Word Of The Week - Hosted by Jools
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Current Poll
What word do you most associate with Summer?
Heat 47%
Ice cream 20%
Humid 13%
Sun 7%
Vacation 7%
Beach 7%
Olympics 0%
15 votes ]   [ More Polls ]

Are you a lexicographer with a florid vocabulary? Do you enjoy a challenge?

Please remember a "word" is usually singular!

  • Only one entry per player for each topic.
  • In case of duplicate entries, only the first posted will be valid
  • Words that obviously do no fit the theme may be disqualified
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(#5604982) Word for the week - antonyms
Posted by Jools on 23 May 2024 at 12:58PM
Following on from the theme of rain, let's have some antonyms.
An antonym is a word having the opposite meaning to a given word, for example an antonym of fast is slow,

Challenge: Post the word you think is the best antonym for this word;

rain Rain

div>Replies to this message:
SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5607500Re: Word for the week - antonyms Meeshamouse3 Jun 2024 11:35AM
5605193Re: Word for the week - antonyms verclo24 May 2024 12:07PM
5605105Re: Word for the week - antonyms gertess24 May 2024 4:35AM
5605097Re: Word for the week - antonyms fatdaddy24 May 2024 3:35AM
5605056Re: Word for the week - antonyms Whafflet24 May 2024 12:37AM
5605046Re: Word for the week - antonyms TaUrUsRoSe23 May 2024 10:18PM
5605010Re: Word for the week - antonyms eliphont55123 May 2024 3:23PM
5604984Re: Word for the week - antonyms PattyMac23 May 2024 1:43PM
5604982Word for the week - antonyms Jools23 May 2024 12:58PM

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