Backgammon Championship 2012

[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

Good luck
Club#2381 { Club } - Inviter
Club#488 { Club } - Opponent
Club#488 { Club } WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
babkenmacbann#7658719babken{ Club }
erletdgpr11#7662410gpr11{ Club }
denboyREBEL DJ#7658360REBEL DJ{ Club }
Summer FlameFreddie#7659184Freddie{ Club }
dellajoGOPACKGO#7658310GOPACKGO{ Club }
{ Club }Wins4Games1

Good luck
Club#1059 { Club } - Inviter
Club#1998 The Castaways Club - Opponent
Club#1998 The Castaways Club WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
Katmarcmandy#7666301marcmandyThe Castaways Club
Grovergravyrun#7659530gravyrunThe Castaways Club
JohnDerekdixiegal47#7660160dixiegal47The Castaways Club
jfromflTexasToest#7659502jfromfl{ Club }
HoneybearGinnyB#7658470GinnyBThe Castaways Club
The Castaways ClubWins4Games1

Good luck
Club#2223 The Prime Time TV Club - Inviter
Club#1473 { Club } - Opponent
Club#2223 The Prime Time TV Club WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
Genieadopt 3#7658337GenieThe Prime Time TV Club
MaryTexasRose#7658345MaryThe Prime Time TV Club
DiamondBackGirlgramat#7660186DiamondBackGirlThe Prime Time TV Club
roses4gypsymeme22#7666255meme22{ Club }
CheetahSilkwood#7658206Silkwood{ Club }
The Prime Time TV ClubWins3Games2

Good luck
Club#2197 The To Your Health Club - Inviter
Club#722 { Club } - Opponent
Club#2197The To Your Health Club WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
Bill RoupasMillie#7659735Bill RoupasThe To Your Health Club
shillotteFragileKitty#7659583FragileKitty{ Club }
AZD159AndrewB#7658593AZD159The To Your Health Club
jamchugLowell#7658726jamchugThe To Your Health Club
starzonesparkles43#7663346starzoneThe To Your Health Club
The To Your Health ClubWins4Games1

Good luck
Club#2108 The Multi-Player Gaming Center Club - Inviter
Club#2404 The Rung by Rung Club - Opponent
Club#2404 The Rung by Rung Club WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
LyndiLooFade#7658341FadeThe Rung by Rung Club
PrincessKINGSLAYER#7658738KINGSLAYERThe Rung by Rung Club
RosesncardsHillbilly#7658246RosesncardsThe Multi-Player Gaming Center Club
Sir GeoffTNDaze#7661490TNDazeThe Rung by Rung Club
rannWrighty#7659647WrightyThe Rung by Rung Club
The Rung by Rung ClubWins4Games1

Good luck
Club#1943 The Friendship Club - Inviter
Club#2459 The Scoop's Castle Club - Opponent
Club#1943 The Friendship Club WINNERWay to go!!

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[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
stinger41Scoopdedew#7660307stinger41The Friendship Club
RedhairchickSanta Claus#7661524RedhairchickThe Friendship Club
Ninapartygirl#7659575partygirlThe Scoop's Castle Club
wldndnHandyman#7658236HandymanThe Scoop's Castle Club
fatdaddyGrannyPatty#7658441fatdaddyThe Friendship Club
The Friendship ClubWins3Games2

Good luck
Club#2380 The Horsin' Around at GT Club - Inviter
Club#1857 The Shire Club - Opponent
Club#1857 The Shire Club WINNERWay to go!!

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
unicorn{ Player: londonbull }#7658566{ Player: LondonBull }The Shire Club
oldogceci#7658226ceciThe Shire Club
Trsm149Falsecut#7658469FalsecutThe Shire Club
Marge44gandolf the white#7660369Marge44The Horsin' Around at GT Club
Whimjestwilly#7660855WhimjestThe Horsin' Around at GT Club
The Shire ClubWins3Games2

Good luck
Club#2133 The Classic TV & Music Club - Inviter
Club#2024 The Sallyp and Friends Club - Opponent
Club#2133 The Classic TV & Music Club WINNERWay to go!!

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Backgammon Championship 2012 ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
Carol91859sallyp#7658498Carol91859The Classic TV & Music Club
smelly feetDiddly#7658244DiddlyThe Sallyp and Friends Club
Neatsmiler5#7659838smiler5The Sallyp and Friends Club
Sandyjohnnyyboy#7660335SandyThe Classic TV & Music Club
DmmWONRHAF#7660759DmmThe Classic TV & Music Club
The Classic TV & Music ClubWins3Games2
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This page was last edited by PattyMac at 2:01PM on 26 October 2012

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