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On this day we can remember the horror we saw with our eyes the terror we felted in our hearts on that day.
The many lives lost of men, women and children. others who were willing to give their lives that saved lives of others who they didn't know.
That day as a Nation we mourned for people we didn't know, We drew closer and we prayed as a Nation. One Nation under God was real that day.
Since that day many others tragedies have shocked our Nation and our hearts and minds. We also know there will be more in the future. Evil is out there everyday and anywhere.
So when you start to judge someone because of their believes, looks, color of skin or what they have. We need to stop and take a look into their hearts.
We need to take time everyday to pray for our servicemen and women, the leaders of our country and our nation. Not judge them as they are humans therefore make mistakes, we all do, but we have a Higher power that loves us.
Pray for our Nation, leaders and yourself. Open up your hearts to truth, honor, respect and love for yourself and others. We can become stronger when we pulled together .One Nation under God with Love... Mary Maxwell
Written on 10 Sep 2013 at 8:00PM
Re: 9/11
thank u
Posted at 12 Sep 2013 at 5:46AM by * Sassy_Angel *
Re: 9/11
That was a good tribute.
Posted at 11 Sep 2013 at 3:34PM by bookfox
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Lapband surgery
I had this done on March 2nd-2010. On April 14th I go back for my frist visit and hopefully I am doing good.I havent had any problems so far,so will see how it goes after frist adjustment.I am hoping on losing a total of 100 pounds within the next year.okay now two years out and ive losted a total of 178 pounds and have kept it off was at a stand still for about a year,but have losted 55 pounds in last 6 months.i would like to lose about 45 more
Written on 11 Jul 2012 at 9:30AM
Re: Lapband surgery
I also have pdst and manic depressed ,it takes alot to deal with but i am going to make a go of it and hope i can do what i need to do
Posted at 13 Apr 2010 at 9:02PM by * Sassy_Angel *
Re: Lapband surgery
I wish you the best of luck. I had my lapband surgery 3 years ago and ended up as one of the failure statistics Sad
My problem is not will power but suffering from post traumatic stress disorder. Until I can come to terms with it losng weight AND KEEPING IT OFF will be near to impossible (for me anyway).

HuggingThumbs up
Posted at 13 Apr 2010 at 8:56PM by Scrapbooking Maven
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I have been waiting a laptop or pc for along while now and was able to get a great deal on a laptop for 130.00 so now i dont have to share with everyone who sharew the pc here and i can be on as long as i want and do what i want.THANKS LORD.
Written on 8 Jan 2010 at 8:12AM
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New Year
The new year will be upon us soon.I really hope in 2010 that everyone recieves health care and just maybe can learn to give alittle and get along better.The whole world needs LOVE
Written on 27 Dec 2009 at 4:54PM
Re: New Year
I just hope 2010 is better than 2009. Happy New Year * Sassy_Angel *
Posted at 31 Dec 2009 at 2:02PM by bill2448
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Jesus Family
Posted by * Sassy_Angel * on 12 Apr at 1:12PM
I was given the great honor of being Jesus ,earthly father
I taught Him to be a man
How to be a carpenter of wood
He was to be a carpenter of men

I was Jesus,Mother
I gave Him,love,respect and all a Mother can give
I knew He was only on loan to me
I followed from birth to death
I wepted

I was and Am His Heavenly Father
I gave to loving parents
I gave Him to the world
Some gave Him thier all
Others gave Him,hate,beating and finally death
I took Him back to Heaven
Now He awaits for you to join Hi
Written on 13 Apr 2009 at 8:12AM
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This year with the world in so much downfall,I wish everyone a great holiday season with family and friends.If the world would understand that by caring,loving and sharing with others you can be rich in peace,joy and love
Written on 24 Nov 2008 at 6:56AM
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7 years have passed and still you are in our thoughts and your families are in our prayers.So many counties losted people that day,for the glory of one main man,if you can call him that.Still he runs free and plans to make more pain and suffering to many more.Only when he is no longer on this earth will we feel safer.I know we make never see justice here in this world,but someday he will be judge and that he will get what he deserves.God Bless the families and Thank you thoses who lost thier lives that we are now a stronger nation ,because so many were willing to lose thie lives to save others,thats what this world is about being willing to give more of yourself that is asked of you in times of sorrow.
Written on 12 Sep 2008 at 5:56PM
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hANDYman the Rebel
I really dont know what has happen to you.I have emailed you and send a letter,but still nothing.i want you to know THAT you are MISSED and LOVED.We just wished that we knew what is keeping you away and not being able to let us know.We do hope you hurry back and hope we hear from you so very soon.Rebel DJ and myself are both worried sick about you.Know that we really do miss you and LOVE you
Written on 13 Jun 2008 at 4:49PM
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Barry Smith 1950-2008
When The Call Came In
Posted by * Sassy_Angel * on 19 May at 7:33PM

