Personal Blog of L_Grey
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Things have changed at work, I used to love my job but now since the changes not so much. I know
I am to be content in what ever state I'm in, and I am almost there mentally.
Now, however, I am wondering if contentment equals happiness? I looked up contentment in Websters and the best I could come up with it is feeling satisfied and I think I am satisfied enough to meet the standard but I am having a hard time dealing with the happiness part. I am not happy with the situation, and I don't know that I will ever be. So I see more changes in my future, unfortunately they could make matters worse. So I will be patient & still and seek guidence from God, my higher power until I am happy.
Written on 4 Dec 2010 at 10:41AM
Re: Contentment
I don't believe that contentment equals happiness. I like the feeling of being happy, however I love being content more. I would agree that being content is more along the lines of being satisfied, but again I rather be content than satisfied when it's all said and done.
Posted at 11 Jun 2016 at 7:41PM by AMacEntier
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I am working on my 2009 income tax return. Why they call it a return I have not figured out yet.
One would think that they mean the government is going to return some of your hard earned money they have been holding ransom all year. Well, not in my case, it seems like I am returning the return with a check for them to spend on, you know, stuff that I am not really in favor of most of time. As long as I can play games with friends and family on Gold Token my little part of the world is still a good place, taxes not withstanding.
Written on 27 Jan 2010 at 5:55AM
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