BirthdaysHi, Welcome to the Birthdays Wiki!Please let me know the date of your birthday, so we can celebrate with you!If you don't want to write the year of birth, put an asterisk in the Year section. Please make sure you keep the date order correct FixitDave The originator of this page is MsLady If you are on NTL, please do not edit this page, the last part of the page will be cut off!Please do not delete any text unless you put it there!!![ Birthdays April to June ] [ Birthdays July to September ] [ Birthdays October to December ] Birthdays, January to March[ Birthdays April to June ] [ Birthdays July to September ] [ Birthdays October to December ] . Wiki Options This page was last edited by Kinoko zoku at 12:58AM on 29 April 2018 |
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