A new type of Challenge[ A new type of Challenge ]
Total games played - 9897 games being played - 34 Total still to play - 262 Progress - 2726.72%
Current score { Player#20420 } 53 { Player#47671 } 42 Drawn games 32
| *GAME TYPE* | *GAME#* | { Player#20420 } rating | { Player#47671 } rating | *WINNER* | |*All Aboard*|*1 played of 1 variant*|*Complete*| |All Aboard|{ Game#11457820 }| 1583 | 1256 | { Player#20420 } | |*Animosity*|*1 variant*| |*Backgammon*|*9 played of 32 variants*| |Backgammon|{ Game#11118230 }| 1885 | 1483 | { Player#20420 } | |Backgammon (7-point)|{ Game#12190691 }| 1875 | 1482 | { Player#20420 } | |Nackgammon (5-point)|{ Game#11304671 }| 1816 | 1214 | { Player#20420 } | |Reverse Backgammon (5-point)|{ Game#13374149 }| 1615 | 1469 | { Player#20420 } | |Reverse Backgammon (7-point)|{ Game#13632871 }| 1627 | 1471 | { Player#47671 } | |Giveaway Backgammon|{ Game#11141350 }| 2010 | 1394 | { Player#20420 } | |Long Backgammon (3-point)|{ Game#14536399 }| 1786 | 1381 | | |Hyoergammon (9-point)|{ Game#13956836 }| 1836 | 1465 | { Player#47671 } | |Acey Deucey|{ Game#11971736 }| 1909 | 1655 | { Player#20420 } | |Tawula|{ Game#12503218 }| 1835 | 1290 | { Player#47671 } | |*Bagh-Chal: Tigers and Goats*|*1 variant*| |*Barricade*|*1 played of 4 variants*| |Barricade|{ Game#12870514 }| 1570 | 1243 | { Player#20420 } | |*Camelot*|*1 played of 5 variants*| |Camette|{ Game#12870513 }| unrated | 1175 | { Player#47671 } | |*Caveman*|*1 played of 2 variants*| |Cromagnon Holdum|{ Game#12870512 }| unrated | 1425 | { Player#47671 } | |*Checkers*|*8 played of 21 variants*| |Checkers|{ Game#11118239 }| 1481 | 1428 | { Player#20420 } | |Argentinian Checkers|{ Game#11171605 }| unrated | 890 | { Player#47671 } | |Armenian Checkers|{ Game#14123625 }| unrated | 1537 | { Player#47671 } | |11 Man Ballot|{ Game#12190693 }| unrated | 1110 | { Player#20420 } | |Canadian Checkers|{ Game#13957230 }| unrated | 1290 | { Player#47671 } | |Czech Checkers|{ Game#11304672 }| unrated | 1184 | { Player#20420 } | |Thai Checkers|{ Game#12648047 }| unrated | 1105 | { Player#20420 } | |Turkish Checkers|{ Game#11457821 }| unrated | 1105 | { Player#20420 } | |*Chess*|*71 in progress, 6 played of 29 variants*| |Chess|{ Game#11118231 }| 1369 | 1240 | { Player#47671 } | |Three Checks Chess|{ Game#11128809 }| unrated | 1195 | { Player#47671 } | |Alice Chess|{ Game#11146702 }| unrated | 1240 | { Player#47671 } | |Dark Chess|{ Game#11710521 }| unrated | 1078 | { Player#20420 } | |Grand Dice Chess|{ Game#13904706 }| 1146 | unrated | { Player#47671 } | |Los Alamos Chess|{ Game#13373695 }| 1040 | 1136 | { Player#47671 } | |Small Chess|{ Game#14536430 }| 1155 | 1265 | DRAWN | | | |*Chinese Checkers*|*2 played of 5 variants*| |Fast Chinese Checkers|{ Game#13673344 }| 1558 | 1542 | { Player#20420 } | |Small Two-Player Chinese Checkers|{ Game#13116062 }| unrated | 1303 | { Player#20420 } | |*Connect Six*|*1 played of 1 variant*|*Complete*| |Connect Six|{ Game#11358827 }| 1241 | 1364 | { Player#20420 } | |*Cribbage*|*3 played of 5 variants*| |Cribbage|{ Game#12503215 }| 1709 | 1528 | { Player#47671 } | |Fast