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GoldToken's 80 Image Photography Contest
Compete in GoldToken's 80 Image Photography Contest by posting your related photo in the thread under the current image. A new image will be revealed every month. A poll will be posted for voting for each image, after the image is closed.
NOTE: The images that you enter for the competition must be taken by you, a friend or family member - not searched for on the Internet.
Must be a new image, not previously used in the Photozone competition.
The current image can be found here: (unknown photo)
Entries for the current image must be submitted by June 26, 2024
Win with the most entries at the end of the contest and collect a set of LIGHTBOX Photography Cards!
Soliciting for votes is strictly prohibited!

(unknown photo)1(unknown photo)2(unknown photo)3(unknown photo)4(unknown photo)5(unknown photo)6 (unknown photo)7 (unknown photo)8(unknown photo)2nd Place
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(#5567547) Congrats to (steelbound)
Posted by Photozone Zepher on 2 Jan 2024 at 6:11AM
12 (steelbound), with photo titled Inching to Autumn, is December's Photozone competition! He won the challenge with 31 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Offering gold token

6 sallyp came in 2nd place with 20 votes for photo titled North Wales Sunset Offer silver token

5 wgh came in 3rd place with 8 votes for photo titled Australian Sunset Way to go!!

Congratulations to all the winners and Thank you to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting.

We had a total of Film RollFilm Strip GoldieFilm Strip 0Film Strip 5Film Stripend entries and 68 votes this month. Thumbs up

Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active. Hugging

2 You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled Sunset

Sunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower DividerSunflower Divider

Wishing you all a Happy New Year!

The theme for January's competition will be:

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SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5567547Congrats to (steelbound) Photozone Zepher2 Jan 2024 6:11AM

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