Personal Blog of Skywalker
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When Christmas Almost Wasn't [Longer Version]
Born beneath sheets of ice, under the roots of frozen tunnels, a wood Elf could never care for the red and green carousel that was the North Pole and its extravagant lights and candy caned hats.
“Uriel,” gushed the fidgety foreman Elf. “How many times to tell you, the stalls have to be squeaky cleaned. We don’t want no Reindeer to get sick before their flight.”

Uriel’s lightly tanned cinnamon skin blushed as he meekly obeyed his orders. Then: “Oh look, Cinnamon Bun has got Stinky Stall duty again. “ With purposeful steps, Uriel strode over to the startled pair of long-bearded elves. Pausing in mid stride; using his full height down to the tip of his gingerbread hair with brown highlights, Uriel whispered,” After tonight, you all be homeless like me!“
Escaping from the Factory and stumbling into his Cave-Dwelling, Uriel grinded his grainy teeth. Where all of Santa’s elves stood 5 feet, he towered them at 5’2, and at 105 lbs., was speedier than Santa’s prized Reindeer. Revenge was his poison. Christmas was a human invention that had cursed his kinfolk from existence. Blinking back tears from his emerald green eyes, he relished in the act he had just performed.
After 200 years, this night his birthday; his guise to infiltrate the innermost sanctum of Father Christmas and to end Happiness had been accomplished. Santa’s reindeer would not fly in a couple hours. “Suffer humans, suffer as I still suffer.
Someone stood outside his Cave-Door. “Who is it? “Uriel whispered hoarsely.

“HoHoHo, it’s Santa, Uriel, my boy… may I come in?”

Uriel could easily overpower Santa with his Magic, and evasive enough to escape Santa’s own Magic if things didn’t work out as planned. Confidently, he went out to meet Santa – and to gloat.

“Why there you are, HoHoHo.” Uriel scorned inwardly, already past the point of execution. Santa seemed none the wiser as he continued: “You seem rather tired today, Uriel. Working too hard?”

An Elf’s philosophy is borne from patience and observance, and pride in Knowledge-Keeping. However, this Christmas Eve was the end of Joy and Expectancy. Clenching his fists and bringing the depths of his green eyes to meet Santa’s brown, dreamy eyes, Uriel’s smooth features beaded into sweat as he couldn’t recognize the wave of emotion swimming in Santa’s creamy eyes at this moment.

“Uriel, do you know why I saved you that day? Why I have never allowed any other elf other than a Christmas elf here…in the North Pole? My secrets are too dear to me, but you my boy, I trust.” Dimples deepening, he continued, “I know you cringe at my laugh, but Mrs. Claus says it goes well with my tummy jiggle.”

Suppressing a smile, Uriel blurted, “I have poisoned your Reindeer, Santa. There will be no Christmas, this year or ever.” He stared weakly at Santa’s unwavering eyes.

Santa’s rosy cheeks didn’t change color, nor did his eyes. “I came here to ask you to be my Helper this Christmas… and possibly till I retire. I need someone I can trust, moreover, you have another ability that even you are not aware of.”

Uriel felt his back tingle. “Nothing can be changed.” He hung his head.

Santa’s not so graceful shadowed form fell over Uriel’s. “If you stop believing, yes, but change is constant. You may hate Christmas, but Christmas loves you. You have always been a studious elf, Uriel, but ask yeself, do you want to remain alone in this world, or do you wish to be the solution?”

Egotistic as he was, Uriel knew it not pride alone that warmed him, but a sense of Joy – The Spirit of Christmas that flowed through him. Wings, chocolate brown in color flecked with white extended from his back, five feet long! He was a NightWing, a Winged Elf! He had almost forgotten his Avariel lineage.

Santa smiled. “Merry Christmas, Uriel. You have ascended. As you can fly now my boy, my job will be easier.” He winked cheerily. “And the Reindeer are fine. I put a spell beforehand to reject any poison given to them.”

A weight lifted and feeling the sudden fulfillment of Christmas, Uriel decided to test out his new wings as sunlight peeped from winter clouds. He would guide Santa’s Reindeer safely. He was alone no more. Finally, he had a purpose.
Written on 12 Jan 2013 at 3:58AM
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Poem attempt :)

sun tips brow into a freckled glow,
drip, drip, dripping onto sodden clay;
fall, fall, falling, in wet display,
roots abound and grow, watch it flow;
watch it stress, observe its caress;
another day-
here to stay.
Written on 6 May 2012 at 6:27AM
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Flash Fiction #1 (Grey Skies)
“What a bad day to have a picnic,” Gerard drawled. He looked up into the sky. It was getting greyer by the minute, and now, little drops were starting to fall. He looked across at Nila. “I don’t care if we get wet,” he said, edging closer.

Nila ignored him. Instead her eyes were gazing out at the horizon of the ocean. The left side of her mouth twitched.

