What is your trade

Use this space to describe What is your trade.
Please put what type work you do to make a living.

Ace1316Retired Park/Arena Manager
AllyReception Manager in a hotel
angel28District manager finance company
ArkAngelGeneral Contractor
AZD159retired/partially disabled
BabyGirl The Rebel AngelInd. Avon Sales Rep.
BobKCommercial Printing / Graphic Design Sales
BrnIdGirlParalegal/Office Manager
butter fly effectProfessional Groomer
CallieIn Home Childcare Provider
Catz52MeowRetired Nurse/disablity stay at home mother of 2, President of the Air Force Jr. ROTC at the local high school
cctiger2000Disabled from a brown reclues spider
ChrisGeologist and Volunteer Fire Fighter
CindyWork for Plastic factory
CLMResearch Scientist - Biochemistry & Cell Biology
CORNNUT KINGMaintenance Mechanic*
dabmedical technologist
dalkelly MIA7th grade teacher
darkest angel 70play worker in a childrens hospice
DiGaWiDMental Health Worker
disterdisStay at home mama
Dollar Store QueenNurse
dollyPharmacy Technician
DragonHeart MIAcashier
FixitDaveNetwork support Engineer (install & support computer networks)
furryfeetBrain Surgeon.. discount rates because I don't have a license
GamerazerAll above put togetherSmiling
grade1teacherFirst Grade Teacher
Irish RebelWooden Floor specialist
jackgammontrial lawyer
jamchugRural Operations Manager SBC
JaneRetired Gardener / mom / wife
jaylas mommy04Secretary for construction site
johniej23Forklift Driver
Karen QRetired Accountant
kellymcinazProfessional Christian Counselor (Student)
KikiHigh School Teacher
kleese2Taking care of my newborn son!!!
Lady EhlanaVR Counselor/Retired
Lady GoodwrenchCorrections Officer / Certified Auto Mechanic
lady of ambercollege student/bookstore clerk
Lil-BitWork for a fast food restaurant
LittleTreeDietary Manager
Lone OutlawOutlaw
Lowellface shelves at a grocery store
martellmomServer/mom of 3 girls
MesheServer@Steamers of Pismo Beach
MizEMed Student on my way to being a doctor
MM David littlefair XIUnemployed. but use to be a kitchen porter
mommy89Home Care Aid/Nurse Aid/Fulltime MOM
Mr_MooseHVAC Tech (Retired)
MrDaddyinTNForklift Driver\Supervisor
MrGigglesRetired,Volunteer for a local food pantry,and play Santa for the Christmas season
MsDotToll Collection Attendant
NamdnasCabinet maker
NargadaIndependent Beauty Consultant for Mary Kay Cosmetics
NetKissa aka Knit ThisSecurity controller at air cargo
Nukkle DraggerSystems Administrator
numptieheidmischievous minx
Paddington Bearcustomer care advisor
Pamper MeHomemaker
PegasusSSA declared me disabled/make some money from paid-to-click/read sites and taking surveys
Phil The HatSoftware Engineer
pink danewife & photographer { Club }
princesargfiling manager at Tom & Jerry's home medical supplies store
RabidWolff of the Wolf PackDSD Pricing Coordinator for a Wholesale Grocery Company
RamblinMaamRamblinMan's Maam
RamblinManField Service Tech Video Games
Ray of LightSoftware engineer
rebelyellBlackjack Pitboss-Native American Casino
Rose of SharonDept of Motor Vehicle Clerk
RosesncardsHome Health Aide
AmberLoveLegal Assistant
SandmanManufacture auto leather
ScotLYoga/ Aerobics teacher
Shelly13DISPATCHER @ Small Trucking Company
shymel MIAManager of a pizza place
singerRetired clergy; singer
Sir Arthur of the GoldTableFirefighter/also work for a ems service p.t.
{ Player: Sir Prised of the Gold Table }Meat Delivery Driver
Sir PussycatRetired on disability/electronics tech.
Sir Silver of the GoldTablenuclear power chemist-engineer (retired)
Southern BelleMarine store manager
spitfireDisabled Truckdriver
splodgeadministrator in motor trade
ScubasteveEquipment Operator for PennDot
StormChaserGranite & Marble Fabricator
Summer FlameFull time Mum/Housewife
superkaempe the gentle giantHandyman with an education as physicist/mathematician
sweet dimpleslearning support asst/special needs school
ThreeDBob of the Wolf PackI make Lawn Mower Blade/Dad
toadisgimpyFront Desk Agent
Twakkiechartered accountant / finance manager
unhappy guardianRegistered Nurse
WithaceeHigh School Teacher
WoodToken QueenAdvertising Consultant
YankeeFanCollege Professor of Mathematics
yayamomname says it all

(List alphabetically sorted by Ray of Light)
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This page was last edited by CLM at 6:43AM on 11 December 2017

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