Personal Blog of LikAll
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Blog Votes
This blog has received 2 upvotes and no downvotes. You need to log in first to vote on blogs.
For me
Written on 22 Sep 2016 at 3:40AM
Re: Vote
Thank you!
The question is, when I go to vote, when both choices
are unpleasant, who do I vote for?
Do I vote for experience or arrogant?
Do I vote for one who promises the world, but has
record that is opposite. Other has fair shady record
and you get 2 for the price of one.
Do I vote for one who has helped children in the
past or one whose mouth is running uncontrolled?
Posted at 25 Sep 2016 at 3:44AM by LikAll
Re: Vote
I did vote, however you should put content in your blogs if you wish for more votes Smiling
Posted at 24 Sep 2016 at 10:42AM by MadApples
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