January 2017(unknown photo)
Effective immediately, ALL newsletter contest entries that are done by PM (the Hidden Coin contest, for example) are to be sent to GoldToken's Newshound's account, rather than . We expect this to help streamline some of our processes behind the scenes.
Traveling? Want to meet up with other GoldToken players in the area? Then the discussion board is for you!
In the month of December, we made some significant changes to club teams, in the hopes of making them more active and enjoyable for all:
It's true, our new club improvement's are not perfect yet, but they are close! to Mecir, for all his patience and diligence in working out our gremlins! Special to sallyp for winning a years Platinum membership and her team of 36 players who are waiting on GoldToken Baseball hats for playing in the Club Vs Club Ladders! You are the of GoldToken! The big question is for everyone else; have you signed up to play for your club in club ladders? Your club can win cool prizes for participation and club leadership by playing the club vs club ladders! Consider signing up to play for your favorite team today!
Be King of the Mountain by standing on the top rung of 6 new (new to you) ladders starting from rung 1 to be eligible to win a two month extension to your current membership or a two month Silver! This first round had a number of entries, but it seems very little in the following wiki's. If you joined ladders during these time frames, you may still be in the running! Here are the current sign up wiki's: [ King Of The Mountain July 2016 - March 1st 2017 ] [ King Of The Mountain August 2016 - May 1st 2017 ] [ King Of The Mountain Oct 2016 - July 1st 2017 ] [ King Of The Mountain Dec 2016 - Sept 1st 2017 ] Read more about ----->> [ King of the Mountain ] <<----- by clicking the wiki link. King Of The Mountain May 2016 - January 2017 totals are as follows: Have a wonderful month and play like you mean it! --Badger In this month's newsletter, we have: Birthdays & Special Announcements 1st Stop Information Photozone Competition Photo Album of the Month Game Of The Month Best Recipe Contest Up Front & Personal Testimonial Of The Month Contest of the Month Caption Contest Icon Mania! Breaking Club News Olympic News
Birthday Wishes: -- Happy Birthday to MrLarry47 on January 1st! - -- Happy Birthday to SIRI on January 2nd! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club and The Friendship Club - -- Happy Birthday to Big Giant Head on January 3rd! - From The Scoop's Castle Club , The Classic TV & Music Club, The Prime Time TV Club and The Friendship Club - -- Happy Birthday to skzoey on January 3rd! - -- Happy Birthday to GUINESS14 on January 4th! - From The Backgammon Tournament Club, The Word O'Rama Club and The Pork Chop Club - -- Happy Birthday to BrnIdGirl on January 5th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Prime Time TV Club, The Pork Chop Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and The Innocent Instigators Club - -- Happy Birthday to China_Blue on January 5th! - -- Happy Birthday to Toodles on January 6th! - From The Pork Chop Club, The Friendship Club , The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to Callie on January 8th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The He's Alive Club, The Pork Chop Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Word O'Rama Club and The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club - -- Happy Birthday to Capricorn - on January 9th! - -- Happy Birthday to vlf on January 13th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club, The Friendship Club and The Prime Time TV Club - -- Happy Birthday to sarahjan on January 13th! - -- Happy Birthday to Ruache on January 13th! - From The Friendship Club - -- Happy Birthday to adopt 3 on January 17th! - From The He's Alive Club, The Prime Time TV Club, The Scoop's Castle Club, The Friendship Club , The Backgammon Tournament Club, The Pork Chop Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and { Club } - -- Happy Birthday to gravyrun on January 17th! - -- Happy Birthday to Kinoko zoku on January 19th! - -- Happy Birthday to monkeytyper on January 20th! - The Pork Chop Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club, The Word O'Rama Club and { Club } - -- Happy Birthday to Dbledee on January 23rd! - -- Happy Birthday to spellbound on January 24th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to ET124 on January 24th! - -- Happy Birthday to squirrel on January 25th! - From The Word O'Rama Club, and The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club - -- Happy Birthday to kittyrambo on January 26th! - From { Club } and { Club } - -- Happy Birthday to mutt on January 29th! - From The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - Anniversary & Other Wishes: --Happy 63rd Wedding Anniversary goes out to Chuckc33 and Lori on January 5th! Many special wishes sent to you both! - --Happy Wedding Anniversary goes out to kellymcinaz and her husband on January 16th! Many special wishes sent to you both! - --Happy Wedding Anniversary goes out to furryfeet and his wife on January 22nd! Many special wishes sent to you both for your 48th wedding anniversary! - * If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)
I didn't get a chance to read last month's newsletter before the link disappeared from my gamesheet. Is there a way to find it again? Yes! You can always find the current newsletter by clicking the "Info" link at the bottom of your gamesheet and then finding GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter in the list. From the newsletter, you can access older editions by scrolling to the bottom and clicking the [ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ] link. * If you have a question about a site tip or helpful tool you would like answered next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month.
