Invites Always Welcomed

PlayerGame TypeDays Per MoveChat Or Not
Allisonno chess prefer giveaway gammonweek t/o-
Arctic WarriorBack & Nack Gammon2 Days Or More-
CinnamonKickback Hangman - please see my profile for moreany time limitI like to chat with friendly people Hugging
jackgammonBackgammon, Backgammon & Backgammon--
LewOutbreak, Gammons or Salvos3 DayNot good at chat
mrbugs001back/nack, reversi's, salvo, 4iar. no giveaway.--
Oartkickel of the Wolf PackNo checkers or reversi or chess! I'll play anything else anytime3 day prefered-
Sea Breezeno chess, chessgi, trax or any giveaway games--
* Sassy_Angel *any games, but chess and checkers--
firecracker_76Backgammon,Nackgammon,Checkers,Chess,Reversi(All varients)--
dolcol (LAW-10)Grabble, Grabble Swapper, Shake It Fast3 day - lose gameChat is optional; depends on the opponent
Pegasusmainly the gammon games and the salvo games but am also willing to accept invite for outbreak and chess and checkers (not very good at chess or checkers or outbreak but willing to learn LOL)3 day or greater loss of gameSince my health goes up and down daily due to my disabilities, I sometimes chat more than others -- depends on whether or not I am just trying to finish my moves before exhaustion makes it impossible for me to continue that day
LittleTreeBackgammon, Outbreak, all variances, Go-Moku (no large) Shake, Rattle and Roll (all variants) Grabble Race, Five and Threes. No giveaways, please!1 week time out preferred, but will accept 3 days.-
YNWABack or NackAny
NanaTNormal Backgammon & Salvo Fast Games--
*justmeDominoes, Slavo, No chess, checkers or any giveaway games3 days or lessdepends on my mood but NO CYBER
joannamariegammons but not long, any of the 5s and 3s, go moku,reversi and six player salvo3 days or lessits up to you
thebodywallALL~~~~GAMES1 to 3 days/moveIf you chat then I'll chat
Lady GoodwrenchCribbage, Rummikub.3 daysDont always do the GL, GG, chat or no chat, keep it clean, NO CYBER.
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This page was last edited by Cinnamon at 7:34PM on 1 July 2024

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