Pony Up! - You will find some fun contests here! Hosted by LittleTree!
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This is a fun board for planned and unplanned contests and games. There will be prizes of Golderos, tokens, or a personal token picked especially for you from me in some instances. You might even get your name up on this very board! Smiling

Players will only be eligible to win a prize after 2 contests, instead of 1, unless otherwise specified, ie..if you've won a contest, you will have to wait to enter until 2 have been run and won. *Random contests where guesses are posted on the board will change to 2 guesses allowed, per day, so other players will also have a better chance at having access to the contests. One entry for voting contests, please. Please Note: Repeat entries will not be used. Thank you for your understanding of these guidelines. Offering flower.

There will not be a lot of rules but I do ask PLEASE do not solicit votes from other members and PLEASE click *REPLY on the last entry entered instead of posting a new comment to help keep the board in order.* Thank you

In case of repeat entries, the first entry will be used. Tokens you can win are randomly picked unless otherwise specified by the host.

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(#5578148) My Funny Valentine Voting
Posted by LittleTree on 9 Feb 2024 at 6:17PM

Hey, guys, you really touched my Cards Suit Hearts with your wonderful valentines! Couldn't ask for any better and boy, does GoldToken have some great poets!

Vote for your favorite valentine below! Winner to get a Pony Up token AND the bonus token!

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue
You do a Fantastic job
And we Love you.

Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts Cards Suit Hearts

"I’ve come here with no expectations,
only to profess now that I am at liberty to do so,
that my heart is, and always will be, yours."

Cupid Cupid Cupid Cupid

You're a good friend
You are funny and kind.
Will you say , yes
And be my Valentine?
Growing Heart Purple Happy Valentines Day!

Roses are red;
Daisies are white;
You make everyday for us a delight,
Daffodils are yellow;
Violets are blue;
So much amusement and fun, we value you!! Cards Suit Hearts

Little Tree is nice
She is a lovely lady
She deserves thanks
and a big box of chocolate

On Valentine's Day we think about
Those matchless people who
Give extra meaning to our lives--
The very special few.

Without them, skies would turn to gray;
Things wouldn't be the same;
Life wouldn't be as colorful;
It would be a duller game.

And when I contemplate that group--
Friends and GT family who are mine,
I appreciate and treasure you;
You're essential, Valentine!

Dear LittleTree

You make me do handstands,
You make me do flips,
You make me do summer saults,
With you I can’t slip.

In heart you are with me;
Always my friend
Online and offline,
You’re not just a trend.

But you make me be honest:
I cannot lie.
I’m really not nimble;
Those stunts make me cry.

Funny Valentine, you make smile from ear to ear
My heart is light and laughing
My soul is at peace.
Why my funny valentine love is in the air
Red hearts and chocolate candy roses
Cards that are loving or just bring tears to my eyes
Just say you will be mine and mine alone
Then I can love without fear of being hurt

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SubjectPosted ByDate & Time
5578148My Funny Valentine Voting LittleTree9 Feb 2024 6:17PM

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