LimericksA limerick is "a light humorous, nonsensical, or bawdy verse of five anapestic lines with the rhyme scheme aabba".Please note: Don't lose your ability to post! Posters are accountable for posting to this wiki according to the Discussion Board Rules.Useful pages: Yes that is an excellent description. I recommend everyone read this before they start a Limerick. Even if you don't understand all the technical details, it should give you a better idea of what a proper Limerick is. [ Limericks Archives ] Basically the rhythm goes: dee DAA diddy DAA diddy DAAAAA dee DAA diddy DAA diddy DAAAAA dee DAA diddy DAA dee DAA diddy DAA dee DAA diddy DAA diddy DAAAAA ___ And here is a whole load of guff ; Have a read, if you like , through the stuff . If you find that the strain Is a ffect ing your brain Then I guess you've had more than e nough . (Demon Pet Each person adds a new line to the limerick HeatherN There once was a man with a tail DIRKSTRA: Stay safe from covid at home } LittleTree Don't even think to roam HeatherN Do your shopping online Evan54 and stay in to dine HeatherN You could entertain your garden gnome sharktooth Standing in front of my air-con DIRKSTRA Wishing this heat was g-g-gone. superkaempe the gentle giant I looked at my chair sharktooth and without a care Serene Selene went to sleep with the thermostat on. sharktooth Spring is here at last superkaempe the gentle giant The year is going so fast sharktooth The flowers in bloom superkaempe the gentle giant All over my room sharktooth Turned out to be a fragrance blast. superkaempe the gentle giant My mother started to dance sharktooth The Reindeer started to prance Chester The music was festive sharktooth Mah feets were restive sharktoothBeing in a musical trance. sharktooth Turkey, taters, gravy, OH MY superkaempe the gentle giant I'm lifted high to the sky sharktooth Came down with a bounce Chester in time to announce sharktooth Time to bring on the punkin pie! superkaempe the gentle giant When Richie started to sing sharktooth My ole ears started to ring Chester He sang so off key sharktooth It so startled me MysticKah When it made the cushion coils spring! sharktooth I jumped up and down in the leaves Chester while wearing my shirt with short sleeves MysticKah Something tickled my arm superkaempe the gentle giant A mouse with a charm MysticKah Which made me jump to the eaves! sharktooth Dan to Val, let's go for a walk superkaempe the gentle giant This day I know we need to talk Chester A stroll in the woods MysticKah Should do us some good MysticKah But all Val did was squawk! sharktooth Blustery day, winds a-blowin' sharktooth Wouldn't mind a bit of snowin' superkaempe the gentle giant With a glimpse of the past MysticKah Going by so fast MysticKah My memories are overflowin'! sharktooth Joe's not a big Halloween fan superkaempe the gentle giant He skips it when ever he can MysticKah The children a-toddling, MysticKah As ghost & goblins, sharktooth A bag full of candy the plan! superkaempe the gentle giant A book fell down from my shelf sharktooth Behind it stood Woofiee the Elf superkaempe the gentle giant The book hit the floor sharktooth I ran for the door Chester and Woofiee sat down on the shelf superkaempe the gentle giant As summer was turning to fall sharktooth I knew it was time for football superkaempe the gentle giant The ball is so round sharktooth weighs less than a pound superkaempe the gentle giant So I sneezed it over a wall sharktooth Aunt Tootle ran out the front door DIRKSTRA There was smoke on the second floor superkaempe the gentle giant The smoke was a joke sharktooth the joke was that smoke sharktooth was fog pouring in from the moor. superkaempe the gentle giant My mother the queen of the home sharktooth The matriarch of her kingdome DIRKSTRA Made us kids do the chores superkaempe the gentle giant Through the day she just snores sharktooth Now you know my longing to roam! superkaempe the gentle giant My brother went into the woods sharktooth To find berries iffin he coulds superkaempe the gentle giant The berries were few sharktooth As he found but two sharktooth So ate them and said: Verrry goods!! superkaempe the gentle giant Since summer has turned into fall sharktooth Snowflakes are beginning to call superkaempe the gentle giant But still it is rain sharktooth And I won't complain superkaempe the gentle giant Cause I don't like snow at all sharktooth He winked at me as I walked by sharktooth little puppy with one blue eye Crispies Little ball of fluff sharktooth He looked so darn tuff superkaempe the gentle giant And turned his eye to the sky sharktooth I bounced the ball in front of me DIRKSTRA Then stumbled and scraped me knee. superkaempe the gentle giant The ball went out sharktooth I started to pout sharktooth then laughed as it rolled back to me. sharktooth Temp to be 81 today DIRKSTRA Goin' outside to play sharktooth the pool is cool superkaempe the gentle giant And I am no fool sharktooth splashing all with a cool spray. superkaempe the gentle giant When winter had ended one day sharktooth I found I had nothing to say DIRKSTRA It was Spring but still cold superkaempe the gentle giant And the flowers I sold sharktooth Made a beautiful Spring display! superkaempe the gentle giant I was sitting waiting for spring TallPaul When I saw some pigs on the wing! superkaempe the gentle giant A pig that could fly bestgremlin Made me think I might try superkaempe the gentle giant To find a cow that could sing sharktooth A glorious sun-shiney day superkaempe the gentle giant With lots of snow on my way Chester I should go for a walk superkaempe the gentle giant Instead I did talk Chester I'm a little bit lazy that way! sharktooth I bought me a lil Scorpion Jet TallPaul Not sure what I'll do with it yet... Red Panda I'll go to the moon Chester but not very soon sharktooth As it put me deeply in debt sharktooth Nate spoke with a hiccup and twang superkaempe the gentle giant His sister said that he sang sharktooth He played the Fiddle superkaempe the gentle giant And gave me a riddle sharktooth But no one seemed to give a dang sharktooth Coots walked into a library Red Panda And on a book he spilt a berry superkaempe the gentle giant With a mug in his hand Chester he conducted a band superkaempe the gentle giant And went away with a ferry superkaempe the gentle giant A beaver was taking a walk sharktooth on his back rode Harley the Hawk superkaempe the gentle giant With his wife and his son sharktooth all having such fun Chester and having a very nice talk. superkaempe the gentle giant One day walking home in the snow sharktooth I thought of something you should know superkaempe the gentle giant With a duck and a swan sharktooth and a tiny fawn superkaempe the gentle giant They were all dressed up for a show superkaempe the gentle giant While Santa was taking a nap sarahjan a baby crawled onto his lap Chester It started to cry sharktooth I heard Santa sigh superkaempe the gentle giant And then give the baby a cap sharktooth Peter sat drinkin his cider sharktooth Out of the mug crawled a spider sharktooth and to his surprise sharktooth as he blinked his eyes superkaempe the gentle giant He could see the spider grow wider sharktooth Abe sat behind a Redwood tree sharktooth Glass of wine and a chunk of Brie sharktooth He reached for the cheese sharktooth and started to sneeze superkaempe