Polls - Discuss the current poll topic
Please read the Discussion Board Rules before participating in the discussion boards. Current Poll
Have a suggestion for a site wide poll? Send your suggestion to GoldToken's Pollmaster, for consideration!
(unknown photo) New starting June 2024! A monthly token that will change every year! That means that if you won a token in the past year, you will be eligible again in the coming year. Remember the rules: 1) There will be a poll at the end of each month. This poll will list all the polls used that month with the exception of any by authors that have won this in the past. 2) Each poll used will be listed even if multiple polls used are by the same person, with the exception if they have won before. 3) Each poll listed would have to be an original never before used poll (even reworded) 4) Poll entered must have question AND answers or it doesn't qualify. 5)Submissions will be counted for this poll in the month they are USED. Therefore, If you submit in June and it's used in August, It will be included in the August poll. Winner will be announced in the Monthly Newsletter. Submit those polls to the Pollmaster and make it soon before someone submits your idea first.Each poll used during the month will still receive a poll tokens and will be eligible for the monthly poll. We reserve the right to make changes to any submitted suggestions. . (#5665449) Re: Bills
Posted by bobby b 71 on 3 Feb 2025 at 12:05PM Bravo Fatdaddy! I only pay with GREEN! If I have a BUSINESS TRANSACTION I go to a gal I will always love! (almost married her 25 yrs. ago!) She is still the love of my life and Associate director of the bank I do BUSINESS with! I have never to this date been HACKED! Only on the street was I hacked, and that was a case of mistaken identity! (The poor hacker fell on a sharp edge! We got our ankles locked and he fell onto something sharp, and I got away! I danced the Japanese Fox Trot (de ashi harai) Japanese for double ankle sweep) a little better than my foe! And another brilliant idea! Always keep your 4 digit pin # stored up in the Caudate and Global Pallidus of the Grey and White matter of your Brain! They might snatch your wallet or purse if you store it there but they cannot snatch it from your BRAIN!!
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