Scheherizade with (unknown photo) is December Bokeh's Photozone competition who won the challenge with votes and will be awarded with a profile token. ladyvic came in 2nd place with 10 votes for (unknown photo) pepperbeach came 3rd place with 09 votes for (unknown photo) to all the winners and to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting. We had a total of entries and votes this month.Without you all, this competition wouldn't be activeYou can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2016 -12 Bokeh The theme for 2017 January's competition will be: Self Portrait(unknown photo)(unknown photo)(unknown photo)
The December Theme was There were many awesome entries this month and I thank each one of you for your participation. The WINNER IS: MrLarry47's Album titled Christmas Joy Watch your inbox for you Profile Token! Second place is: pepperbeach's Album titled Decorating 2016 The next theme will be (unknown photo) Enter your albums here: Photo Album Contest This will be lots of fun! You may be the next to win this cool Profile Token! Best of Luck, ladyvic
January's game of the month is Quarto! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Jan 2017 - Game of the Month - Quarto Tournament! This game is fairly easy to learn but deceptively tricky! Think you're a master? Why not write a Nugget to help others learn? Click the Nuggets link at the top of your gamesheet to get started.
's game of the month is *----*! Join us in a fun League style Tournament by signing your club up today for { Tournament# }! Please notify to join!
December's winner is: Old Fashioned Divinity
A MUST at Christmastime!!!! Ingredients 3 egg WHITES 3 1/2 c. sugar 3/4 c. light corn syrup 3/4 c. water pinch of salt 2 t. vanilla 3/4 cup finely chopped walnuts Directions line cookie sheets with wax or parchment paper 1) in glass or metal bowl, beat the egg whites until STIFF peaks, set aside. 2) in large saucepan stir together sugar, corn syrup, water and salt. 3) over medium high heat...bring sugar mixture to a full boil stirring constantly. 4) once boiling... stop stirring and heat the sugar to the HARDBALL stage (about 250-260 degrees on a candy thermometer or until a drop of the sugar in a glass of ice water holds its shape) 5) gradually add the sugar mixture to the egg whites, continually beating 6) add in the vanilla and beat... beat... beat... until the candy loses its gloss and thickens to hold its shape 7) fold in the chopped walnuts 8) quickly drop by teaspoon onto the parchment paper and allow to cool Note you can also drop into miniature cupcake liners if desired (there are many very pretty holiday patterns that are wonderful for display or gifts) note: you can replace part or all of the nuts with DRIED candied fruits for a more festive divinity GoldToken's pegasiswolf will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big to pegasiswolf! January's recipe contest is: "Hearty Soup". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
{ Image: i994.photobucket.com/albums/af66/llwgirl/NewYear/29410_zps617295e1.gif } **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** We would like to say to Lowell for letting us step into their personal life for a bit. 1. What brought you to GoldToken? browsing the internet How'd you choose your name for GT? its my name. 2. What interests you most on GT? All the different games. favorite game is Tourne-case 3. What state or country do you reside in? Minnesota4. What hobbies do you have? riding bike, bowling 5. No children 6. Do you work? What kind of work do yes bagger at a grocery store. 7.no pets 8.I'm male between 30 to 50 If you could be anywhere right now where would that be? Florida Favorite season? summer If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know. Laura laura lee
I came to GoldToken in January of 2003. Heard about this site from a friend at IYT. Not many games at that time, but has grown to many different games since then. The people here are friendly and I have become friends with many players from all over the World. I am owner of The hoot's hide-a-way Club as well as many other clubs. I like to play games in several clubs along with the Olympic games and different Tournaments. hoot
Best Original Poem January's contest of the month is for the best original poem posted on GoldToken's DB. The winner will recieve 5 Golderos and be chosen by poll on the same board. Entries must be posted on the discussion board no later than Wednesday, February 1, in order to be included in the contest. Have fun writing! . We have a winner for the "Most Original Game Themed Album" contest!to oldog, who won with her album: oldog's Album. She will receive a 2-month extension on her membership.