the gentle giant While he was saying good bye sharktooth Tod roared through the town on his trike sharktooth Hoping to pick up little Mike sharktooth A grin on his face DIRKSTRA As he waved to Grace sharktooth who was jogging with her dog Spike. sharktooth I really felt in a muddle Taterss But all was just a puddle sharktooth I looked up to see sharktooth a huge old oak tree superkaempe the gentle giant And a babe who wanted to cuddle sharktooth I was at the helm of my ship superkaempe the gentle giant Preparing the next weekend trip sharktooth in plotting my course Karen Q I felt some remorse sharktooth So thought this was one trip I'd skip. sharktooth A rabbit walked through my garden superkaempe the gentle giant Pretending to be a warden Chester He sampled my crops superkaempe the gentle giant Gave them to the cops sharktooth He found the carrots I'd been hoardin'... sharktooth Hey everybody, follow me! superkaempe the gentle giant I'll show you something for free sharktooth Sprinkle magic seeds Chester which grow humungous weeds sharktoothAn adventure for you and me. sharktooth Aunt Sue rode at neck-breaking speed superkaempe the gentle giant To fetch just one thing she might need sharktooth With gumdrops in mind superkaempe the gentle giant And crispy pork rind Chester She ran into a knight on his steed! Chester The raindrops were falling down hard sharktooth as the ducks ran across the yard superkaempe the gentle giant A swan in the way sharktooth leaned over to say sharktooth It's fun out here in the barnyard! sharktooth I had an ole pooch I called Hooch sharktooth Treats from my pocket he did mooch Chester When I tried to say "no" Crispies He thought I meant "GO" sharktooth& leaned over and gave me a "smooch". sharktooth My head he said was full of lead superkaempe the gentle giant As I was heading for bed sharktooth Grabbed a soft pillow superkaempe the gentle giant Beneath the tall willow Chester And that's all that needs to be said! sharktooth I watched as he ate his carrot Chester and fed some of it to his parrot TallPaul which suddenly died Red Panda cos the carrots were fried sharktooth Sorry he decided to share it. sharktooth A lil crab popped up through the sand sharktooth Starting out for a walk on land Crispies To his great surprise sharktooth But not his demise Chester He found that the land was quite grand. TallPaul A grey kangaroo was called Bruce superkaempe the gentle giant He wanted to use rubber shoes sharktooth He thought he could bounce TallPaul But I must announce: sharktooth He ended up with quite a bruise. sharktooth Murdy McToad jumped on a rock superkaempe the gentle giant He wasn't wearing a sock sharktooth He checked out his toes Red Panda By using his nose TallPaul Which gave him a terrible shock! sharktooth Out on the shore panning for gold sharktooth Boulder size nuggets I've been told superkaempe the gentle giant But the boulders are rocks TallPaul And I've got wet socks sharktooth Me thinks me a bit over-sold! sharktooth Wally saw three frogs in a tree superkaempe the gentle giant While having four flies on his knee. TallPaul That's one each for them sharktooth and one for their friend sharktooth and nothing left to share with me. sharktooth Three more miles to Mt. Chimerrew Taterss I have my cat to pursue superkaempe the gentle giant My cat has a hat Taterss and a baseball bat Taterss and thats the end of that sharktooth I ran through a fragrant garden sharktooth Begging the Gardener's pardon Taterss I need that bargain sharktooth He knows the jargon sharktooth to me this whole thing is arrrghhh-gone! ![]() sharktooth While jammin' to town on my bike superkaempe the gentle giant And someone beside on a trike Chester I rode through a puddle sharktooth while in a huddle sharktooth Which tyke on my bike did not like! DIRKSTRA Making more rhymes is my resolution. Red Panda But on day two I already failed ![]() TallPaul Why did I bother? ![]() Red Panda to ask my brother sharktooth Outta my resolutions I bailed. superkaempe the gentle giant My wife fell into the pool sharktooth Fully dressed which wasn't so cool DIRKSTRA A case of too much eggnog Chester She was eggnog-logged DIRKSTRA Poor thing felt like a fool. superkaempe the gentle giant My daughter went out through the door sharktooth for lunch, Christmas shopping and more Chester She bought some great gifts sharktooth Selections were swifts sharktooth When hubby saw bill he did roar superkaempe the gentle giant One day I was going to town sharktooth Still wearing my flannel night gown DIRKSTRA Turns out I was sleep walking Chester while constantly talking DIRKSTRA Tripped in the creek and almost drowned superkaempe the gentle giant A ghost was haunting my car sharktooth While holding his head in a jar Chester The sight was so eerie Chester it affected my steering superkaempe the gentle giant so I drove into a bar sharktooth Joe rode his elephant to town superkaempe the gentle giant With a cat dressed up as a clown sharktooth The clown tipped her hat superkaempe the gentle giant While facing a bat sharktooth who was glaring back with a frown! sharktooth Lil Sam found a puppy to keep superkaempe the gentle giant But alas it did nothing but sleep Red Panda It snored like a pig sharktooth grew ever so big sharktooth Slept except when driving my jeep superkaempe the gentle giant A house in the middle of nowhere sharktooth was filled with elves, how'd they get there? TallPaul Did the wicked witch Chester pull a big switch? TallPaul Leaving Santa one helper - a bear! superkaempe the gentle giant A bird and a mouse with a gun TallPaul A cat, and a goat on the run superkaempe the gentle giant Six rats in a hat TallPaul Two snakes, a bat superkaempe the gentle giant And two little kids having fun sharktooth Ole Aunt Mert from Kalamazoo Red Panda had a library book long overdue DIRKSTRA then she remembered she couldn't read sharktooth puzzling indeed superkaempe the gentle giant I wonder what she went through superkaempe the gentle giant My brother thought he was a wizard sharktooth he changed me into a lizard superkaempe the gentle giant I chased him around MysticKah Then he stood his ground MysticKah And zapped me into a Gizzard! sharktooth Oh to enjoy snow flurries sharktooth through the gentle flakes I scurries DIRKSTRA Soon they were three feet deep superkaempe the gentle giant And white as my sheep Chester and my vision is getting quite blurry Chester It looks like it's starting to snow sharktooth Get Dobbin and sleigh and let's go! superkaempe the gentle giant Stay away from the ice Red Panda those words of advice sharktooth Ouch! are from someone in the know! Red Panda There was a limrick by Chester superkaempe the gentle giant A nice good old fashioned jester Red Panda it had but five lines Chester and definite signs Chester of a reason to wear a sou'wester DIRKSTRA My doctor said go on a diet sharktooth My look said I didn't buy it superkaempe the gentle giant But when I came home Chester and sat down with a groan Chester I decided that maybe I'd try it. DIRKSTRA Turn the clocks back an hour Chester Before you get into the shower superkaempe the gentle giant If the clock strikes one sharktooth And mouse on the run DIRKSTRA It's still two on the clock tower. DIRKSTRA Tonight we'll get lots of candy superkaempe the gentle giant I hope that it just isn't sandy sharktooth The kids made