you to the moon
I cannot fathom to talk no more
My heart is breaking, my eyes are sore
You breathe so deeply for your last breath
We know the time is near for your death
Think of Rainbows and Ribbons in the air
Go to the land that is so fair
Until we meet again forevermore
When death comes knocking at the door
I'll cherish those memories forever shared
I just want you to know, I always cared.
Written on 24 Jan 2021 at 6:26AM
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Covid-19 Virus 4/2/20
What is this virus that has stopped the world in it's tracks? I've never been thru anything as scary as this, people are dying left and right by the millions all over the world! People aren't taking it serious and staying home. This thing is really effecting people we know and love. I have a friend that works at Lowe's and she said there's been lots of people there buying flowers to plant since they're stuck at home with no work. Now they have 2 people tested positive for the virus that works there. What is essential about flowers? I thought we're only suppose to go out for only essentials.
Speaking of mail, when I was going to mail my bills, I licked the envelope and thought, Oh no! what if the virus is on the envelope! lol I've become a germaphobic for sure! I use my thumbprint to open my phone and it wouldn't work. I thought, have I washed my thumbprint off? My hands were very dry where the water I used was too hot. Since then I'm not using the water so hot and used lots of lotion to get them back soft and my thumbprint works again! lol
On a serious note though, my prayers go out for you all that have loved ones and friends with the virus, that they will pull thru this. Praying Hugging
Written on 2 Apr 2020 at 8:09AM
Re: Covid-19 Virus 4/2/20
Laughing I almost did the same thing! I bet you were ready to spit
Posted at 11 Apr 2020 at 1:47PM by ladyvic
Re: Covid-19 Virus 4/2/20
I was grocery shopping earlier this week and wearing disposable gloves. I pulled one of those produce bags off a roll and had a terrible time trying to open I licked my fingers... Oh, No!
Posted at 11 Apr 2020 at 7:19AM by fatdaddy
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Goodbye to my sister Generous52 - July 26, 2019
I want to put this in my blog so people will know my sweet sister generous52 was the one that talked me into playing here when I got my first computer. It would tickle her when she'd beat me a game. lol We played together here for many years and then several friends left me 7 clubs that I had to hurry and learn how to run. My sister loved helping me in my clubs. She helped all the way up until a month before she passed away. I told her not to worry about it and she would say but I want to! And then she'd tell me, I worked on them until my eyes got heavy. Bless her heart. In July 2018, she had a stroke that left her partially paralyzed in her left side from leg, arm and even her left eye. She could'nt do much after that but wanted everyone to know God told her He had a reason. She trusted Him to take care of her. Christmas of 2019 she came in to visit and stayed with me, she was telling about being sick all the time and sometimes would go days without eating. I begged her to go to the Dr. and find out what was going on. She finally got a Dr. appointment in June of this year and it was too late to do anything for her. Cancer had spread all over her body. Crying We talked everyday about 8-10 times a day after she found out. I went to visit her July 15-18 in Smithfield and I will forever cherish that time I had with her. She said God gave her another word, Over the Horizon. She passed away July 26th. She was my only sibling and it still hurts me when I see something she gave me or come here to play. Some good friends helped me take her name out of all the game wiki's she'd signed up for as I could'nt bare to remove her name. I hope she will forever be remembered here at this game site thru all the friends she made and especially me, I will always think of her when I'm here. Everyone has been so kind to me and helping me get thru this. Badger even signed the Obituary and said some very nice things about sis.
Until we meet again, my sweet sister. Tossing heart (right) Offering heart Tossing heart (left)
Written on 14 Aug 2019 at 1:50PM
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What is GoldToken, people ask?
What is GoldToken that I speak of so often, people ask me. Well let me see, where to begin. It's not only a game site, it's a place where I meet my friends. Friends from all over the world of all races, personalities and accents. Some I meet for a little while, some I've met for years and we've talked about the good times and the bad, also we help each other get thru what ever life hands us. Some have passed away that left a lasting impression on my life. GoldToken is somewhere that I go everyday unless I'm caught up in my personal life and can't visit. It's a place that helps me forget my troubles and dive my brain into playing lots of fun games and discussions. I can say, GoldToken is part of my family. The SURPRISE is.... I've been here now for 14 years! Boy does time fly when you're having fun! Flying yellow horse
Written on 21 Jun 2017 at 7:09AM
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My Life in a nutshell
My childhood was a wonderful one.. I have so many great memories. My mom grew up with 8 boys and 1 sister so she was pretty much use to hunting and fishing with her brothers which she let me and my sister experience these things when we were kids. I loved being outdoors with my Dad, Mom and Sister experiencing new adventures. Not only did we go hunting and fishing, we went spelunking in West Virginia in unopened to public caves and we could walk all day long underground in those caves and never find the end..pitch black dark when we turned the lanterns and flashlights off! I would've never been in there if I didn't trust my daddy to find our way out. We also loved going to dig for Indian relics..found lots of pottery and arrowheads. Camping was a lot of fun every summer, we would stay for a week or two and had so much fun going out on the boat fishing and water skiing, sitting around the campfire singing ect. Back then I didn't know what a computer was and we only had a few channels on the TV to watch so I didn't really care to watch it. I would rather be outside having fun going to the neighbors house with all the other kids playing softball or football and riding bikes. Most children today don't experience that and would rather sit in the house all the time.
