ab | abbreviation of "about" |
ac | abbreviation of "acre" |
ag | relating to agriculture |
ap | abbreviation of "apothecary" |
aq | abbreviation of "aqua" |
au | abbreviation of "author" |
av | abbreviation of "avenue" |
bb | abbreviation of "books" |
bd | abbreviation of "board" |
bk | abbreviation of "bank" |
bl | abbreviation of "barrel" |
bn | abbreviation of "battalion" |
bp | abbreviation of "birthplace" |
br | abbreviation of "bedroom" |
bu | abbreviation of "bushel" |
bx | abbreviation of "box" |
ca | abbreviation of "circa" |
cd | abbreviation of "candela" |
cf | abbreviation of "confer" |
cg | abbreviation of "centigram" |
ch | abbreviation of "chapters" |
ck | abbreviation of "check" |
cl | abbreviation of "centiliter" |
cm | abbreviation of "centimeter" |
co | abbreviation of "company" |
cp | abbreviation of "candlepower" |
cr | abbreviation of "credit" |
ct | abbreviation of "cent" |
cu | abbreviation of "cubic" |
cv | abbreviation of "cultivar" |
cw | abbreviation of "clockwise" |
dd | abbreviation of "delivered" |
dg | abbreviation of "decigram" |
dk | abbreviation of "dark" |
dl | abbreviation of "deciliter" |
dm | abbreviation of "decimeter" |
dr | abbreviation of "drachma" |
dz | abbreviation of "dozen" |
ed | abbreviation of "edition" |
eq | abbreviation of "equal" |
ff | abbreviation of "folios" |
fl | abbreviation of "floor" |
fm | abbreviation of "fathom" |
fn | abbreviation of "footnote" |
fo | abbreviation of "folio" |
fp | abbreviation of "fortepiano" |
fr | abbreviation of "franc" |
ft | abbreviation of "foot" |
ga | abbreviation of "gauge" |
gl | abbreviation of "gloss" |
gm | abbreviation of "gram" |
gr | abbreviation of "grain" |
gs | abbreviation of "gauss" |
gt | abbreviation of "gutta" |
hd | abbreviation of "head" |
hf | abbreviation of "half" |
hg | abbreviation of "hectogram" |
hl | abbreviation of "hectoliter" |
hm | abbreviation of "hectometer" |
hp | abbreviation of "horsepower" |
hq | abbreviation of "headquarters" |
hr | abbreviation of "hour" |
ht | abbreviation of "height" |
ir | abbreviation of "infrared" |
jr | abbreviation of "junior" |
kb | abbreviation of "kilobar" |
kc | abbreviation of "kilocycle" |
kg | abbreviation of "kilogram" |
kj | abbreviation of "kilojoule" |
kl | abbreviation of "kiloliter" |
km | abbreviation of "kilometer" |
kn | abbreviation of "knot" |
kr | abbreviation of "krona" |
kt | abbreviation of "kiloton" |
kv | abbreviation of "kilovolt" |
lb | abbreviation of "pound" |
lc | abbreviation of "lowercase" |
ld | abbreviation of "lead" |
lf | abbreviation of "lightface" |
lg | abbreviation of "large" |
ll | abbreviation of "lines" |
lm | abbreviation of "lumen" |
lr | abbreviation of "lira" |
lt | abbreviation of "light" |
lu | abbreviation of "lumen" |
mb | abbreviation of "millibar" |
mc | abbreviation of "millicurie" |
mg | abbreviation of "milligram" |
mh | abbreviation of "millihenry" |
ml | abbreviation of "milliliter" |
mm | abbreviation of "millimeter" |
mo | abbreviation of "month" |
ms | abbreviation of "manuscript" |
mx | abbreviation of "maxwell" |
ng | abbreviation of "nanogram" |
nr | abbreviation of "near" |
ns | abbreviation of "nanosecond" |
op | abbreviation of "opus" |
oz | abbreviation of "ounce" |
pc | abbreviation of "percent" |
pd | abbreviation of "paid" |
pf | abbreviation of "preferred" |
pg | abbreviation of "page" |
pk | abbreviation of "park" |
pl | abbreviation of "plural" |
pp | abbreviation of "pages" |
pr | abbreviation of "pair" |
ps | abbreviation of "picosecond" |
pt | abbreviation of "part" |
ql | abbreviation of "quintal" |
qq | abbreviation of "questions" |
qr | abbreviation of "quarter" |
qt | abbreviation of "quart" |
qu | abbreviation of "question" |
qy | abbreviation of "query" |
rd | abbreviation of "rod" |
rf | abbreviation of "rinforzando" |
rm | abbreviation of "room" |
ro | abbreviation of "recto" |
ry | abbreviation of "railway" |
sb | abbreviation of "substantive" |
sc | abbreviation of "scale" |
sf | abbreviation of "sforzando" |
sk | abbreviation of "sack" |
sp | abbreviation of "spelling" |
sq | abbreviation of "square" |
sr | abbreviation of "steradian" |
ss | abbreviation of "sections" |
st | abbreviation of "stone" |
tn | abbreviation of "ton" |
tp | abbreviation of "township" |
tr | abbreviation of "transitive" |
uc | abbreviation of "uppercase" |
vb | abbreviation of "verb" |
vo | abbreviation of "verso" |
vs | abbreviation of "versus" |
vv | abbreviation of "verses" |
wd | abbreviation of "ward" |
wk | abbreviation of "week" |
wm | abbreviation of "wattmeter" |
wt | abbreviation of "weight" |
yd | abbreviation of "yard" |
yr | abbreviation of "year" |
ys | abbreviation of "yoctosecond" |
zs | abbreviation of "zeptosecond" |