Solving the Trivia Quiz

This Nugget has been written by smiler5 on 29 Nov at 4:54PM

Category: Site Tips and Tricks

Each month Red Panda sets a Trivia Quiz published in the Newsletter.

Clues are given to the identity of ten individuals and all are linked by a theme.

I have really enjoyed tackling these quizzes, which definitely provide a good challenge!

There are usually 4 or so elements to each clue

eg: Often lied about his age; went to school in Paris; his drawings were published in a fairy tale ; wanted to marry his pet

Named after the state she was born, but known by her middle name. Became a better singer after being hospitalized with a throat infection; married twice, two children ; seriously hurt from 2 serious car crashes; known for generosity; predicted her own death.

Techniques which help are: use a search engine and type in what seems the most obscure or quirky part of the clue

try combining two or three key words linked by 'and' in your search

be patient and try synonyms if the first search does not lead you to the solution.

Once you have two answers (Or even better three ) start looking for the link.

If you can find the connection it helps you solve the remaining clues much more quickly.

Sometimes simply typing What links Name1 and Name2 will lead you to the theme that connects all ten. But the more individuals you identify the more likely you are to light on that key link. So far the links have included:

all ten had spiders named after them
all ten had places named after them
all ten died in plane crashes

It is very satisfying to complete and exercises the grey cells very effectively.......I've learned a lot! Smiling
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