a haul Chester Now they're climbing the wall DIRKSTRA The aspirin came in handy. DIRKSTRA Gomer left for bread and milk superkaempe the gentle giant And also a gown made of silk sharktooth He stopped at a shop superkaempe the gentle giant And called for a cop DIRKSTRA who was of the same ilk. Chester It's getting dark sooner each night sharktooth Makes it tougher when goes the light DIRKSTRA Eating supper that I can't see superkaempe the gentle giant In the top of a tree Chester and those squirrels sure put up a fight! superkaempe the gentle giant One day in the middle of winter sharktooth I witnessed a snowman sprinter superkaempe the gentle giant He was wearing a hat sharktooth and chasing a cat Chester right into the shop of a printer. superkaempe the gentle giant On top of my sisters umbrella sharktooth sat a pumpkin orange and yellah superkaempe the gentle giant The umbrella was green Karen Q And aquamarine Chester And covered a big bowl of jellah Chester I went out to play at the park DIRKSTRA when a pack of dogs began to bark Chester I covered my ears Red Panda To bury my fears TallPaul If only it wasn't so dark! sharktooth Harley Hanna came riding in superkaempe the gentle giant She was wearing a hat with a pin DIRKSTRA Her bike had a flat sharktooth So sadly she sat Chester Letting the bad news sink in. sharktooth Ole Unc Arnie heard a loud buzz superkaempe the gentle giant And left the house in a rush sharktooth He thought it a bee superkaempe the gentle giant Attacking his tea sharktooth We thought is wazn't, but it wuz! superkaempe the gentle giant A cat and a mouse and a dog DIRKSTRA went over to visit the frog Chester When they got there they found superkaempe the gentle giant A toad on the ground Red Panda which croaked and died in the bog superkaempe the gentle giant On a rainy day in October Chester I pulled the covers up over Chester My head and went back superkaempe the gentle giant With a cat in a sack sharktooth And our puppy Mister Rover sharktooth As Til jumped into the canoe superkaempe the gentle giant In the river right next to the zoo DIRKSTRA I got that sinking feeling Chester The canoe started heeling Chester And Til fell right into the blue sharktooth Wally ran as fast as he could Chester But not quite as fast as he should superkaempe the gentle giant He was five feet behind Chester When he finally whined Chester "These runners just aren't any good!" superkaempe the gentle giant A day in September I went sharktooth With my favorite ole bearded gent Chester To visit some friends superkaempe the gentle giant And a lady who bends TallPaul Spoons, with her mind, in a tent! sharktooth Walking on sand is a hassle Chester When wearing a fez with a tassel sharktooth It tips in the breeze Chester And causes a sneeze TallPaul Which flattened my sand castle! Chester In October the weather is windy superkaempe the gentle giant When I walk with my girlfriend named Cindy sharktooth With colorful leaves sharktooth Dancing on my sleeves Chester And the fur of my spaniel named Mindy. sharktooth Aunt Tilly's ole duck flew the coup TallPaul So what will she put in her soup? sharktooth A veggie or two superkaempe the gentle giant And a kangaroo too Chester And now she can feed the whole group! sharktooth He said with a voice a bit gruff TallPaul "I feel I have had quite enough" Red Panda I can't watch the film TallPaul I'd score it nil, hmm? superkaempe the gentle giant I think it is gonna be tough sharktooth He gave him a wink and a nod superkaempe the gentle giant While fishing and catching a cod sharktooth He threw the worm back superkaempe the gentle giant In a sack that was black sharktooth And into the sea threw his rod. sharktooth Silly Molly McPhinney and I sharktooth sat down to eat strawberry pie sharktooth That's MY piece, said I superkaempe the gentle giant But I cannot say why sharktooth As I peeked out through strawberry pie! sharktooth I saw my friend Mr. Hester sharktooth Who thought himself a Court Jester superkaempe the gentle giant His jokes were so bad sharktooth SO bad for a lad superkaempe the gentle giant Who should have been a food tester DIRKSTRA A windy day to fly a kite. Red Panda and then a BOOM was such a fright sharktooth my hair stood on end superkaempe the gentle giant As I walked round the bend sharktooth we all fainted at such a sight! superkaempe the gentle giant A cat and a dog and a chicken sharktooth were out in the fields a picken superkaempe the gentle giant The cat chased the a dog sharktooth straight through a huge log DIRKSTRA The feathery fox was finger lickin' sharktooth Met an artist from Samoa Red Panda I saw his work and said "Whoa" superkaempe the gentle giant His paintings were black sharktooth Colors he did lack superkaempe the gentle giant And all that he said was "Aloha" sharktooth Swimming over at Lake Biskut sharktooth With ole Jobadiah Tiskut superkaempe the gentle giant The water was deep sharktooth as we took the leap sharktooth we both thought it worth the risk-ut! superkaempe the gentle giant A late afternoon in New York sharktooth I tripped over a purple cork sharktooth It was three feet tall superkaempe the gentle giant And large as a hall sharktooth Now I REALLY feel like a dork! { P With the wind coming through my hair { Plalayer: sharktooth } Out walking with my Daisy fair superkaempe the gentle giantyer: sharktooth } We caught falling stars superkaempe the gentle giant On top of the cars TallPaul Until we had enough to share. superkaempe the gentle giant A fox was singing a song DIRKSTRA the rabbit was singing along superkaempe the gentle giant A bear passing by sharktooth Joined in with a sigh Karen Q And they sang it all day long! DIRKSTRA Little joey was horsin' around sharktooth With ole Sassey his Basset hound superkaempe the gentle giant The dog got a fit sharktooth Lil Joey was bit superkaempe the gentle giant And Sassey could not be found DIRKSTRA I never knew she couldn't cook sharktooth Altho she had me at first look superkaempe the gentle giant I went mad as a bull sharktooth My tummy not full DIRKSTRA A cookbook was all it took. superkaempe the gentle giant Today I tried catching a fish Karen Q To make my favorite dish sharktooth With Cabin-fried spuds DIRKSTRA Covered in milk duds sharktooth AHH! A fave that is so delish! DIRKSTRA My apple for your butter tart? sharktooth How about a part for a start? sarahjan It may be quite bitter DIRKSTRA give it to the baby sitter superkaempe the gentle giant It will certainly please her heart DIRKSTRA For us it's another long weekend superkaempe the gentle giant So I will just go get some tea sent sharktooth I will be right there superkaempe the gentle giant With my nose everywhere DIRKSTRA who invited the reverend DIRKSTRA There's a white elephant in the room sharktooth Sitting with a mouse on a broom superkaempe the gentle giant The elephant screams RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack But all is not as it seems DIRKSTRA That's why you should never assume. superkaempe the gentle giant A badger a bird and a horse MysticKah Went out to play on the golf course, DIRKSTRA The bird got a birdie sharktooth Badger quite wordie DIRKSTRA was an unreliable source superkaempe the gentle giant A giant came skipping along DIRKSTRA Shaking the ground singing a song superkaempe the gentle giant But the song was to short sharktooth But I'm a