It was a lot of hard work we had to do also..we had 5 gardens to take care of several years. I would have to help plant and water then harvest the crops and help shell beans, can and freeze all of it. I remember one time my sis and I were left alone to shell about 6 gallons of beans. I came up with the bright idea if we hide the beans underneath the empty shells, it would look like we shelled them all. Boy did I get in trouble when daddy dumped the bucket of empty shells out and found all the good beans on top lol
I loved going to school learning new things and still love learning new things. I wanted to graduate early by not taking Study Hall and taking more subjects. When I got to the 11th grade, I met a handsome feller that stole my heart and all I thought about was marrying this man! So that I did and I tried so hard to finish my Senior year of school with only 2 subjects then go to work then come home to more work.. my husband lost his job, I had to go to work full time and 1 year later I was pregnant with a wonderful son.
So I ended up quitting school with only needing 2 subjects to graduate in order to pay our bills and my husband started drinking badly then beating me and going out on me and acting really crazy. I just could'nt handle this and most of all, I did'nt want my son to grow up in this madness. So we left after 3 years of marriage then years later I got a divorce. I worked really hard, sometimes 3 jobs at once to pay the bills on my own because my ex would'nt pay child support. Just no good for nothing! Well I'd better stop there. lol
Ten years later I met another man and fell in love. I thought life was going to be great! I went back to school, took the 2 classes I needed and got my diploma! Then I went to college for about 3 years, got my certificate in business. Then boom.. ruptured disc..had back surgery. My husband started being mentally abusive to me. He was money hungry and it was coming in like he wanted from me. He stopped giving my son attention and me also. I found out he was going out on me so I packed up me and my son and left after 5 years of marriage. Ten more years passed and I guess from all the hard work, I had to have another back surgery for ruptured disc. My employer said if I could'nt come back to work within the time limit I would be terminated. I came back to work but ask for light duty and boss said if you can't do the job, you need to hit the door and in 2 days I heard POP in my back.. Another ruptured disc! After giving my life to this company for almost 20 years..They terminated me! Guess life is all about the mighty dollar.
My 3rd back surgery helped eliminate that excruciating pain alot but left lots of side effects such as numbness in arms and legs and tremors at times. Life as I knew it was over. No more Sports activities, riding motorcycles, water skiing..all the things I always done would never happen again. Next thing I know my dad passed away..he was my world. I went into deep depression and did'nt care about anything. This went on for several years. Them my sister invited me to church revival. I felt relief from my mental pain that night. I felt God tugging at my heart. That night I dreamed I died on the operating table. It was such a real feeling to me. God told me He tried to reach me but I did'nt accept. When I woke up that morning, I prayed and told God if He would let me live I would devote my life to Him. I could'nt wait to go back to that revival and give my life to Him. And now 15 years later, I'm still working for the Lord, I teach kids on Wed. nights at church and play and sing in the Praise and Worship band or what ever I can do to further Gods work. He helps me go through all the trials of my life. I was at the point, could'nt work so no income, going to lose my car and house, everything I had worked hard for but I somehow had faith that God was going to take care of things..Well I got a phone call that day from my mother, she said while she was praying God spoke to her and told her to give me some of my inheritance money early while I needed it to pay off my house and car! I cried and cried. God is so good! I really don't think I could've made it this far without Him. I am so thankful for a loving and praying Mother also. I could'nt have made it without her either. God gave me a very loving family and I'm thankful for so much, I would'nt be able to write it all. Most of my time is devoted to God and helping my Mother out as she is growing old. Do I worry about tomorrow? No...Only God knows my future so why should I worry.
Written on 19 Dec 2014 at 12:17PM
Re: What is GoldToken
I know I have had several days since coming home from the hospital in September 2016 that were very trying, I was so happy when I was able to get back to GoldToken to play and visit, it has really helped me, I have good days and bad but a lot more good days now. It was so good to see your blog.
Posted at 21 Jun 2017 at 1:50PM by aprildawn
Re: My Childhood
Sounds like a terrific childhood, I'm envious of your spelunking! I laughed at your shell game, can't blame you for trying. It must be wonderful to have so many good memories of growing up. Thanks for sharing.
Posted at 1 Sep 2014 at 2:44PM by bookfox
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