My Doctor Told Me I Needed to Listen to my Body More
Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences
- ..But it was moaning so loudly I couldn't hear.
- told me I needed more chocolate
- ..but my psychiatrist tells me to stop listening to the voices in my head .
- I got a hearing aid.
- ..but I'm tired of listening to all of the creaking and toots.
- I decked them. (My body told me to)
- ..So I started using a stethoscope.
- ..My doctor obviously has not listened to the loud creaks my body makes when I get up in the morning!
- ..I said NO - it talks to much
- ..Otherwise, I will be doing Deadlifts.
- ..My body told me to really listen to my doctor..
- ..It was saying help me help me lose some
- body said are you kidding me
- ..I didn't and learned it the hard way!
- ..But, I told him, "NO! I'm here because I need to hear it less, much less!"
- ..But it's silent
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