Personal Blog of helenrules
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My time
To all that read this I wish you a blessed day. I have been saved for a number of years. I really got to know Christ when I was in high school. A friend of mine asked me if I would like to go to a coffee house and hear this group sing. So I said sure why not sounds like fun. What I didn't know was that my life was about to change that night. I was a christian alright but I didn't know him the way I should. When we walked in there was all kinds of people. I thought what have I gotten my self into. I stayed there. I had no choice she was my ride. We started out with a prayer and a blessing. I thought this was ok. Then the music started to play. I loved that music. It got to me. I felt my self being uplifted. I closed my eyes and lifted my hands. I was so overwhelmed by the experience. I got to know Christ in a more personal way. The holy spirit lead me to where I should be. After that night I became more involved in jail house ministries and other things in my church. That was the first time I that I knew what Jesus wanted me to do. From there on I dedicated my life to him and told who ever I could find that Jesus is Lord.
Written on 6 Oct 2007 at 11:47AM
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