Round Two American Rummikub Championship

[ Main: Round Two American Rummikub Championship ]

Good luck
Club#2223 The Prime Time TV Club - Inviter
Club#2024 The Sallyp and Friends Club - Opponent
Club#2024 The Sallyp and Friends Club WINNER:wtg:
3 days, loss of game

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Round Two American Rummikub Championship ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
runabesmiler5#7852615smiler5The Sallyp and Friends Club
GenieHillbilly#7851498HillbillyThe Sallyp and Friends Club
LyndiLoo{ Player: cindys_1952 }#7851685{ Player: cindys_1952 }The Sallyp and Friends Club
TedEBearAndrewB#7851565TedEBearThe Prime Time TV Club
OcirneJools#7895260{ Player: n/p }{ Club: #n/p }
The Sallyp and Friends ClubWins3Games1

  • n/p not played

Good luck
Club#2108 The Multi-Player Gaming Center Club - Inviter
Club#2197 The To Your Health Club - Opponent
Club#2197 The To Your Health Club WINNER:wtg:
3 days, loss of game

Please include link with invite!!
[ Main: Round Two American Rummikub Championship ]

InviterOpponentGame NumberWINNERCLUB
stinger41MaryF#7852033stinger41The Multi-Player Gaming Center Club
Groverspiritebear#7851659spiritebearThe To Your Health Club
DebiMMary#7851494DebiMThe Multi-Player Gaming Center Club
generous52AZD159#7853371AZD159The To Your Health Club
birdstoeMrsN#7852534MrsNThe To Your Health Club
The To Your Health ClubWins3Games2
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This page was last edited by Ocirne at 3:38PM on 12 November 2012

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