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Major surgery on Feb. 26. Having kidney removed due to cancer so I might not be back,
Written on 2 Feb 2014 at 2:13PM
Re: Surgery
Thank you. I don't think I know you but it really warms my heart to know there are such caring people out there.
Posted at 12 Feb 2014 at 4:07AM by Purple
Re: Surgery
Best of luck with your upcoming surgery. The new technology will hopefully help you feel positive about the procedure you will go through. Take care.
Posted at 11 Feb 2014 at 10:48PM by BettyAnn
Re: Surgery
TY for your kind comments. Go to Preferances on your gamesheet and I think you will find a way to list friends.
Posted at 6 Feb 2014 at 4:13AM by Purple
Re: Surgery
I don't know if the last message made it to you or not, so I'm going to repeat myself. It's only natural to be nervous prior to major surgery, but you have the best surgeons available to you, along with the lastest technology to get you through this. Besides that, your friends are going to keep you right where you belong. With us, on GoldToken.

Lind is sharing some of his footage of the checker's tournaments, and I think some of them have pictures of you. He has one that goes as far back as the first ever tournament in 1937. I went back to see where to tell you where find these pictures, and that's when my message to you got lost in cyberspace. Anyway, we can find Lind's pics in the private message area, which I'm going to have to find.

I found your blog because I was trying to figure out how to add you to my friend's list, and I hadn't "talked" to you for awhile. I don't know how to do that yet, but I'll figure it out.
Posted at 5 Feb 2014 at 7:08PM by catnapper
Re: Surgery
Thanks so much. I'm nervous because it's an ugly operation.
Posted at 5 Feb 2014 at 4:48PM by Purple
Re: Surgery
Purple, I'm so very sorry to hear about your upcoming surgery. My brother-in-law had to have a kidney removed due to cancer, and he lived for 30 years after the surgery. He was completely cured, and his passing was due to heart failure. I will be praying for your total recovery every day!!!
Posted at 5 Feb 2014 at 3:38PM by catnapper
Re: Surgery
This is your friend Lindus here. You will be in my thoughts all of the time. I will pray every day and night for you,
Posted at 5 Feb 2014 at 3:32PM by Just a ham player
Re: Surgery
Purple, this is Catnapper. Are you the person having surgery?
Posted at 5 Feb 2014 at 3:13PM by catnapper
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