Cribbage|{ Game#13347158 }| 1456 | 1614 | { Player#47671 } | |Twisted Cribbage|{ Game#11973465 }| 1537 | 1627 | { Player#47671 } | |*CrossDowns*|*6 played of 19 variants*| |CrossDowns|{ Game#11118240 }| unrated | 1270 | { Player#20420 } | |CrossDowns Large|{ Game#14253167 }| unrated | 1346 | { Player#20420 } | |CrossDowns Race|{ Game#11141351 }| unrated | 1210 | { Player#47671 } | |Stacking CrossDowns Race|{ Game#11146705 }| unrated | 1375 | { Player#47671 } | |Word O'Rama Race-Around|{ Game#11175966 }| 1076 | 1018 | { Player#47671 } | |Five Square CrossDowns|{ Game#13347159 }| unrated | 1453 | { Player#20420 } | |*Diagonal Duel*|*1 in progress, 7 played of 12 variants*| |Diagonal Dual (3-pont)|{ Game#13930203 }| 1617 | 1506 | { Player#47671 } | |Diagonal Dual (5-pont)|{ Game#13483568 }| unrated | 1560 | { Player#20420 } | |Diagonal Dual (9-pont)|{ Game#13904715 }| unrated | 1543 | { Player#20420 } | |Any Which Way Duel (3-point)|{ Game#14253170 }| unrated | 1861 | { Player#47671 } | |Any Which Way Duel (5-point)|{ Game#12110110 }| unrated | 1543 | { Player#47671 } | |Any Which Way Duel (9-point)|{ Game#14533401 }| unrated | 1679 | | |Large Diagonal Duel (3-point)|{ Game#11973466 }| unrated | 1502 | { Player#20420 } | |Large Diagonal Duel (9-point)|{ Game#13006773 }| unrated | 1476 | { Player#20420 } | |*Dipole*|*1 played of 3 variants*| |Dipole|{ Game#13116131 }| 1546 | 1560 | { Player#47671 } | |*Domination*|*1 played of 4 variants*| |Color Domination|{ Game#13116132 }| unrated | 1203 | { Player#20420 } | |*Dominoes*|*2 played of 11 variants*| |Dominoes|{ Game#12502343 }| 1393 | 1247 | { Player#47671 } | |Fives and Threes|{ Game#12299331 }| 1353 | 1394 | { Player#20420 } | |*Fidchell*|*1 played of 2 variants*| |Fidichell|{ Game#14045101 }| unrated | 1205 | { Player#20420 } | |*Four in a Row*|*2 played of 10 variants*| |Cylindrical Four (Only) In a Row|{ Game#13447953 }| 1457 | 1543 | { Player#20420 } | |Zero G Four In a Row|{ Game#14536431 }| 1314 | 1532 | { Player#47671 } | |*Gami*|*1 played of 2 variants*| |Gami|{ Game#13839371 }| 1380 | 1286 | { Player#20420 } | |*Go*|*1 played of 4 variants*| |Go 13x13|{ Game#14123627 }| unrated | 1412 | { Player#47671 } | |*Go Moku*|*2 played of 5 variants*| |Go Moku|{ Game#13598526 }| 1360 | 1469 | { Player#47671 } | |Golden Pente|{ Game#14123626 }| 1591 | 1448 | { Player#20420 } | |*GoldDots*|*2 played of 9 variants*| |GoldDots|{ Game#12503217 }| 1362 | 1324 | { Player#47671 } | |LineDots|{ Game#12110111 }| unrated | 1512 | { Player#20420 } | |*Grabble*|*2 played of 9 variants*| |Grabble|{ Game#11982260 }| 1290 | 1333 | { Player#47671 } | |Grabble Race|{ Game#12665777 }| 1346 | 1464 | { Player#47671 } | |*Halma*|*2 played of 6 variants*| |Color Halme|{ Game#13598525 }| unrated | 1325 | DRAWN | |10x10 Halme|{ Game#14123624 }| 1335 | 1308 | { Player#47671 } | |*Hangman*|*1 in progress, 1 played of 10 variants*| |Hangman|{ Game#14536432 }| 1289 | 1170 | | |Kickback Executioner|{ Game#13447975 }| unrated | 1198 | { Player#20420 } | |*Hex*|*1 played of 8 variants*| |Havannah|{ Game#13598527 }| unrated | 1172 | { Player#47671 } | |*High Seas*|*1 variant*| |*Imperium*|*1 variant*| |*Konane*|*2 played of 5 variants*| |Konane 12x10|{ Game#13598524 }| unrated | 1319 | { Player#20420 } | |Konane 12x12|{ Game#14253174 }| unrated | 1236 | { Player#20420 } | |*Lines of Action*|*1 played of 8 variants*| |6x6 Scrambled Eggs|{ Game#12643734 }| unrated | 1307 | { Player#47671 } | |*Loco Ochos*|*1 played of 3 variants*| |Loco Ochos|{ Game#13864745 }| 1512 | 1652 | { Player#47671 } | |*Ludocrous*|*4 variants*| |Ludodecarte|{ Game#12503219 }| unrated | 1307 | { Player#20420 } | |*MahJong*|*2 variants*| |*Mancala*|*2 variants*| |*Mentalis*|*1 variant*| |*Moebius Moguls*|*1 played of 1 variant*|*Complete*| |Moebius Moguls|{ Game#13373696 }| 1244 | 1326 | { Player#47671 } | |*Nine Mens Morris*|*1 played of 2 variants*| |Nine Men Morris|{ Game#11175968 }| unrated | unrated | { Player#20420 } | |*Ordo*|*1 variant*| |*Outbreak*|*3 played of 5 variants*| |Outbreak|{ Game#14253171 }| 1463 | 1449 | { Player#20420 } | |Large Outbreak|{ Game#14253882 }| 1369 | 1512 | { Player#20420 } | |Small Outbreak|{ Game#13864746 }| 1383 | 1415 | { Player#20420 } | |*Paper Football*|*2 played of 9 variants*| |Dice Paper Basketball|{ Game#13447976 }| unrated | 1330 | { Player#20420 } | |Simple Paper Basketball|{ Game#13632872 }| unrated | 984 | { Player#20420 } | |*Pipes*|*7 variants*| |*Plataeu*|*1 variant*| |*Polar Poultry*|*1 played of 1 variant*|*Complete*| |Polar Poultry|{ Game#12190692 }| 1515 | 1583 | { Player#47671 } | |*Quarto*|*1 variant*| |*Relic Rush*|*1 variant*| |*Renju*|*7 variants*| |*Reversi*|*1 played of 8 variants*| |Large Reversi|{ Game#12299361 }| 1408 | 1614 | { Player#47671 } | |*Rock Paper Scisssors*|*1 played of 3 variants*| |Rock Paper Scissors|{ Game#12648043 }| 1515 | 1570 | { Player#20420 } | |*Rummikub*|*6 played of 16 variants*| |Rummikub|{ Game#11118241 }| 1316 | 1443 | { Player#47671 } | |Rummikub (50-point)|{ Game#13904707 }| 1306 | 1396 | { Player#47671 } | |American Rummikub|{ Game#11145847 }| 1316 | 1443 | { Player#20420 } | |Group Rummikub|{ Game#11175965 }| 1377 | 1301 | { Player#20420 } | |Straight Rummikub|{ Game#13839410 }| 1197 | 1339 | { Player#20420 } | |Straight Rummikub (500-point)|{ Game#11982261 }| 1246 | 1432 | { Player#47671 } | |*Salvo*|*2 played of 8 variants*| |Decoy Salvo|{ Game#13481428 }| 1526 | 1564 | { Player#20420 } | |Multi-Hit Salvo|{ Game#13904704 }| 1549 | 1445 | { Player#20420 } | |*Senet*|*2 played of 14 variants*| |1-4-5 Senet|{ Game#13483597 }| 1321 | 1058 | { Player#20420 } | |Short Senet|{ Game#12665776 }| 1349 | 1290 | { Player#20420 } | |*Shake Rattle & Roll*|*3 played of 8 variants*| |Maxi Shake|{ Game#13347164 }| 1328 | 1463 | { Player#47671 } | |Shake It Up|{ Game#13904705 }| 1437 | 1313 | { Player#20420 } | |Triple Shake|{ Game#13483559 }| 1277 | 1419 | { Player#47671 } | |*Shogi*|*4 variants*| |*Skat*|*3 variants*| |*That Baseball Game*|*3 variants*| |*Tic Tac Stack*|*1 played of 1 variant*|*Complete*| |Tic Tac Stack|{ Game#14045100 }| 1000 | unrated | { Player#20420 } | |*Trax*|*1 played of 4 variants*| |Lucky Trax|{ Game#13347160 }| 1417 | 1529 | { Player#20420 } | |*Whist*|*1 variant*| |*Xiangxi*|*1 played of 2 variants*| |Janggi|{ Game#12665543 }| unrated | 1191 | DRAWN | |*Xiphias*|*1 played of 4 variants*| |Xiphiastrey|{ Game# 12714869 } | 1364 | 1587 | { Player#20420 } |
