March 2013
I wish to thank all players who regularly adopt others, and faithfully renew their membership here on GoldToken. Your continued support of others enjoyment and of GoldToken itself brings oodles "playing" value to our wonderful site. This has been a terrific adventure, not only for Chad and I, but for all of you. GoldToken is what we together are making it. We certainly couldn't do it without you!
Jacob1987 started running a few HTH tournaments with much success this last month. Be sure to subscribe/watch the Head To Head Playing DB for pending matches, as they will run within ten to fifteen minutes of announcement there.
In case you've been asking yourself what's been up our sleeves the past month, I suggest checking in on GoldToken's beta site,, later this month. It's a jewel long asked for!
Both Rodius and superkaempe the gentle giant did! Just ask yourself, "How did they do it?" and you might find the answer.
Back for round two, after numerous requests, is our old discussion board, ready and waiting for your creativity! Have a wonderful month and play like you mean it! --Badger In this month's newsletter, we have:
Birthday Wishes: -- Happy Birthday to MM David littlefair XI on March 1st! - From The Word O'Rama Club -- Happy Birthday to lexy on March 2nd! -- Happy Birthday to brown eyed girl on March 2nd! -- Happy Birthday to Kiki on March 3rd! - From { Club } -- Happy Birthday to flyingferret on March 4th! - From The Word O'Rama Club -- Happy Birthday to marshagee on March 6th! - From The What's Cookin' Club, The Word O'Rama Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club & { Club } -- Happy Birthday to Kat on March 6th! - From { Club } -- Happy Birthday to catlover on March 7th! - From { Club } & The Pork Chop Club -- Happy Birthday to CrystalKat on March 7th! -- Happy Birthday to nasher on March 9th! -- Happy Birthday to stormy rebel on March 9th! -- Happy Birthday to Catalinn on March 11th! -- Happy Birthday to faith64 on March 11th! -- Happy Birthday to FixitDave on March 11th! -- Happy Birthday to DOTY on March 11th! - From The Pork Chop Club -- Happy Birthday to Jaybar on March 12th! -- Happy Birthday to stones- A - rama on March 12th! -- Happy birthday to IRISH on March 13th! -- Happy Birthday to jamchug on March 14th! -- Happy Birthday to Ally on March 14th! -- Happy Birthday to wldndn on March 14th! - From your sister Kat Happy Birthday Sis!! I love you!! -- Happy Birthday to Hootus on March 16th! -- Happy Birthday to paganje on March 17th! -- Happy Birthday to KathyD on March 22nd! -- Happy Birthday to Man of Steel on March 23rd! - From The Pork Chop Club & your wife B*Elanna, -- Happy Birthday to Summer Flame on March 24th! -- Happy birthday to latenite on March 24th! From The MasterClass Club -- Happy Birthday to cowboy on March 24th! - From { Club } -- Happy Birthday to Cherie on March 26th! - From The Word O'Rama Club -- Happy Birthday to mickeymouse on March 27th! - From { Club }, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club, { Club },The Pork Chop Club & The Friendship Club -- Happy Birthday to denboy on March 28th! -- Happy Birthday to WereWolf on March 30th! Anniversary & Other Wishes: -- Happy 5th Wedding Anniversary to Buddha and his wife on March 7th! * If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, can not be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)
How to WikiEditing a wiki is very easy and starts with clicking the edit link on the wiki page. Then, all you need do is enter your information and save the edit by clicking the save option at the bottom of the page. Look at the code when you go to edit the page inside, and try to follow what other players have done. If in doubt, there are full instructions on wiki editing on the following pages: Wiki Page Editing[ How to Copy and Paste ] [ How to enter a game number ] [ How to enter a name ] [ How to make a new wiki page ] [ How to make a wiki table ] [ Headings, fonts and bullets ] [ Links, lines and spaces ] [ Sample wikis ] [ Wiki Formatting ] [ Wiki Sandbox ] to practice your wiki skills [ Who's Afraid of the Big Bad Wiki ] - fatdaddy's teaching wiki
Buddha with (unknown photo) is February's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with 42 votes and will be awarded with a profile token. golfnutrof with (unknown photo) and unicorn with (unknown photo) both came in the 2nd place with 15 votes each. FixitDave came in the 3nd place with 6 votes for (unknown photo). to all the winners and to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting. We had 94 votes this month. Without you all, this competition wouldn't be active You can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2013-02 Love Story Last month, I had forgotten to mention the names of two other players who shared the 3rd place with golfnutrof. laura lee with (unknown photo) and wildgeese with (unknown photo) also got 9 votes each and came in the 3rd place for January's contest. The theme for our photo contest in March is Anticipating Spring. Please post your entries on the Photozone DB with "Photozone Contest" in the subject line to enter and please give your entries a name as well. The deadline for this month's Photozone contest is: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Time, Wednesday, March 27th, 2013. Voting for February's Photozone contest will be closed on: 12:00 Midnight, Pacific Time, Sunday, March 31th, 2013. If you have any question about the rules or details you can either visit Photozone Zepher's profile or post your questions on Photozone DB. Regards, Redhairchick
