What Warning Label would you put on your closet door
What Warning Label would you put on your closet door

Poll assigned to board: Warning Labels

  • Use caution. There are enough different sizes in this closet! (21%)
  • No more clothes please! (14%)
  • Make sure you take your GPS in with you, might be weeks before your found (14%)
  • You don't want to open me (14%)
  • Beware of the tiger! (7%)
  • I wouldn't go in there if I were you. (7%)
  • This is the one my cousin came out of (7%)
  • Fibber McGee's Closet. (4%)
  • Scarier than a skeleton in the closet (4%)
  • I know I was told it was a closet but seems like a hole in the wall. (4%)
  • Beware of falling curtain rods! (4%)
Votes: 28
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