good sport superkaempe the gentle giant Even though the giant is strong sharktooth I am off to market to shop superkaempe the gentle giant While the cereal crackle and pop DIRKSTRA Wanna get stuff for the beach sharktooth Cuz surfing I teach superkaempe the gentle giant And I don't know when I will stop DIRKSTRA It rained all day and night sharktooth Puddles and puddles left and right superkaempe the gentle giant And poodles between sharktooth and frogs have been seen sharktooth Much to my child-like delight sharktooth Turtle and Snail were on a walk superkaempe the gentle giant They sure didn't want to talk Red Panda They picked up their pace superkaempe the gentle giant And started a race DIRKSTRA but became a snack for the hawk sharktooth While lazing on the beach one day sharktooth A mermaid came swimming my way superkaempe the gentle giant With a head like a horse DIRKSTRA And a fin tail of course sharktooth What will I feed her, worms or hay? sharktooth Ole Joe was a ramblin on superkaempe the gentle giant As he went to church with his son sharktooth "Remember the days..." superkaempe the gentle giant When we went to the race sharktooth Sugarfoot was the nag that won? sharktooth I had tea with a Kangeroo superkaempe the gentle giant My wife was sitting there too sharktooth We offered a toast DIRKSTRA To the girl with the most sharktooth So much for our life at the zoo. sharktooth How about a game of baseball? superkaempe the gentle giant You can play it in the left hall sharktooth With matchsticks and peas Red Panda while down on our knees superkaempe the gentle giant So we won't hurt ourselves if we fall superkaempe the gentle giant Ole Homer was mowing his grass sharktooth His wife at her painting class superkaempe the gentle giant Painting all the grass blue sharktooth This gave him a clue sharktooth He had an unusual lass! DIRKSTRA There's trouble at the dancehall tonight sharktooth Ole One-eye is lookin for a fight superkaempe the gentle giant Then his wife passed by Red Panda with a big, tattooed guy sharktooth Out of his good eye went the light. sharktooth While whistlin as loud as I coulds DIRKSTRA Superkaempe came out of the woods superkaempe the gentle giant With an oak in his hand sharktooth and a big brass band DIRKSTRA They could really deliver the goods. DIRKSTRA Last night I saw a shooting star superkaempe the gentle giant While chasing a mouse in my car sharktooth While hot on the chase superkaempe the gentle giant In a chariot race sharktooth with a bug rolling in a jar! sharktooth Bob zipped down the hill on his sled superkaempe the gentle giant He had no hat on his head sharktooth His ears turned soooo blue superkaempe the gentle giant With the wind passing through DIRKSTRA At the bottom he was dead. sharktooth I came around the bend one day superkaempe the gentle giant When an elephant asked me to stay sharktooth Would you care for Tea? superkaempe the gentle giant Said the mouse to the flea sharktooth She said yes! what else could she say? DIRKSTRA My wife Crystal has a glass eye. superkaempe the gentle giant But I really can't tell you why sharktooth When she winks at me superkaempe the gentle giant I can't really see sharktooth If it's a hello or goodbye! DIRKSTRA I've always had a pet cat superkaempe the gentle giant It is sleeping next to my hat sharktooth It opened one eye superkaempe the gentle giant When the dog passed by DIRKSTRA And both eyes for the rat. sharktooth A juicy red apple on the tree sharktooth Was hanging there waiting for me sharktooth I reached o'r the fence superkaempe the gentle giant It didn't make sense DIRKSTRA You'll pay for that said He. superkaempe the gentle giant My cat was chasing a mouse sharktooth Around and around my Aunt's house superkaempe the gentle giant My dog chased the cat sharktooth Which took care of that superkaempe the gentle giant By giving the mouse to my spouse sharktooth Ole Grover n Sal stopped for tea superkaempe the gentle giant In a tavern next to the sea sharktooth They walked to the beach sharktooth Cool water in reach Redhairchick The tea was hot and so was he sharktooth Tall Mert sang as loud as he could sharktooth Mellow baritone, oooh so good sharktooth He sang in the park superkaempe the gentle giant As nice as a lark Diddly Thank goodness he was in a Theme Park. DIRKSTRA It feels like Winter this Spring sharktooth Still wool coats and earmuffs the thing sharktooth I'll venture outside sharktooth On ice I may slide superkaempe the gentle giant But still I am trying to sing sharktooth Ole Jacob rode his mule to town Red Panda to buy his wife a brand new gown TallPaul But when he got there Red Panda he only could stare DIRKSTRA It was on the manikin clown. sharktooth Jumping rope one day with Finney Redhairchick I saw a pretty girl, named Minnie superkaempe the gentle giant I asked for a dance sharktooth with a flirty glance sharktooth rock on, ole Skinny! superkaempe the gentle giant When passing a fox and a wolf sharktooth Who were playing a game of golf superkaempe the gentle giant I said with a smile sharktooth Hey, you two gotts style sharktooth Can I play? My name is Rudolph. sharktooth Our goat ate our wash off the line TallPaul And gnawed away half of a sign, TallPaul Leaving just the words: sharktooth...home for furry nerds sharktooth So everyone stopped by to dine. Taterss There once was a young girl named Jill sharktooth Of gumdrops she had quite her fill sharktooth Her fave Red and green TallPaul Could no longer be seen sharktooth Cuz she gave all the rest to Bill! superkaempe the gentle giant A man who was selling his boots sharktooth Ones that go with all of his suits Red Panda but his socks were bright pink DIRKSTRA and boy did they stink Mystic Dreamer and underwear with remnants of 'toots'! DIRKSTRA The weather is well below freezing. sharktooth About this I am not teasing Red Panda Its hot in Jakarta sharktoothBut snow in my cart-a Taterss keeps my little pup weezing superkaempe the gentle giant I went for a stroll in the evening sharktooth to market to buy some seasoning Red Panda salt was sold out Taterss so i decided to pout DIRKSTRA with me there was no reasoning. Crispies I feel icicles for lashes sharktooth As from place to place I dashes Crispies with freezing red nose sharktooth A wool coat for coze sharktooth and through the puddles I splashes. sharktooth Oh for a piece of apple pie sharktooth a dollop of cream too, sez I sharktooth and one for the boss sharktooth who is leaning across sharktooth giving his "better do it" eye! Mystic Dreamer Every time I see her with Harry sharktooth Not the man she was to marry superkaempe the gentle giant I think it is fun TallPaul To take a cream bun sharktooth and take a moment to share-y! superkaempe the gentle giant The tiger was trying to sleep sharktooth As he lay there counting the sheep superkaempe the gentle giant He ate one a day Red Panda But to his dismay superkaempe the gentle giant He was cought by little Bo Peep sharktooth In following this mystery Mystic Dreamer that involved a lot of history. superkaempe the gentle giant you cannot change facts sharktooth when you play with jacks sharktooth Bowling balls an absurdity. sharktooth She followed the trail like a Scout superkaempe the gentle giant She was not even using her snout Mystic Dreamer You think she's a dog! superkaempe the gentle giant Or maybe a frog