March's game of the month is Spades! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The March 2013 - Game Of The Month - Spades! Tournament! Winner will receive the { Image: } - Koru Spiral profile token. We hope you enjoy it! How Good Are Your Cards... for SPADES There are 13 possible tricks per hand in Spades... but due to a site anomaly, a maximum of 12 or 14 tricks can be bid. For argument's sake, let's just use 12 tricks as the max. Ideally, player #4 has an early advantage as he can sit back and observe what the other three opponents bid, i.e. how strong or weak their hands are (also, who has which) and can use this information accordingly. Before starting each hand of Spades, all players count up the quality of their cards. Here is a way to find the quality: -Count the number of spades you were dealt. In a deck, there are 13 spades. Divide it into four hands, and an average hand has about three spades. Add one point each if your spade is Queen, King or Ace. -Add one point if you have four spades, two points for five spades, three points for six spades, etc. This additional spade(s) will be used as a cutting card or a stand-alone spade after all the other spades have been drained from your opponents. NON-SPADES -Add one point for each Ace (if you have five or more cards in the same suit as the Ace, add only a half point because your Ace now has a 50-50 chance of getting cut). -Add one point if you only have one or zero cards for a particular suit. Now you can use a spade to cut early (do NOT count it if you've already counted 1 point for having four or more spades. If you do, then you are counting the same point twice which may result in you overbidding your hand). -Add half a point for each King (unless you have four or more cards in that suit. If you do have four cards or more, then your King will probably get cut). ***** Convert all points into tricks (one trick for each point), and consider whether you want to count the half-points or not. The half-points are possible tricks. If you are the fourth bidder, you can use the opponents' bids as a guide, i.e. you counted three points and two half-points for your hand. You're bidder #4 and see that each of your opponents have bid three tricks each. In that case, don't count the two half-points, just bid the three tricks (you can't bid for the 13th trick even if you wanted to. Site anomaly, remember?). But if your two possible tricks work, then one of your opponents is going to be set. If you count only 0-2 points, you might consider bidding nil... but that's a whole different story on it's own. Special to *Spades Master* for writing this month's Game of the Month Nugget. You too, can write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
February's winner is: Banana Chocolate Bread Pudding
Banana Chocolate Bread Pudding 12 slices Pepperidge Farm Cinnamon Swirl Bread-cut in cubes 2 large Bananas-cut into 1/4-inch-slices 1 cup Semi-Sweet Chocolate pieces 2 1/2 cup Milk 4 Eggs 1/2 cup packed Brown Sugar 2 teas. Vanilla Extract ---------------------------- Lightly grease a 2-quart shallow baking dish- Preheat oven to 350 Place the bread cubes,bananas & chocolate pieces into the baking dish Beat milk, eggs ,brown sugar,& vanilla extract with a fork or whisk in a medium bowl Pour milk mixture over bread mixture---Stir and Press the bread mixture into the mixture to coat Bake for 40 min.or until a knife inserted in the center comes out clean Can be served with ice cream or whipped cream- ENJOY GoldToken's skzoey will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big to skzoey! March's recipe contest is: "Mint Dishes". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
**~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** Crispies 1. What brought you to GoldToken? I used to play on IYT and saw it there. How'd you choose your name for GT? It was my nickname as a child for Christie. 2. What interests you most on GT? I love the games and icons and everyone is so friendly! 3. Do you belong to any of the clubs? Quite a few clubs. Mainly for gaming. 4. What State or Country do you reside in? Washington in the US of A Do you live in the City or Country? Smaller outlying suburb. What in your State or Country do you think tourist should definity see? Washington is beautiful. Our ocean beaches and our mountains are worth a peek. 5. What hobbies do you have? I read alot. Putzing on the computer is a fave. I'm always up for a project . My latest are Plant pots- Big ones. What other interest do you have? Time. I'm interested in having more hours in a day! 6. Children? None of my own. I stepped in to help my brother with his 3 when the 'mom' left about 4 years ago. One girl 22 , a boy who Just turned 18 and our littlest girl who is 11. Do any of them play on GT? Yes, the 22 year old and 11 year old. 7. Do you work? Not officially. If so what kind of work do you do? I help raise 3 kids. Do you enjoy your job? Yes! 8. Any pets? I used to have a couple of Lovebirds, now I have our family dog Chewy. she's an older Golden Retriever. 9. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? ___ or over 50? Over 50 10. What's the farthest you've been from home? I've just been in the Pacific NW area. I've been to California, Idaho and Montana. was born and raised in Spokane Washington. Now, I'm right across the bridges from Portland Oregon. Was it a vacation or for business? Always vacation 11. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be? not one for alot of travel at this stage so, right smack dab in the middle of Here! If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know. Laura laura lee
I was referred to GoldToken by a member of after I let her know that I also was a paid member of (both for a year). I am so grateful she referred me: if I'd known I could have had both those sites' value in the one place!!!! I have honestly never seen a wider range of games and variants. Not only that, but the community aspect - clubs, discussions, the newsletter (to name a few) I want a game-home...GoldToken just seems to fit everything I'm looking for, without being limited in any way because I can see the place is always growing. For example I just joined the newly introduced game (and well loved childhood favorite of mine) Chinese cool is that? (and unavailable at the aforementioned sites) And from the comments I've exchanged so far, your members are truly welcoming and friendly, as well as yourselves! 5 stars and thank you for the trial silver membership. I've got a feeling I'll be staying. Serene Selene