Gerard gently laid his hand on her shoulder. She shivered, but still didn’t look at him. “Nila, you ok?” he asked, getting slightly worried. He followed her gaze. It had been such a beautiful day, but now it was turning ugly fast. He couldn’t make out it out clearly, but evidently, something out there was scaring Nila.

“Can’t you see it?” Nila’s voice whispered. “It is coming!”
Gerard just gaped at his girlfriend. Well, officially not yet. Well, he wasn’t sure, but this was their third date, and he had planned this date for days! “Stupid rain!” he mumbled to himself. 

Nila had gotten up and was looking intently at the coastline. Gerard felt helpless, and instead gazed down the beach. Only five or six people strolled the beach this evening. Closest to them was a tall man dressed in a Hawaiian shirt and khaki pants, and a little boy of eight or nine. He too was looking intently at the ocean; as if seeing something no one else could. Gerard looked up at Nila. Sighing, he got up and stepped in front of her. “Nila.”

Nila blinked. Gerard! She had almost forgotten where she was. But it was coming! “We have to get out of here! “ She gripped Gerard’s arm. He didn’t move. “Come on! There won’t be anything left of us if we don’t go now!!” Her eyes pleaded.

Looking into her eyes, Gerard could see that she was serious. “What is going to harm us?” he asked, grabbing her shoulders – hoping she would make sense.

“The water.” Nila looked back out. “It will bury us all here.” Her eyes were frantic now. “If we go now, we can get to higher ground!”

Gerard bit his lip. “Ok, let’s go. Anything to calm you down.” He turned to go, but now Nila stayed rooted! He grunted in resignation. Women were hard to understand.
“It’s too late, it is upon us.” Nila grabbed Gerard’s left hand. “I do love you. I just want you to know that before it comes.”

Turning her face to his, Gerard saw tears trickling down her cheeks. She hugged him tightly. Muffled sobs escaped her, wetting his white cotton vest. He didn’t care.
Raindrops now pelted heavily, the beach now deserted except for the two lovers and the man and boy. Gerard watched as the boy put out his hand out in the rain. Nila moved against him. Turning her face against his chest, she now could see the other two inhabitants.

The tall stranger kept a few feet back, and watched the boy performing his ritual. Gerard’s eyebrow jumped up. Strange. Nila suddenly let go of him.

“That boy…” she finally said. “What is he doing?”

Gerard didn’t have time to answer. Looking out, he finally saw it. It was clear now, even in the graying skies and grey ocean alike. A tsunami was coming. Or so it seemed to Gerard. He wondered why he wasn’t panicking right this moment. Maybe it was because Nila had finally told him those three words, or was it something else? He directed his gaze back to the boy.

Darting his attention between the oncoming waves which seemed to surround the whole island, and the boy, Gerard noticed the boy humming to himself. Behind him, the tall man seemed to be whispering words of encouragement. The boy put out both his arms now. Gerard hugged Nila. The waves as they neared, seemed to be at least 20 meters high. It was coming in fast! The ground trembled now.

"That boy…" Nila whispered as if in a trance, “he is trying to stop it!”

Gerard thought she was getting delirious now, but then stopped thinking altogether. From the boy’s hand radiated something. The raindrops seemed to be bouncing away from his hand – as if an imaginary forcefield was protecting it. Leland closed his eyes as he held Nila tighter. He could feel the waves riding his shoulders. But he didn’t feel scared. “I love you, Nila.”

When Gerard opened his eyes later, Nila was looking down at him, a smile on her lips. “Gerard.”

Cupping her face with his left hand, he looked about him. The sky was crimson, and it was getting dark. “Did we fall asleep here?”

Nila smiled brightly. “Yes, dear. We should get going.”

Gerard smiled, feeling slightly perplexed at his damp clothes, but blushed when he saw the look on Nila’s face. “What up with you?” he asked curiously.

“Nothing,” she said playfully. “Come on, let’s go home.” Walking back to their car, Nila new the less Gerard knew the better.
Her son was in good hands. Fate had presented this setting for her; she had witnessed his saving grace – she couldn’t be any more proud. His magic was pure.
Written on 6 Jan 2012 at 7:08AM
Re: Flash Fiction #1 (Grey Skies)
Posted at 12 Jan 2013 at 6:18AM by Skywalker
Re: Flash Fiction #1 (Grey Skies)
great story thanks for sharing Smiling
Posted at 9 Jan 2013 at 1:06PM by Sea Dreams
Re: Flash Fiction #1 (Grey Skies)
Why thanks! Smiling
Posted at 11 Aug 2012 at 1:26PM by Skywalker
Re: Flash Fiction #1 (Grey Skies)
awww thats awesome.. Your a great writer..
Posted at 11 Aug 2012 at 12:04PM by BahamaMama
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