A few basic strategy pointers

This Nugget has been written by Sir Face of the GoldTable on 11 Jun at 10:42AM

Category: Grabble

In Grabble the idea is to have the most points at the end of the game, some simple pointers to help:

The longest word you can make is most often not the best play.

The word that scores the most is not necessarily the best play.

Generally, you should try to avoid plays that give your opponent a chance to hit one of the big multipliers.

Try to keep your rack balanced; retaining any of e,r,s,t,blank and scoring 5 or 10 points less can mean you have a much better chance that you will get a 7 or 8 letter word next shot for a much bigger score.

Similarly if you have 5 or more vowels then try and get rid of 3 or more even if it's for a low score, or seriously consider trading. Don't get stuck with a rack full of junk only changing one or two letters each time. Bite the bullet, trade and play catchup if needed.

If you are in the lead it is quite often a good idea to block up the board a bit to reduce the chances your opponent will pull a 7 letter word score out and catch up.

If you are behind on the other hand you may need to take a chance or two and open up the board to give yourself a slim chance. And when it comes to chance, slim is better than none.

If you have an x,q, and to a lesser degree a z or j then look to see if you can drop a pair of two letter words xi,xu,ax,ex,ox etc with that latter on a triple or better score - having 6 or 8 times on the x alone is worth a lot.

Even with smaller value letters running a 3 or 4 letter word along and making another 3 or 4 2-letter words will quite often score a lot more than playing a 5 or 6 letter word and using up all those nice tiles that might let you go out next time.

Happy Grabbling
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