Mystic Dreamer and with an OINK she began to pout! superkaempe the gentle giant There once was a green gentle giant carlej1960 who really was quite defiant sharktooth riding his Harley superkaempe the gentle giant with a midget named Charley sharktooth On whom he was rather reliant! sharktooth Remember the clown we called Shorty sharktooth Whose look shall we say "quite sporty" superkaempe the gentle giant He was crying all day Crispies to go out and play sharktooth with a gal he wished to court-y. Taterss There was a fair maiden named Tigger sharktooth Who walked with a bit of a "swigger" Mystic Dreamer And she sure could sway those hips! sharktooth Hmm tooo many chips sharktooth made those hips a wee bit bigger. sharktooth Took me kitten Cookie for a walk DIRKSTRA and that person to cat talk superkaempe the gentle giant It was strange all the way sharktooth When I heard Cookie say Karen Q I HATE it when people just gawk!!! sharktooth As I walked in my garden today DIRKSTRA A breeze made the beanstalk sway sharktooth I looked up and saw Taterss A big green blah sharktooth Hmmm I had my laugh for the day! DIRKSTRA When driving at night don't forget. Red Panda turn on your lights or you'll regret Jools that other drivers you meet TallPaul (who may have lead feet) Crispies OR... for a race , get ready, get set... sharktooth While out prowling the ole homestead Crispies I saw a ghost called Ned MikeyB He was very opaque, Crispies Some thought he was fake. Jools but I still hid under the bed ![]() sharktooth Ole Aunt Sal made a loaf of bread Crispies For her favorite neighbor Fred Taterss Went to the door sharktooth Fred's friends Seuss n Thor sharktooth Were waiting there to be fed. sharktooth While gazing into a tide-pool Red Panda a frog challenged me to duel superkaempe the gentle giant Then out came a toad sharktooth Cheers! One for the road superkaempe the gentle giant And then he ran out of fuel DIRKSTRA My watch says it's Friday afternoon. superkaempe the gentle giant The weekend is coming so soon Red Panda But the battery is flat superkaempe the gentle giantlayer: And I don't have a hat sharktooth so I'll hitch a ride to the moon. DIRKSTRA My sciatica is driving me nuts MysticKah Hurts all the way up to my butt, superkaempe the gentle giant I can't even rest sharktooth I'm doin my best DIRKSTRA It's making me miss my putts. sharktooth It's almost a hundred and two Mystic Dreamer Am SOOOO hot, how about you? superkaempe the gentle giant I am melting away Red Panda in my ice cube tray superkaempe the gentle giant So I really don't know what to do sharktooth Hows about a game of marbles Jools Said the catfish through his barbels - (tricky rhyme there ![]() superkaempe the gentle giant The crab ran away sharktooth He said: Not today sharktooth Oh such sad thoughts he did harble (harbor ~ best I could come up with) Mystic Dreamer Drat! I saw Ol' Hetty at the market sharktooth On her three-wheel...saw her park it. sharktooth She then spotted me sharktooth With a look of glee Mystic Dreamer Oh why do I feel like a target!?! DIRKSTRA Soon I'll be on Summer vacation Jools Gonna catch a train down by the station. Red Panda i'm off to the sea superkaempe the gentle giant with a bird and a bee MysticKah And we'll sail to an exotic location! sharktooth Ole Cap' McDuff is at the helm Red Panda of the Aster class "Crocus" from Belgium sharktooth At home on the Sea Jools is a fine place to be DIRKSTRA That's what we always tell'em. sharktooth Wishin, wantin, just ain't the same Red Panda Lamp an Genie, just play the game Taterss Positive thinking Crispies Is the way to go MysticKah Any other way is just a shame! Taterss I fed my dog a lucky bone Crispies I fed me an ice cream cone sharktooth it dripped down my chin Jools and I started to grin Taterss Next thing you know it was done. DIRKSTRA The garden has finally been planted. Jools Even the parts that are slanted Red Panda The poor lemon tree David And the lovely sweet pea David Will ensure that my wishes are granted. Red Panda I play a game on gold token superkaempe the gentle giant Of which I have so often spoken DIRKSTRA It uses a pair of dice. Jools Which make it so nice David Unless my connection is broken. David My mouse is in need of a battery TallPaul (I've already tried using flattery) thegazebo Double A, Triple A, which should I use DIRKSTRA Try 'em all, How can you lose. TallPaul ...Just keep it away from the cattery! DIRKSTRA Joe missed the deadline for filing David And the IRS papers were piling Red Panda To pay so much tax thegazebo Stressed him out to the max David So there's no way that he could be smiling. sharktooth The cup ran away with my spoon Red Panda cos my fork could sing a great tune thegazebo My knife hates my plate Crispies And my napkin was late DIRKSTRA No coffee with lunch at noon ![]() sharktooth Gert was a little too talky sharktooth for me to take on a walky. David So I bought him a muzzle thegazebo And some KoolAid to guzzle David Now he's gone and I can't find the door key. sharktooth Young Tal, a lad from Perdesky Mystic Dreamer and to everyone he acted pesky! Serene Selene He pissed off his girl Red Panda and grandmother Pearl DIRKSTRA So he'd better lay off the whiskey. sharktooth Lil Winnie hopped like a bunny thegazebo As a puppy it made her look funny Red Panda instead of a bark superkaempe the gentle giant She sang like a lark sharktooth Which made her everyone's hunny! (honey) sharktooth Ole Man Froggie jumped off the dock superkaempe the gentle giant And gave three princesses a shock thegazebo As he had nothing on sharktooth His suit he did don sharktooth So no one around him would gawk. sharktooth Come sail with me across the sea Jools To go and see what we can see Red Panda But if you are blind thegazebo I won't leave you behind sharktooth Cuz we will have fun, you n me! sharktooth Ole Hinniger got out his bike sharktooth Lil Donniger got out his trike Mystic Dreamerand both were missing tires. Crispies and a couple'a wires Karen Q So they both had to take a hike! Mystic Dreamer Yet once again Merle was in peril thegazebo And frantically called his friend Sheryl sharktooth Come hither said he superkaempe the gentle giant And stay here with me sharktooth an we'll live in this here barrow (sorry folks, all I could come up with) sharktooth Steppin' across rocks in the brook Mystic Dreamer a slimy green he mistook thegazebo For a rock when it was in fact sharktooth a green toad, intact sharktooth Reading his most favorite book! sharktooth Ole Tal thought he'd made a mistake thegazebo The gold watch he'd bought was a fake sharktooth But under the gold superkaempe the gentle giant So I have been told Karen Q Was platinum for goodness sake! sharktooth A little feller named Russell thegazebo Found himself in a bit of a tussle sharktooth Missed the bus to school sharktooth Tried to act real cool Crispies Then knew he'd just have to hustle! sharktooth Threw on my old pair of Nike's thegazebo Grabbed my b-ball and headed to Mikey's sharktooth The whole gang was there thegazebo The tip-off fair and square sharktooth Then off we rode on our bikeys sharktooth While eating a plump marshmellow superkaempe the gentle giant It was red and green with some yellow Crispies I saw a strange flicker superkaempe the gentle giant Very fast it grew thicker Karen Q Then out came an alien fellow!!! sharktooth Bro Schutzen