Greetings, players !
As you have certainly just noticed, our site now sports an
improved new look, replacing the previous aging one with a more modern design.
Much like the previous site design, the new one is available in multiple colors, so that you can pick the scheme that suits you most.
In case that you really don't like the new design, worry not - in your preferences, you can switch back to the previous version. We do hope that you'll like the changed look, though.
And this is not all, there are more changes available!
Most noticeably, the
New Game page has been improved significantly, it is now much more dynamic and allows you to select games without having to scroll a single huge list. Due to browser scripting involved, this unfortunately will not work on older WebTV units - owners of these will see no change to the game selector on the New Game screen.
Furthermore, our
preferences system has been streamlined - all game-related preferences are now accessible through the "Adjust graphics" link under the board of the relevant game. The Preferences screen, accessible from the gamesheet, contains only side-wide settings now.
Finally, I have made some adjustments to the rules of our
Thai Checkers game, so that it conforms to how this game is actually played in reality.
Enjoy !