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(#5618978) Beta site Amazon test game - doubtful result
Posted by rabbitoid on 22 Jul 2024 at 10:25PM

The game ended when it should have, when I shot the arrow creating the final separated areas.

Result given when the game ended: Draw. When I look at it now it says *"Game over. Nobody won"* and in the box below: *"The game is over. Open Seat won."*

I count the areas controlled:
Yellow: 34
White: 30
Border stones: 36
Total 100, ok
It should say Big Giant Head won.
div>Replies to this message:
SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5619217Re: Beta site Amazon test game - doubtful result rabbitoid23 Jul 2024 11:23PM
5619214Re: Beta site Amazon test game - doubtful result Games Administrator23 Jul 2024 11:13PM
5618978Beta site Amazon test game - doubtful result rabbitoid22 Jul 2024 10:25PM

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