Personal Blog of JustPlayin
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1 2 3 Magic
When Sami was about 3 years old, I was introduced to 1 , 2 , 3 Magic. This was "the bestselling parenting books and programs that have delivered effective parenting solutions to millions of families worldwide ". It was a simple program. Basically, it was all about not "over talking" the sitution. Basically, your child knows what they are doing wrong, and you just need to say "1". If they continue to do it, say "2". If the child gets to "3" you put them in time out. Simple enough!

I come home, all ready to get my 3 year old UNDER CONTROL! I was going to show her that I was the boss around these parts! I started the process "Sami, that is 1!" she just started at my blankly. So I kept going "That's 2!" , again, just another blank stare...Puzzled I am sure you can see where this is going! Of course, Sami was sent to time out a few times, but started getting the hang of things.

Well on about day 3, she was getting in to something she was not supposed to be in. I started again "That's 1".... she just kept going "That's 2!" about this time, I see her get up, walk to her room, put her hands on her hips and yelled "That's 3" and slams her bedroom door. The kid had put herself in time out!

At that point, I realized that she was boss around these parts. I love that kid Offering heart
Written on 7 Aug 2011 at 7:13PM
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My Children
Tossing heart (right) My Children Tossing heart (left)

I keep telling myself that I am going to start writing everything down that my kids do. I have a pretty good memory, but I know it will not last forever and my memories are going to be harder and harder to keep straight. I love to share my stories about my kids too. When my kids do something fun, I call my mom. She loves to hear about all the wild and crazy things my kids too, and love to hear her laugh. Then there are the times when I call her crying on the phone because sometimes it is just hard being a mom. Resign

I am going to start blogging all my fun stories! I am sure it not going to be nearly as fun as it would be for me to tell the story, but I will do my best.

Let me give you a bit of background on my kids:

Samantha - Sami is my 12 year old daughter, she is in Jr. High, and I think this is about when the Pre-teen, or tween age begins. This is also when then "My parents are stupid" thing begins.Duh Sami is very much like I was when I was a girl. She does things, and I can put myself in her shoes, looking at my mother. (Mom, I am sorry) She is a good girl. She wants to be a physical therapist and a chef when she grows up. She suffers from allergies just like me, however, she can not remember to take her allergy pill, I think it has to do with the fact that she hates to take pills. But then again, she can not remember other things either, like feeding the animals! Walking a dog

Maddie- Maddie is my 6 yr old daughter. She is a pistol! this girl is so dramatic, and just sees things so differently then most. She is totally obsessed with Michael Jackson and Lady GaGa at the moment. Singer 2 She carries around her MP3 player listening to the same songs over and over again. She loves to play on the computer, watch out Bill Gates, this girl is good with computers! She has been playing computer games for about 3 years now, you get up from the pc, and she WILL take over. She is very dramatic! She had a cat named Buster, he disappeared a few months ago. She did not even notice for the first few weeks, now, just at any moment, she will bust into alligator tears in the blink of an eye because he is gone.

Brandon- Brandon is my 3 year old son and the baby Pushing baby stroller He has some major issues with his speech, but he is getting better. I guess when your the last one, and you have two bossy sisters, you don't get to talk much when you little. He is very hard to understand sometimes, so you finally just give up and say OK..... that is the wrong thing to do.. next thing you know, he is drawing on the walls, because you said it was "ok". Brandon gets very angry, and you know he is angry, because he will tell you, well more like he calls you a bad name. That has been a real problem. He has learned that he has to spend a lot of time in his room when he lets his anger get the best of him, and he has really calmed down a bit. We have also been potty training Brandon for the last year. He does pretty good, but has "accidents" when he is busy. Falling

Well those are my kids, I have already had so many fun stories, I would not even know where to begin. Hope you enjoy stories. I am sure most of them will be fun! Have fun
Written on 23 Jan 2010 at 8:26AM
Re: My Children
More evidence that it was indeed a wise God that gives children to young folks.
Grandkids and greatgrands are His reward to us geezers for having maintained a little bit of sanity while ours were in need of so much wisdom that we were hard pressed to find. Hang in there, young lady. The first hundred years are the hardest. ```mail2owl```
Posted at 14 Apr 2010 at 11:15AM by mail2owl
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