I Can't Come to Work Today
Poll assigned to board: Paraprosdokian Sentences
- ..because I make more money staying home on unemployment.
- ..I retired yesterday, WoHoo!
- ..because of an Eye problem. I just can’t see myself working today.
- ..I just won the lottery and I don’t have to.
- ..It's Playday.
- ..because I woke up in a good mood and I don't want to ruin it.
- ..Because it's raining, and the wipers are broken!
- ..because I simply can't be bothered
- ..Mr Smithers I have small pox.
- ..furthermore I wouldn't if I could as I have developed an allergy to the process.
- ..Because I don't work there, retired
- ..Because my doctor said I need more vitamin D, so I'm heading off to the beach
- ..as I'm locked inside my house.
- ..It's my birthday and I have a lot of plans other than work!
- ..Because that raise you denied me forced me to buy the cheap used car which broke down on my way to work.
- ..You fired me yesterday
- ..because of this strange August blizzard!
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