pet peeves

Use this space to describe pet peeves

People who accept a game invitation only to "DELETE" it before it even gets started! Now that is just plain RUDE!!!

People who worry about "ratings"
People that try to start trouble by saying others are cheats and liars!!!

A pet pever is something you hate about ppl or anyother things that make you mad.

If your using WebTV (or what ever it's called) you may cut off the end of the wiki due to lack of memory in the box.

not being able to use paypal to get my membership. (at least not just now).


People who ignore motorcycles and say it was the biker's fault he got killed. We just had an accident here where the car pulled out in front of the motorcycle without looking. The biker is a cop!

people that do not say that they are going...
getting into a conversation and them leaving.

People who use more than one screen name, all the while claiming to be different people when they are only one.
  • And when they admin a tournament and play their normal ID against their wood ID to get through to the next round - You know who I'm talking about...
People who clear Wiki's that people have spent time doing.

  • I agree
this was a place to vent frustration
it doesn't seem right for someone to earase them

not being able to to edit wiki's coz the memory is too much for my **** ntldtv stb. grrr

they were all good and people made very good points

Glad Im not the only one who thinks its rude


you are welcome
now to put mine back


*People that pull out in front of loaded log trucks and then look at the driver and say " you have more tires than I do, you can stop quicker than I can "

**People who pull out in front of any truck, not only tick me off, they are stupid**

  • yes i agree
this has happened to my fiance' 5 times in the past 4 months
he got out and looked at one girl and said are you stupid
she looks at him and says it was an emegency
he said i bet my arse it was
she said yes i needed milk

not aswering my mail now think hes p'd off with mewhinning all the time .....has he nothing better to

this place going down at 9am [uk time] every morning, i am just getting in from my first shift, and need my fix!!!!
  • This I do agree, I come into work to make my moves, then database goes down Sad

this place going down @ 10am [gmt]

why twice in the space of an hour?

prizzy....always taking off without saying

my next door neighbours

  • The people who live opposite me who keeps parking outside my house when they have a drive that can fit 3 cars
    • BTW adam, we're having a drive built soon, try parking outside my house after it's done, I'll have you towed away at the cost of £150 to you, lol

my upstairs neighbours' parties, they never ever invite me. but like to let everyone know they are having one!!!

people who insist on driving the speed limit in the fast lane.
  • When you let someone into the fast lane so they can overtake a truck, then insist on going 2 mph faster than the truck and not going back to the slower lane for another 5 miles down the road...Grrrrrr
car alarms

liberal politicians
Men who won't ask for directions.

women who force men to ask for directions when all you need to do is look at the darn map

People who pull out in front of loaded log trucks. Then look at the driver and say, "you have more wheels than I do , you can stop quicker than I can "

French poodles sticking their ears out the driver's windows of any colour Buick Regal...

Anyone 300 Lbs wearing white shoes with black tights and nothing else.

            It should be illegal for anyone(except mom)  over 250 Lbs to wear spandex 

sundays....just so boring

i agree but its coming around again in two days and im gonna enjoy this boring sunday by hopefully sleeping in for awhile

people who delete and change other peoples messages on the wiki

    • I agree **

bubbly can't use wiki,she is not 

Sundays...FUN, not!

People- LOL!!!

people who instigate problems between you and a third person who also plays here in
a deliberate attempt to cause a juvinile disagreement or what ever to get their rocks off on!!!

People who like to start rumors about others in game sites.
whether it is because you lose a game or just like to start t

Being inturrupted during conversation, and then they aren't even commenting on what you were saying

Stupid Doctors that think that the patient shouldn't know anything about their medical family history & other Stupid Doctors that try to kill their patients by not reading the medical charts and giving them/me tha drug that they are allergic to! I HATE STUPID DOCTORS
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This page was last edited by Judy at 3:37PM on 20 July 2002

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