Zwischenzug - You've Got Mate Information
and supporting -
*** (unknown photo)

Zwischenzug: “In-between move.” A German term for an often unexpected reply thrown into an expected sequence of moves.

Zwischenzug is strictly for those who hold chess dear and wish to know more about it.

As a club, we are open for challenges. So bring it on!
Zwischenzug - You've Got Mate Chess Players
SeatNameClub ChallengeInvite
1.cubs [ invite ]
2.Catmane [ invite ]
3.Walkingron [ invite ]
4.erimines [ invite ]
5.Robyn Hode [ invite ]
6.Badger [ invite ]
7.Ray of Light [ invite ]
Zwischenzug - You've Got Mate Members
[ send message ] [ invite ] Badger (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Catmane (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] cubs (Club Owner)
[ send message ] [ invite ] erimines (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Ray of Light (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Robyn Hode (President)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Walkingron (President)
Club Officers
Club Owner: cubs
President: Badger
President: Catmane
President: erimines
President: Ray of Light
President: Robyn Hode
President: Walkingron
Our Games
Joining these sub-clubs allows you to challenge other members to games.
Our Teams
Teams participate in inter-club challenges and inter-club ladders.
Our Ladders
Ladders accessible only to members of this club.