Enter GoldToken's Club Banner Contest! The winning banner will be given one full year to run! All entries will rotate with the other banners on top of player game sheets for 30 days from the day they are added to the system. The entry deadline is March 27th. A site-wide poll will be posted for voting once the entries are in. To enter, post a new, never before seen 800x90 or 200x200 pixel club banner on the Club Presidents DB along with the club number. All top banners must be exactly 90 pixels high so the page does not bump up and down as each page loads. Having trouble creating your own banners or lack a photo editing program? Try one of the free services on the net that offers free banner creation. Free banners created using these systems can be incredible and very professional. Here are a few links to sites that provide this service, however, you you might wish to find others more suited to your taste and abilities by Googling "Free Banners". Then it is just a matter of uploading your banner to your account's Banner system. <----my personal favorite Additional details are available on the Info page entitled Banners. We have a winner for the "Best Joke" contest for February! Congrats to smiler5, who posted this gem:Graveyard humor Two boy scouts went on a nature hike in the hills picking hickory nuts. Along the way, they filled their small pails and then started to fill their pockets and shirts. When they could hold no more nuts, they started down the country road until they came across a cemetery. The boys decided that would be a good place to stop and rest and divide out the nuts. The two boys sat in the shade of a large oak tree and unloaded their pockets and buckets by dumping all of the nuts in a large pile. In the process, two of them rolled away and rested near the road. The boys then proceeded to divide out the nuts. "One for you. One for me. One for you. One for me." As they were doing this, another boy was passing by and happened to hear them. He looked into the cemetery, but could not see the boys, because they were obscured by the tree. He hesitated a moment and then ran back to town. "Father! Father!" he yelled as he entered his house. "The cemetery. Come quick!" "What's the matter?" his father asked. "No time to explain," the boy frantically panted. "Follow me!" The boy and his father ran up the country road and stopped when they reached the cemetery. They stopped at the side of the road and all fell silent for a few moments. Then the father asked his son what was wrong. "Do you hear that?" he whispered. Both people listened intently and heard the Scouts. "One for me. One for you. One for me. One for you..." The boy then blurted out, "The devil and the Lord are dividing the souls!" The father was skeptical but silent -- until a few moments later as the Scouts completed dividing out the nuts and one Scout said to the other, "Now, as soon as we get those two nuts down by the road, we'll have them all."
I would like to thank all the members who sent me "Get Well" Messages and those whom prayed for me. I am now back home with strict instructions to take things quietly for the next few weeks - For those who know me, this will not be easy. Many thanks.............~~Morse
The Caption contest winner for the February, 2013, newsletter is ladybugwrangler with: (unknown photo) The best place for a catnap when you're dog-tired! ;-) ladybugwrangler! To enter March's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. (unknown photo) The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next months newsletter.
When the winds of March are wakening the crocuses and crickets, Did you ever find a fairy near some budding little thickets,... And when she sees you creeping up to get a closer peek She tumbles through the daffodils, a playing hide and seek. ~Marjorie Barrows Look for special weeks coming soon, such as Dog week, rows and rows of nothing but dogs, man's best friend.
Be The First to Find These Icons. Message the Icon Fairy with your answers, good hunting. Winner will be announced on the Icon Mania board.{ Image: } { Image: } { Image: } { Image: } { Image: }
The To Your Health Club members in the game where Crispies DOTY runabe Ace1316 Fun way to end a game... The Chess4Fun Club Has started it's second annual Co-Founder's cup Chess tournament. It will bear 6 trophies to be mailed to the winners and runner's up. This tournament is special because it is a continuation of the first tournament ever held at GT. KINGSLAYER The Sallyp and Friends Club reports they have a great start to 2013 they have started 89 new Tournaments over the first two months of the year and have finished 69. They have a prize for the member who wins the most tournaments so far smiler5 is creeping ahead with 10 wins and johnnyyboy is not far behind with 6 wins. They have 7 member with 3 wins each. So the race for the most tournament wins is very much on. The Sallyp and Friends Club Send out a big Thank you to everyone in the club for taking part in the games. On ClubvsClub News{ Club } has announced that The To Your Health Club has won the [ Main: Round Three Hypergammon Championship ]. Eight Clubs signed up...Club owners, please sign your Clubs up for some friendly competition
February's 2012 Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs!
Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **[ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ] Wiki Options This page was last edited by Badger at 6:35PM on 7 March 2013 Find referring pages |
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