rode in on a toad TallPaul (A slimy one, with eyes that glowed) Mystic Dreamer He hung on for dear life! superkaempe the gentle giant And also his wife thegazebo Making haste to their humble abode. sharktooth Through the clouds I glimpsed a ray of sun thegazebo Gone is the rain for a day full of fun Jools When upon a gust of wind sharktooth a little leaf sat and grinned sharktooth Boy am I glad this "pun" is done!! sharktooth Oh my gosh, it's startin to snow thegazebo 'Bout time, too, far as winters go Mystic Dreamer Hoping harmless but deep thegazebo A silent, white world doth sleep Crispies BAM Now it's morning, let's GO! sharktooth Mr. Dorkle and I climbed a tree thegazebo I fell out, broke my leg, poor me TallPaul Mr. Dorkle fell too, Hoosierenvy (He must tie his shoe!) sharktooth Then climb back to see whats to see! sharktooth Frost on the punkin, nip to the air thegazebo Star lit nights, the days bright and fair Mystic Dreamer But where is the rain and snow? sharktooth Do I really want to know? DIRKSTRA It's hard to decide what to wear. sharktooth 2012 and I'm on a roll thegazebo Glad '11's over, it took quite a toll sharktooth There are trips to take thegazebo Lots of money to make TallPaul And things that are good for the soul. sharktooth Ahhh, back at the helm of me ship thegazebo After taking a brisk (and brief) dip sharktooth My heart filled with song Hoosierenvy So it didn't take long Karen Q To come up with a quite clever quip! sharktooth Heard the ring and picked up my cell thegazebo "Avon calling" said a voice I knew well Crispies I heard a strange noise thegazebo And without losing my poise Mystic Dreamer I answered my door-bell. sharktooth Wind was blowin, the sea was rough thegazebo Twas Hurricane Irene sure enough Mystic Dreamer She huffed and she puffed thegazebo As the east coast she roughed sharktooth Many a feather she did fluff sharktooth Ole Roar Harley went a bike-n' Mystic Dreamer And met a young lady a hike-n' thegazebo He gazed at her slyly Karen Q Then smiled rather shyly thegazebo And declared she was just to his like-n'. sharktooth Fuzzy Wuzzy went a-walkin' superkaempe the gentle giant While to his mummy he was talking thegazebo When up ahead they spied a pub HonoluluDads And thence she asked, "That's your club!?!" HonoluluDads "Let's go! Time for a gawkin'!" sharktooth Ole Tik Tumbler went for a ride, MysticKah Set out to fetch a pretty young bride, Crispies when he saw a BEAR HonoluluDads Who growled, "Look o'er there!" sharktooth It was Po who rode at his side! Crispies Some rain refreshed my Summer day, sharktooth Brightened things up a bit I'd say; Hoosierenvy The birds start to sing Jools And took to the wing thegazebo I'd love it to stay this way. Jools I set my boat a-sail on the sea, Mystic Dreamer voyaging out to see what I could see. thegazebo Suddenly the wind blew up a gale, Jools and ripped off my sail. sharktooth and I found myself "leaning to lee" (?) sharktooth Wendel Wixett went a fishin' Mystic Dreamer OOPS! his bait he was a missin'. Jools He cast in his line MysticKah It became all entwined MysticKah Twas not what he was a wishin'! sharktooth Reachin' down to pick a Daisy sharktooth Saw a butterfly bein' lazy thegazebo A butterfly being lazy? How odd! So I decided to give it a prod Crispies From then on, things became hazy. sharktooth Out riding with Sir Lancelot thegazebo Keeping our steeds at a fast trot Mystic Dreamer We espied a damsel in distress thegazebo And saved her from the sorceress superkaempe the gentle giant And brought her back to Camelot sharktooth I ran through the fields with a smile thegazebo Happier than I'd been in a while sharktooth I saw a green mouse sharktooth Pop out of his house DBowler And he walked with me for a mile. sharktooth I jumped on my horse for a ride, MysticKah And started slipping off to one side, superkaempe the gentle giant It stepped on a stone, thegazebo Twas then I was thrown TallPaul And for miles in the air I flied! MysticKah Oh no, the key is beginning to glow! thegazebo And pulses vibrate to and fro MysticKah Could this be the clue? Mystic Dreamer Do you see the glowing blue? superkaempe the gentle giant Is that the glow from the snow? MysticKah Seems this key has us all quite perplexed TallPaul So what should we try it in next? superkaempe the gentle giant Maybe sing out a song TallPaul As what could go wrong? sharktooth Gulp! Maybe a clue with a hex? sharktooth About this mysterious key... Mystic Dreamer and you're asking me!? thegazebo Have you tried every door? sharktooth or the safe on the floor? thegazebo Perhaps not to a door shall we see? sharktooth Ahhh! Limericks at Goldtoken my fave! thegazebo Create your most clever, then save sharktooth Have fun on the way Mystic Dreamer Bring a smile to the day TallPaul For a path to a laugh, they pave! thegazebo Here's a toast to Will and Kate sharktooth Who in each other found a loving mate Crispies A new song they'll sing sharktooth Til he becomes King sharktooth For the rest? We'll just have to wait! sharktooth Yahooo said Mz. Lizzie da slug! superkaempe the gentle giant I finally found me a bug TallPaul With stripes of purple thegazebo tastes just like maple syrple superkaempe the gentle giant And it is half the size of my rug Crispies She yearned for a whole piece of toast Redbee To munch on while preparing a roast thegazebo In the bread bag she found just the heel Redbee So back to the potatoes to peel thegazebo For a dinner of which she can boast. sharktooth Myrtle Bee said to the beetle thegazebo I have a stinger that's much like a needle sharktooth I'd rather not sting Mystic Dreamer but for a little BLING thegazebo I can just go about and tweedle. sharktooth Oh Limericks bring me such joy; TallPaul More than my most favourite toy! thegazebo Such fun to create, they challenge our wit sharktooth Make me chuckle a bit superkaempe the gentle giant And believe I am Helen of Troy thegazebo There lives down the lane a man named McGrawney sharktooth Whose wife thinks he's a bit scrawny TallPaul So she made a meal Hoosierenvy Twas quite a big deal sharktooth And now McGrawney is brawny! sharktooth I knew a little red ant sharktooth Who always said "but I can't" thegazebo "Til one day he realized thegazebo He carried things 10 times his size sharktooth "I'm doin it" he yelled with a pant! sharktooth I know a man named Mr. Proubles sharktooth Who always found himself in troubles superkaempe the gentle giant When he once met a horse thegazebo And had problems of course sharktooth Cuz they just sat around blowing bubbles. sharktooth Sir Ticklemuss Toad went aridin' sharktooth As he rode he was decidin' Mystic Dreamer On which lily pad he would be a sittin' thegazebo And on which lady frog he would like to be hittin' thegazebo And after they married where they'd be residin'. sharktooth Sir Plinkett Puttster found a dime TallPaul Eliciting this stand-out rhyme Crispies He gave a quick wink superkaempe the gentle giant And then stopped to think thegazebo What a fun way to spend his spare time. thegazebo Ol Fenster sat pondering the passing old year Mystic Dreamer And so with gusto and new-found cheer sharktooth He wrote a grand list superkaempe the gentle giant And went through the mist sharktooth To greet the Happy New Year!! sharktooth Old Unc' Tillers hopped on one leg Crispies his other one was just a peg thegazebo But he