Personal Blog of garbear
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just personal stuff, sorta;
Well, this is really neat, ive my own blog. What a deal, now I can write stuff, I think, lol.
To start out with a few background details, i'm 59, i'll be 60 come july 4th of this coming year, I never thought i'd live this long, and if I had i'd have done a whole lot of stuff differently, first of all, when I went to vietnam I turned my back to God, i'd actually started ignoring Him when I was 16, after I discovered that my grandfather, a pentacostal minister, was nothing more than a perveted, lying hypocrit!!! I'd admired him all my life and then I found out all this stuff and blamed God, what a mistake. If I could i'd go back to that point knowing what I do now and devote my life to serving the Lord, He has been very good to me, stayed beside me and kept me from harm and carried me in moments of extreme weaknesses. I went to school to become a minister, but once it became clear to me that there was just no way I could adhere to the churches doctrine I decided not to be ordained and instead id just become a lay minister. A lay minister is like a real minister except we've not taken any one churches doctrine. I preach and teach the word of God as is written, i'll not add nor embellish on His word, nor am I going to interpret what I think He has said, to me God was very clear in what He meant, so if possible i'll just try to exp[lain it as best I can. I judge no one as thats not my place nor is it my job. I believe every person I meet is a friend, until they prove other wise, then i'll not have anything to do with em.
Having said that I'll move on, all my life has been spent in construction and various hobbies, i'm a voracious reader, and thats my Dad''s fault, bless his lil pea pickin heart. He gave me my very first book that I read from cover to cover and from that moment on I was hooked, gimme something to read and i'm a happy camper, oh the book? lol it was Dr. Aswimov's now well known novel
"I Robot" I'VE read every thing he's done with the exception of his science papers. I bred and raised tropical fish for awhile, I bred and raised exotic birds for a long time, up until my wife passed away, then it became to much work for one person.
thats it for now, if ya wanna hear more, let me know, hey it could get interesting, ya never know, lol. Blessings to all who read these words
Written on 26 Dec 2010 at 4:35PM
Re: just personal stuff, sorta;
its been some time since I last wrote on this blog, lol. what a name, blog, wonder who came up with that, since all I can write is garbage so I guess blog must be latin? yiddish? svedish? whatever for slop I put in it.//
we lost our condo two months ago, we had to use all the extra cash and whatever else we had to bail my oldest step daughter out of trouble, serious jail time trouble. We have moved in with my wifes sister and her family. wont go into the dysfunctional part of it all, and of course no one can mind their own business and thus ssister in law started a campaign to upgrade my va pension, went so well im probably going to lose the entire pension just before christmas. we live in a smqll add-on to their trailer, ive had to give up a lot of things id wanted to keep, like the puppy we got right at the end of summer, im 60, im ready for some quiet and relaxation, and now ive a house full og children, well gotta quit since the wife wnts to play games. see ya later. God bless all..
Posted at 30 Oct 2011 at 4:14PM by garbear
Re: just personal stuff, sorta;
umm when I stopped id finished about birds. I really enjoyed that, I had a cockatoo named pinkie, she had belonged to my uncle in california and when he passed away pinkie went into mourning, its strange how those large birds can become attached to a human but she truly loved him. My aunt sent her to me since I had a rather unique bird, an african grey id nammed jud-ee, she was by far the most intelligent animal id ever seen, she learned quickly what ever id teach her. The thinking was shed bring pinkie out of her funk and get her back into life, it happened but it took a long time, and it wasnt until after my wife died that she started talking again. The problem came when Jud-ee started mimicking my late wife, my friend and I would play backgammon on some week days and we could hear my wife in the back ground laughing, well that was to much as I was in some really serious pain over losing her. We had been married for 26 yrs and her passing was very hard for me. I finally gave all my birds to friends and even managed to sell a few. The next two years can only be described as complete insanity. We had lived our entire lives in amarillo, texas and every where I went brought memories of another time. Im not going to go into all that because even now, ten yrs later it is still hard on me. Just suffice it with I left amarillo to look for another beginning, and I found myself in Aberdeen South Dakota, where the fishing is great, and since I do enjoy fishing, it was perfect for awhile.
To understand this Ill have to digress, after Barbara died this lady came to my door and gave me a new web tv console, I had no idea who she was as id never before met her nor did she know Barbara. I didnt know thing one about internet or any of this stuff, so it got put in a closet and stayed there for a year or so. I moved from there to a new apt and you can guess why. I found that web tv and for some reason I got it set up and on line without any problems, which is a miracle in its own since as I said ive no experience with this stuff. Some how I wound up in a talk city chat room called seniors christian fellowship, I met three ladies there that talked with me for awhile and we soon went to a blank channel and talked for the next four hours, they were able to help me come to terms with what life had dealt me. I also met Bev in there, a poor thing she was, so sad and for all purposes, alone with a husband that was and still is a complete and total jacka%&* ill not go into his character defects since his whole character is a defect. but Bev and I chatted for a couple of years, she moved from michigan to iowa and me being in S.D. not more than 300 miles apart it was ordained we''d eventually meet, and we did, we dated sort of loing distance for a couple of years and I soon found myselof thinking of her in more intimate terms than just a friend, so I asked her to marry me, she did and weve been together now for 8 yrs, hasnt been perfect but then no sincere relationship is, its gotten smoother the last few yrs with the exception of one problem that ill get to shortly. But that brings us to the present and next entry will be up to date and about life now as it is, it may be interesting, but then again it may not. up to you. God bless. until next time. Oh meant to add, since im sure no one is going to read this i'll be more candid as to some situations ive found myself in and some of the things that are uppermost in my mind at present. Let me tell you one thing ive discovered for sure, getting old isnt as much fun as id hoped it would be. Ive diabetes, im over weight now, and ive ulcers on the heels of both feet that are causing me extreme pain, and we cant seem to get them to heal, I fear losing my feet, what do I do then?? Ive alwways been self efficient and I cant bring myself to ask for help, so im tween a rock and a hard place. sigh and thats how it goes.
Posted at 18 Jan 2011 at 12:41PM by garbear
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