*Animosity* 1 to go Animosity
*Backgammon* 23 to go 3 Point Backgammon 5 Point Backgammon 9 Point Backgammon Hypergammon 3 Point Hypergammon 5 Point Hypergammon 7 Point Hypergammon Giveaway Hypergammon Long Gammon 3 Point Long Gammon - playing 5 Point Long Gammon 7 Point Long Gammon 9 Point Long Gammon Nackgammon 3 Point Nackgammon 7 Point Nackgammon 9 Point Nackgammon Reverse Backgammon 3 point Reverse Backgammon 9 point Reverse Backgammon Tabula Moultezim Tourne-case
*Bagh-Chal: Tigers and Goats* 1 to go
*Barricade* 3 to go Inverticade Small Inverticade Small Barricade
*Camelot* 4 to go Camelot Cam Chivalry River Camelot
*Caveman* 1 to go Caveman
*Checkers* 13 to go Brazilian Checkers Corner Checkers Corner Checkers 8x8 8 Man Czech Checkers Frisian Checkers Giveaway Checkers International Checkers Italian Checkers African-American Straight Checkers Pool Checkers Restriction Checkers Russian Checkers Spanish Checkers
*Chess* 22 to go Atomic Chess Benedict Chess Cylindrical Chess Dice Chess 10x10 Dice Chess Extinction Chess Fischer Random Chess Chessgi Giveaway Chess Blackhole Chess Jabberwocky Chess Knights vs. Bishops Chess Marseillais Chess Metamorphosis Chess Pocket Knight Progressive Chess Recycle Chess Small Chess - playing Strategic Chess Thematic Chess Unorthodox Chess Troitzky Chess Trojan Chess
*Chinese Checkers* 3 to go Chinese Checkers Small Chinese Checkers Two-Player Chinese Checkers
*Cribbage* 2 to go Back 'Em Up Cribbage Giveaway Cribbage
*CrossDowns* 13 to go Large CrossDowns Race Large Stacking CrossDowns Race Stacking Word O'Rama Race-Around CrossDowns Scatter Large CrossDowns Scatter Stacking CrossDowns Scatter Large Stacking CrossDowns Scatter Small CrossDowns Square CrossDowns Stacking CrossDowns Large Stacking CrossDowns CrossDowns Swapper Large CrossDowns Swapper
*Diagonal Duel* 5 to go Diagonal Duel Any Which Way Duel 9-point Any Which Way Duel - playing Large Diagonal Duel 5-point Large Diagonal Duel
*Dipole* 2 to go Large Dipole Dipole Titan
*Domination* 3 to go Domination Euro Domination Rail Domination
*Dominoes* 9 to go Double Nine Dominoes Double Twelve Dominoes Double Nine Fives and Threes Double Twelve Fives and Threes Mexican Train Mexican Train (Fast) Muggins Double Nine Muggins Double Twelve Muggins
*Fidchell* 1 to go Thematic Fidchell
*Four In a Row* 8 to go Four In a Row Double Trouble Four In a Row Giveaway Four In a Row Blackhole Four In a Row Quicksand Four In a Row Hotspot Four In a Row Treble Trouble Four In A Row Wormhole Four In A Row
*Gami* 1 to go Gami Stockade
*Go* 3 to go Go 7x7 Go 9x9 Go 19x19
*Go Moku* 3 to go Large Go Moku Pente Small Go Moku
*GoldDots* 7 to go 123 Dots DiceDots GoldFences Large GoldDots MiniDots RandomDots Small GoldDots
*Grabble* 7 to go AnyGrabble Floating Blanks Grabble Grabble Scatter Small Grabble Square Grabble Stacking Grabble Grabble Swapper