danced with the best TallPaul And when put to the test sharktooth Ne'er for a partner did he need beg! sharktooth Off for a fun ride in the snow sharktooth Laughing gaily as the soft flakes grow thegazebo Here comes Frosty wanting to race singer Kicks snow in your face sharktooth Leaving cheeks with a soft rosy glow. sharktooth Oh for some of Mom's plum puddin' sharktooth seconds please (I know I shouldn') thegazebo So rich and delicious and topped with rum sauce, thegazebo I go back for seconds, maybe thirds because thegazebo I can't help myself though I swore I wouldn'. sharktooth I put runners on me little cart Mystic Dreamer now off with a running start thegazebo Down the hill, gathering speed Crispies well ahead of the fastest steed sharktooth Bump! Me cart and me did part! sharktooth Out running with my dog named Sonney thegazebo I thought it would sure be funny sharktooth To play hide n seek Crispies not daring to peek DIRKSTRA Now I offer a reward of money Crispies I saw ole DaBrinsky in the woods, sharktooth Reading to the animals as only he coulds, Crispies As he turned the page sharktooth This wee little sage Crispies Smiled at them all in their hoods! sharktooth Let's go trick or treat together Hoosierenvy And hope we have wonderful weather sharktooth As we skipped along Crispies Belting out a Song sharktooth Feelin' as light as a feather. sharktooth Look at that face on the pumpkin Crispies why , it scared a country bumpkin! sharktooth He leaped like a frog Hoosierenvy Then ran like a dog sharktooth To watch was delightfully sumpth-kin? sharktooth Her chirp fell like a wet noodle thegazebo On the paper where I set to doodle Hoosierenvy It frightened me not Mystic Dreamer Since it wasn't so hot superkaempe the gentle giant And I gave it away to my poodle sharktooth The Limericks make my heart happy thegazebo And rhymes you make are quite snappy superkaempe the gentle giant You could make it a song TallPaul We could all sing along sharktooth and our toes in rhythm will tap-py. sharktooth I found a dime in my apple thegazebo Shoulda bought a bottle of Snapple sharktooth I spent the dime Hoosierenvy To buy a new rhyme Crispies And then I laid down for a nap(ple) sharktooth She reached for her broom with a wink superkaempe the gentle giant And tried to pass through the sink Crispies Her broomstick was wet superkaempe the gentle giant Her cat on her head TallPaul And the squid in the sink quirted ink! sharktooth They called him Sir Balderdash thegazebo And rumored to be loaded with cash Crispies He talked with a smile sharktooth This man with no guile superkaempe the gentle giant And he disappeared like a flash sharktooth There once was a cat named Smokey Crispies Kind of cute but a bit pokey Mystic Dreamer ever so slowly he crept Hoosierenvy while everyone slept sharktooth Into the rain and got soak-key. sharktooth The hound thought the fox a bit foxey Mystic Dreamer though definitely lacking in moxey! Crispies he crept through the woods sharktooth as quiet as he coulds Crispies looking for his special Roxie. Mystic Dreamer ever so slowly he crept sharktooth He opened one eye with a blink Hoosierenvy And gazed straight right down in the sink TallPaul The sink stared right back sharktooth Courage it did not lack sharktooth As he smiled and nodded with a wink. sharktooth The elephant was chasing the mouse Mystic Dreamer EGAD! and while in the house! thegazebo Up and down the stairs they ran sharktooth Over the shoes of the neighbor man Hoosierenvy and up the leg of his now frightened spouse! sharktooth Mr. Tolly thought himself a toad Crispies and being green, hopped down the road Mystic Dreamer hop-paly from puddle to puddle thegazebo his head in a bit of a muddle sharktooth searching for his lil abode. sharktooth Aunt Nell rode off on her bike *DOMINATOR* Twas better than taking a hike Hoosierenvy when she hit a large stone superkaempe the gentle giant she was feeling alone sharktooth with a laff rode on up the 'Pike. sharktooth Skipping along on the beach thegazebo Eating this wonderful peach *DOMINATOR* My feet, bare on the sand TallPaul Dancing to the band thegazebo Nirvana well within reach. sharktooth Was that a tap at my window Crispies way up here on the second floor... sharktooth As I took a look thegazebo My body shook sharktooth As a butterfly flew out the door. Crispies Ole grandpa Joe took a walk Mystic Dreamer And happened upon a bean stalk. TallPaul He stopped and looked up Hoosierenvy Then had a hiccup Crispies Thru the leaves the giant did gawk. DIRKSTRA Why have we snow in May? superkaempe the gentle giant And not just for a single day DBowler I want the answer I do pray. thegazebo Blame it on global warming I'd say thegazebo Al Gore would agree, by the way. Crispies There's a hint of Spring by golly thegazebo So long to snow-covered holly Hoosierenvy I'll kick off my shoes Mystic Dreamer and shake the winter blues DBowler all cause my name is Sir Molly Crispies Twas the midst of winter 'round here mysticdragon I rounded the corner and hit a deer Karen Q It looked a bit dry Karen Q And I said, "Oh my!" DBowler I woke it up by giving it beer--- sharktooth Mr. Crock had b-b's for toes euro4me and a wart on his nose sharktooth a scooter to ride thegazebo A fine lass by his side TallPaul And a stash of shiny Golderos LyndiLoo Upon my bed there was surprise Mystic Dreamer Was someone spiritual and wise thegazebo to leave me a gift that I need thegazebo not socks or a sweater indeed thegazebo twas a book, a treasure for my eyes. sharktooth Here comes the feller they call "Ole-Blue" superkaempe the gentle giant For hat he is wearing an old blak shoe sharktooth flowers for buttons euro4me oh for something to sit on thegazebo Mayhaps that big mushroom will do. sharktooth Ole Pokey jumped out with a laugh Crispies After cutting his apple in half sharktooth With 18 lil feet euro4me That smelled oh so apple sweet DBowler He just kicked himself in the calf. DIRKSTRA Soon it will be Thanksgiving Day Mystic Dreamer For the Cook, all work and no play! LyndiLoo We all remember back when DBowler We only but one hen thegazebo And gave many thanks anyway. sharktooth Forsooth said he to the lady euro4me [she] Fore never it's a maybe! sharktooth My, where will this go? LyndiLoo I'm sure it's a no show thegazebo Or mayhaps 'twill foster a baby. sharktooth Little Mollie took her dollie LyndiLoo Hair adorned with Christmas holly Crispies Then bundled her up sharktooth with a hup hup hup sharktooth Marched away astride her Collie. Crispies A robin was teaching her class Hoosierenvy When a snake jumped up from the grass sharktooth Why, that ain't no worm thegazebo And she started to squirm sharktooth So they took to the air en masse. sharktooth Mr. Hawk was missing a sock superkaempe the gentle giant It was hidden under a rock LyndiLoo Hawks wear socks? No way! TallPaul Except an osprey? Crispies OR, only while wearing a frock. Crispies I knew a centipede named Mikey sharktooth Who went with his friends for a hikey superkaempe the gentle giant When he tied up his shoes Hoosierenvy They gave him good news Mystic Dreamer He's a good ad for NIKE! Comment: ![]() sharktooth I knew an ole pirate named "Pegs" LyndiLoo He's hunting the shark that took his legs! Crispies He wants to be pals Mystic Dreamer Eh, eh, most of 'em were gals! Crispies Alas, it turned out they were hags! thegazebo