Reversi Master Matters Small Reversi Players
SeatNameClub ChallengeInvite
1.Neat [ invite ]
2.DavidJ [ invite ]
Reversi Master Matters Members
[ send message ] [ invite ] DavidJ (Club Owner)
[ send message ] [ invite ] Neat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
[ send message ] [ invite ] Open Seat
Reversi Master Matters Information
If you're looking for a no frills Reversi Club, this is it.
A place for beginners to the expert.

"They say Reversi takes a Moment to learn,
and a Lifetime to Master"
Club Officers
Club Owner: DavidJ
This club is open for anyone to join. However, you do not currently have the required Silver Level Membership needed to join a club. You will need to purchase a Silver Level Membership if you want to join this club.
Our Games
Joining these sub-clubs allows you to challenge other members to games.
Giveaway Reversi
Blackhole Reversi
Large Reversi
Small Reversi
Our Teams
Teams participate in inter-club challenges and inter-club ladders.
Giveaway Reversi
Blackhole Reversi
Large Reversi
Small Reversi
Our Ladders
Ladders accessible only to members of this club.
Giveaway Reversi
Blackhole Reversi
Large Reversi
Small Reversi