The Caption Contest winner for the December, 2016, newsletter is MT with: Told you it leaned a little to the right! MT! To enter January's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. (unknown photo) The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.
Do you belong to a club, maybe a new club or older established club. There are club icons available for all clubs. These icons can be worn by silver members, a great way to be able to wear one of the bigger icons. There is the Mask Collections that has no club home as yet, masks such as this one { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon110506133420.png }, suitable for small club or perhaps the Sign Collection, { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon130822083340.png }, great for a medium to large club. Clubs come see the Icon Fairy for other available icon collections. Did you see the Icon Of The Day. Dr. Suess . Stop by the Icon Board to see whats new --> Name Icons. See you there
johnnyyboy has started in the region of 500 wiki tournament in 2016. So a big to him for all his ideas and hard work setting them all up and running them all. sallyp WISHES everyone a very Happy New Year and all the best for 2017 . The West of the Setting Sun Club Is super excited about 2017! There will be a new Meijin tournament commencing in February. They have also introduced Connect6 to is field of games and teams. The 2016 Meijin tournaments are drawing to a close and the 2016 Meijin Club champion will be announced! They are looking also to perhaps introducing prizes to the West of the Setting Suns tournaments (just to make things interesting!) 2017 is shaping up to be an exhilarating year Contact tzorec or M3 for more information. The Flying-King Checkers Club is flying again. If you enjoy watching kings fly and we are talking CHECKER flying kings this club is actively running again. If you wish to learn more about these checker variants or are already an expert you are most welcome to join. Contact the owner M3 or any of the officers for more information. The Loose Cannons Club has added CHINESE CHECKERS and variants to its suite of Asian chess games (SHOGI, XIANGI, JIANGI). If you play any of these specialist games. Come and join us. Just message the owner or officers is your interested in playing or Learning these games If you fancy yourself as a good or even lucky poker player - Here's the club for you The Prehistoric Poker Club. They are now actively running tournaments and teams and ladders. Resurrected from prehistory to offer 2 types of poker - 5 card stud (CAVEMAN) and Texas Holdem (CROMAGNUM HOLDEM) So if you enjoy a flutter and a friendly poker game come and join us and you won't lose any money either. We bet with stones !!!!!!!!. so put on your poker face and Contact Kookaburra or any of the officers for some fun playing games The Backgammon Club Revival Club is now playing in the inter-club backgammon ladder in one of the small teams. They are still open to new players if anyone would like to join them. They will be setting up some prize backgammon tournaments in the new year so watch this space. sallyp sends to all that have joined so far and looks forward to more members and a fun 2017 In 2017, The Daily Laugh Club will be playing all your favourite games but with a new challenge! The idea is to see who is the Champion player of each game at the end of the year. The first set of games is already in sign-up and more will be added soon. As soon as a particular game (ie Backgammon1) is filled, the next game will immediately be posted in sign-up. So, as Backgammon1 begins, you can sign up for Backgammon2. Records of all winners will be kept and posted bi-monthly. Please do message smiler5 or simply post on the Games DB with the names of the games you wish to see included. New members are always welcome! I hope you will like the new format and join in with LOTS of games! STAY TUNED "CLUB CONNECTION" WILL RETURN NEXT MONTH
Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs! Winter Olympic Winners
Summer Olympic Winners!
Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter ? Our winner last month was Marylou. to her for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken's Newshound. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.[ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ] Wiki Options This page was last edited by GoldToken Support at 1:30PM on 10 January 2017 |
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