By dawn's early light or the midnight hour

The rain,snow or sun beating down
you always answer the call
Never knowing what the call would be
A cat in a tree or a child that needed comforted
Never failing to go in a house to save a life
even if it meant your own death
No one could ever tell you,what you have meant in thier life.
Thank you seems so small
But,to see the smiles thru the tears speak louder than words
So now the time for your reward is near.
i just want you to know that I know you will always be on call for us.
Thank you for answering the call when it came in.

Barry,you were so much than a cousin,you were my best friend.I am so sorry to lose you now,but know that you are now keeping company with other family members in Heaven.Love you forever Mary Alice

this is for my cousin who was a fireman for his whole life,but who now faces death in the very near future due to cancer. THANK YOU BARRY SMITH
Written on 23 May 2008 at 3:26PM
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nov 7th
today has been busy,i babysitted for 5 grand kids,served lunch to 15 tenats in the apt building than after hours I take care of building of 100 units.of coarse i have to take time for GT so I can remain sane lol
Written on 7 Nov 2007 at 9:25PM
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nov 6th
today was election day for mayor and for the frist time since 1953 a dem wasnt elected.but a repb was by alot of dem. changing over,because no one want the dem. to get office again.yes i was one of the dem. to change over
Written on 6 Nov 2007 at 8:36PM
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Nov blog
I am wondering how we can get a prize for Nov ,when 5 days have already pass on this contest.
I am proably the only one on GT that has put up thier Christmas Tree already lol
Today,i went shopping and than back home watched 5 kids and after they left watched the building I live in,as Im after hours caretaker.
Written on 5 Nov 2007 at 9:43PM
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My Friends
I just have to let you know about some very wonderful people I have met over the last 7 years.Frist person I really got to know was REBEL DJ ,she has been a great friend and has helped me so many times,When I have been so down and lonely she has always been there to listen or call me,when I didnt have a phone oe internet service for awhile she would call my mom to see how I was doing.I want to thank you lady for being such a great lady.Handyman was also one of the frist players I met and he has been a wonderful friend,I cant tell you how many times I have given him a name and he has purchase a membership for total strangers.I have missed him so much the last couple months .I will be so gald when he is back online,thanks for trusting me with your club.I also met a couple of players here in person Abaitha being one,she brought me a PC at one time and two frogs that set in my livingroom to this day.I would so love to see her again.Thannks lady for all you do to help in club and being a great friend.Also I met Chef Jeff and his family when they invited me to visit,I enjoyed my easter hoilday,so very much.I pray Jeff that you will come back here and chat with me.There are others who have been there and been so special,Hammer I still thank you for helping me so long ago,you will never know what it meant to me.God does send ANGELS to us and you were mine.Thanks GOD BLESS YOU
Written on 24 Sep 2007 at 7:34PM
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alittle about me
My name is Mary,Im 58 years old for a couple more months lol,until New Years Eve.I am mother of 2 boys ages now 37 and 34 and 2 daughters ages 35-33.I am grandma to 15 grandkids who are my world,ranging from 17 years old to 3 years.I live in an apt building where there are 100 units,I take care of building after the office closes everyday,weekends and holidays.I also serve lunches here,do the secret pal club and do a pitch in dinner every month.I also do Bingo and help set up day trips for tenants here.So,I keep pretty busy,I babysit 6 days a week for 3 grandkids after school.I am single and have been for over 7 years now,Im looking for a honest man and good caring man.I love to fish,rummage sales,flea markets,auctions.I love most types of music and I like to read.I like scary movies,action and true stories in movies,really dont care for any stupid movies.I have played here for along while and plan on playing here for a lot longer.I dont play at any other game sites I just dont care for them ,here I would love to see card games as thats a passion I enjoy to.I believe I am a kind,loving,caring and giving person and honest. I like to attend church.
Written on 19 Sep 2007 at 7:49AM
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