Oh look it's Balloon Boy flying by euro4me pressed the button to give it a try Jools As high as a kite TallPaul He gave us a fright! thegazebo Turned out to be just a big lie. sharktooth I found a magic bean, he cried TallPaul It looks like it has been refried Jools Served in a taco TallPaul It sent him wacko LyndiLoo Could it really work if he tried? superkaempe the gentle giant On a rainy day in October thegazebo While feeling calm and sober sharktooth I went for a walk thegazebo Around my block sharktooth Then decided to do it "ohbber" sharktooth Lil Winny threw on her cardigan TallPaul As the wind was blowing hard again Mystic Dreamer She felt all warm and snug LyndiLoo And gave the tree a hug! Jools Like she did every now and then sharktooth Ole Ramberto thought he was tough Mystic Dreamer But was Moxie going to be enough Crispies He flexed his lil muscles sharktooth Got into some "tussles" sharktooth Then realized he wasn't "up ta snuff"! LyndiLoo There was a frog that croaked in soprano Mystic Dreamer Because he'd been dipped in bat guano thegazebo A curious sight to be sure don't you think Jools Covered in guano and starting to stink superkaempe the gentle giant And singing out loud Italiano. sharktooth The waves grew tall, the strong winds blew Mystic Dreamer It was a tsunami, who knew! Jools No-one to warn LyndiLoo So many to morn Mystic Dreamer A shocker to be sure, thru and thru! superkaempe the gentle giant As I went out through the door sharktooth With baskets of fruit and more Mystic Dreamer OOPS, I forgot my Gerald LadyeFantasy Who's you see, quite so bald Jools His toupée now a rug on the floor sharktooth I reached over to wind the clock superkaempe the gentle giant But I had to remove a big rock sharktooth I started to laugh sharktooth When a wee lil calf sharktooth With a start me he did shock. sharktooth I crept through the park in the dark superkaempe the gentle giant In my pocket I carried a shark Jools I thought it was odd LyndiLoo Turned on my IPod Crispies Just me and my shark, What a lark! LyndiLoo Scarecrow saw the smoking wagon sharktooth To see it sent his jaw saggin' Mystic DreamerAh, not the horse too! TallPaul Oh, this will not do! sharktooth Then the horse stood up, tail a waggin'. sharktooth "Ah accepts yor proposal", sez Moe PK "But dat ring sho don't go on ma toe" thegazebo And while some might find this talk offensive thegazebo Surely they are on the defensive thegazebo Juz don put dat ring fru ma nose fo sho. sharktooth Paisley Piglet found a bag of gold LyndiLoo For the blind butcher he was told Bandit Kyo With a sneer Piglet gave thegazebo Some for himself he did save sharktooth Then gave all in a move so bold. Mystic Dreamer What a shame Alfie was blind DIRKSTRA For a butcher he was so kind PK But while cleaving away thegazebo One bright, sunny day sharktooth His hat o'r his eyes he did find. Mystic Dreamer It was camping time in the Rockies sharktooth I was lacing up my Rebok-iees thegazebo When I noticed a bear superkaempe the gentle giant With green curly hair LyndiLoo And wearing my Nike sockies! PK I was watching an ant carry food TallPaul I think it was rhubarb (stewed) LyndiLoo The others are waiting sharktooth and salivating Jools But he ate it all himself, how rude! Jools Whilst out for a walk on the hills TallPaul Jack stopped by for a drink at Jill's sharktooth He seemed quite stable superkaempe the gentle giant On top of a table DIRKSTRA Some people like cheap thrills. sharktooth Slugger McPhee went to bat Mystic Dreamer Swiveled his hips, askewed his hat thegazebo Crossed himself in a hopeful prayer LyndiLoo Smacked the ball with quite the flair superkaempe the gentle giant Then thought to himself that is that. sharktooth It glanced back at me with a wink superkaempe the gentle giant Somehow I started to think PK If I poked that good eye sharktooth As it seemed a bit shy PK The wink would then be a blink! sharktooth Ole Grandpa Bart had three toes LyndiLoo How that came to be only he knows! Mystic Dreamer He's not talkin', that's for sure! PK And his walkin' ain't too pure Jools But sometimes it has it's pro's sharktooth Mr. Dobbins from St. Paylyn Crispies Had the idea to go a' sailin' Mystic Dreamer So in his dinghy off he went PK To his course, he gave no hint Jools But a westerly wind was prevailin' sharktooth Ole Bert Ginkly said distinctly Mystic Dreamer And too, twas put very succinctly sharktooth it's a matter of couth superkaempe the gentle giant and just going south thegazebo He ended up at Precinct 3. sharktooth I was out gathering wood one day superkaempe the gentle giant I met a squirrel that asked me to stay PK I thought of my wife thegazebo And my humanized life Jools And said "Thanks, but no way!" sharktooth It leaped outta the water and ran Hoosierenvy Then realized my unusual tan marlisam Had gone to purple TallPaul It started to hirple marlisam What else would I do but the can can? (hirple scot. to hobble, or walk with a limp) LyndiLoo Penelope's basket of jelly beans Mystic Dreamer Hmmm, not everything is as it seems sharktooth A gumdrop so red thegazebo Goes with gum drops instead Apex Predator RKO Does not make sense by all means! superkaempe the gentle giant A beaver escaping from London thegazebo Lamented the crimes that he had done TallPaul When he dammed the Thames, MysticKah To impress the dames, Mystic Dreamer Said to the bobby, "Twas all in fun!" sharktooth Ole Uncle Mort from Chop-Peekwah LyndiLoo Caught his fish and ate it raw Crispies He then grew some scales PK Four fins and three tails Mystic Dreamer Now the oddest fellow you ever saw! Mystic Dreamer A peculiar young man from Redding thegazebo On his way to his best friend's wedding superkaempe the gentle giant Got lost in a storm sharktooth while eating a worm thegazebo Then continued to where he was heading. TallPaul Three young girls from Harajuku PK Wore makeup which made them look cuckoo TallPaul One had purple lips, LyndiLoo And pink hair to her hips! PK And a tatt on her back of sudoku! thegazebo I found a genie in a vase PK After rubbing til blue in the face LyndiLoo Spitting and sputtering he appeared Crispies Looking at me a little weird sharktoothThree wishes n I'm outta this place. sharktooth She was swimming across the Seine PK When her leg started having great pain. Crispies She saw a wee fish LyndiLoo She was off with a swish! PK And thus went 'inSeine' with a strain! sharktooth Zamboolieya was a bullfrog thegazebo His friend Yahoodi was a bulldog sharktooth They ate "petit fours" Crispies In the rain outdoors thegazebo Along with Zambuski the groundhog. Crispies I'm roasting, where's the lemonade thegazebo It's so hot, I'm beginning to fade Mystic Dreamer "AHH, for a cooling drink!" sharktooth Ice tea, tickles me pink, sharktooth In it I would love to wade! LyndiLoo Mary Hassleflug, newly married Mystic Dreamer None too soon, with child she carried superkaempe the gentle giant When her child will be born sharktooth There'll be no time to morn LyndiLoo For to the alter she harried! sharktooth Petah Pozzkiss found a nickel LyndiLoo He ran out to buy a big pickle superkaempe the gentle giant But his money ran out DoubleU And now there's no doubt HeatherN He'll have to eat dry pumpernickel Wiki Options This page was last edited by HeatherN at 1:03PM on 8 November 2021 |
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