*Halma* 4 to go Halma Large Halma Marked Halma Tournament Halma
*Hangman* 9 to go Hangman - playing Hanging DiceMan Executioner Thematic Hangman Thematic Executioner Kickback Hangman Kickback Hanging DiceMan Kickback Thematic Hangman Kickback Thematic Executioner
*Hex* 7 to go Hex Chameleon Hex Small Havannah Tiny Havannah Large Hex Small Hex Hex-Y
*High Seas* 1 to go High Seas
*Imperium* 1 to go Imperium
*Konane* 3 to go Konane 6x6 Konane 10x10 Konane
*Lines of Action* 7 to go Lines of Action 6x6 Lines of Action Scrambled Eggs Gemma 6x6 Gemma Parachute 6x6 Parachute
*Loco Ochos* 2 to go Mau Mau Switch
*Ludocrous* 4 to go Ludocrous Ludodeux Ludocarte Ludodecarte
*Mahjong* 2 to go Mahjong Dragon's Breath
*Mancala* 2 to go Mancala Oware
*Mentalis* 1 to go Mentalis
*Nine Men Morris* 1 to go Twelve Men Morris
*Ordo* 1 to go Ordo
*Outbreak* 2 to go Outbreak Ataxx Blackhole Outbreak
*Paper Football* 7 to go Paper Football Dice Paper Football Simple Paper Football Paper Hockey Dice Paper Hockey Simple Paper Hockey Paper Basketball
*Pipes* 7 to go Pipes ConnectaPipe Dice Pipe Large Dice Pipes Drain Pipe Random Pipe Wrench It
*Plateau* 1 to go Plateau
*Quarto* 1 to go Quarto
*Relic Rush* 1 to go Relic Rush
*Renju* 7 to go Basic Renju Classic Renju Renju: Sakata Renju: Soosyrv Renju: Taraguchi Renju: Tarannikov Renju: Yamaguchi
*Reversi* 7 to go Reversi Giveaway Reversi Blackhole Reversi Mini Reversi Small Reversi Slingshot Reversi Shotgun Reversi
*Rock Paper Scissors* 2 to go Rock Paper Scissors Lizard Spock Rock Paper Scissors Seven
*Rummikub* 10 to go 100-point Rummikub 500-point Rummikub 100-point American Rummikub 50-point American Rummikub 500-point American Rummikub 100-point Group Rummikub 50-point Group Rummikub 500-point Group Rummikub 100-point Straight Rummikub 50-point Straight Rummikub
*Salvo* 6 to go Salvo Devious Salvo Dice Salvo Hit&Miss Salvo Salvo Plus Stealth Salvo
*Senet* 12 to go Senet Senet (Bell's variant) Ftoou Bell's Senet Ftoou Senet Hit and Run Senet Pitstop Senet Short 1-4-5 Senet Short Senet (Bell's variant) Short Hit and Run Senet Short Pitstop Senet Short Swapping Senet Swapping Senet
*Shake Rattle & Roll* 5 to go Shake Rattle & Roll Shake It Fast Shake Your Bootie Neapolitan Shake Shake It Baby
*Shogi* 4 to go Shogi Handicap Shogi Hasami Shogi Mini Shogi
*Skat* 3 to go Officer's Skat 20-point Officer's Skat 40-point Officer's Skat
*That Baseball Game* 3 to go That Baseball Game That Fast Baseball Game That Short Baseball game
*Trax* 3 to go 8x8 Trax Loop Trax Trax
*Whist* 1 to go Whist
*Xiangqi* 1 to go Xiangqi
*Xiphias* 3 to go Xiphias Xiphiastoo Xiphiasyn
Posted by Big Giant Head on 27 Mar at 8:22AM I'm looking for a challenger. What I'm planning is that I will play someone at one game of each type available on GoldToken. That's 21 games in total. Whoever wins the most of these 21 is crowned 'Best all-round type competition thingy champion' or something. They can then search for a new challenger. All games will be a 3-day loss of game. The exact game from each group will be chosen randomly, with a 50% chance of it being the main basic version.
