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(#5606394) Is this site playing up?
Posted by jd91 on 29 May 2024 at 6:13PM
Is this site currently experiencing technical issues or something because I've noticed that the clock has gone all to pot and one of my clubs' tournaments, which starts tomorrow, is no longer letting people sign up. My clubs' members are also telling me that they can't sign up.

Does anyone know what's going on?
div>Replies to this message:
SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5606636Re: Is this site playing up? M330 May 2024 12:13PM
5606574Re: Is this site playing up? PattyMac30 May 2024 5:33AM
5606505Re: Is this site playing up? M329 May 2024 7:36PM
5606501Re: Is this site playing up? fatdaddy29 May 2024 7:01PM
5606499Re: Is this site playing up? fatdaddy29 May 2024 6:44PM
5606498Re: Is this site playing up? LittleTree29 May 2024 6:33PM
5606448Re: Is this site playing up? Big Giant Head29 May 2024 1:40PM
5606447Re: Is this site playing up? PattyMac29 May 2024 1:39PM
5606434Re: Is this site playing up? Mecir29 May 2024 12:49PM
5606433Re: Is this site playing up? Mecir29 May 2024 12:42PM
5606426Re: Is this site playing up? jd9129 May 2024 7:27PM
5606424Re: Is this site playing up? jd9129 May 2024 7:23PM
5606409Re: Is this site playing up? Jools29 May 2024 7:08PM
5606408Re: Is this site playing up? jd9129 May 2024 7:05PM
5606401Re: Is this site playing up? M329 May 2024 6:53PM
5606399Re: Is this site playing up? M329 May 2024 6:51PM
5606394Is this site playing up? jd9129 May 2024 6:13PM

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