=Challenge 2
=Champion - Big Giant Head
=Challenger - JonathanT
Score after 21 games completed Big Giant Head 4 JonathanT 16 drawn 1
| *GAME#* | *TYPE OF GAME* | { Player#20420 } rating | { Player#61020 } rating | *WINNER* | |{ Game#5261034 }|Nackgammon (9point)| 1661P | unrated | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261035 }|Checkers| 1293T | 1646P | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261038 }|Chess| 1244T | 1755F | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261039 }|Go 13x13| unrated | unrated | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261040 }|Four in a Row | 1496T | 2083T | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261042 }|Small Go Moku| 1390T | 1800T | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261043 }|Lines of Action| 1272T | 1531P | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261044 }|Outbreak| 1595T | 1763P | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261045 }|Giveaway Reversi| 1141P | unrated | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261046 }|Rock Paper Scissors| 1469P | 1478P | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261047 }|Devious Salvo| 1508P | 1548P | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5261049 }|Lucky Trax| 1316T | 1494T | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261051 }|Whist| unrated | 1214T | draw | |{ Game#5261054 }|Dominoes| 1286T | unrated | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261055 }|Grabble Race| 1158P | 1484T | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261056 }|GoldDots| 967P | unrated | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261057 }|Shake It Baby| 1268T | 1319P | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261058 }|ConnectaPipe| 1660P | 1805F | *JonathanT* | |{ Game#5261059 }|Large Dipole| unrated | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5261060 }|Xiphiastoo| 1560T | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5261061 }|Halma| 1333T | unrated | *Big Giant Head* |
=Challenge 1 =Big Giant Head v loca
Score after 21 games completed Big Giant Head 15 loca 3 drawn 3
| *GAME#* | *TYPE OF GAME* | { Player#20420 } rating | { Player#44903 } rating | *WINNER* | |{ Game#5162512 }|Xiphias| 1623 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162511 }|Large Dipole| unrated | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162510 }|Large Halma| 1387 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162509 }|Lucky Trax| 1316 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162506 }|Decoy Salvo | 1526 | unrated | *loca* | |{ Game#5162505 }|Lines of Action| 1272 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162504 }|Go Moku| 1321 | 1357 | *loca* | |{ Game#5162503 }|Go 13x13| unrated | unrated | *draw* | |{ Game#5162501 }|Chess| 1289 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162500 }|Pool Checkers| 1053 | unrated | *draw* | |{ Game#5162499 }|Backgammon (7 Point)| 1753 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162498 }|Grabble Swapper| 1325 | unrated | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162494 }|Pipes| 1473 | 1285 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162493 }|Cylindrical Four (Only) In A Row| unrated | unrated | *draw* | |{ Game#5162491 }|GoldDots| 967 | 1113 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162487 }|Shake Rattle & Roll| 1272 | 1341 | *loca* | |{ Game#5162486 }|Dominoes| 1310 | 1361 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162485 }|Whist| unrated | 1198 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162484 }|Rock Paper Scissors| 1469 | 1471 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162483 }|Reversi| 1501 | 1097 | *Big Giant Head* | |{ Game#5162479 }|Large Outbreak| 1697 | 1313 | *Big Giant Head* |
Future challengers: { Player#51481 } { Player#19375 } { Player#4984 } { Player#58676 } You are looking at the changes between one revision of this wiki page and another. Changes are highlighted as indicated:- Text that has been added: new text
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