April 2016
We are happy to announce several new additions to our Diagonal Duel game!
We hope that you will enjoy the new variants! SPECIAL to our cleverly talented marcmandy for the awesome graphics for this game! They are wonderful! Have a wonderful month and play like you mean it! --Badger In this month's newsletter, we have: Birthdays & Special Announcements 1st Stop Information Photozone Competition Photo Album of the Month Game Of The Month Best Recipe Contest Up Front & Personal Testimonial Of The Month Contest of the Month Caption Contest Icon Mania! Breaking Club News Olympic News
-- Happy Birthday to dreamflight on April 1st! - -- Happy Birthday to dellajo on April 2nd! - From The Word O'Rama Club, The He's Alive Club, The Classic TV & Music Club,The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club , The Friendship Club , The Daily Laugh Club, The Prime Time TV Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to AndrewB on April 2nd! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Word O'Rama Club and The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club - -- Happy Birthday to Mike K of the Renegades - From The Acey Deucey Club - -- Happy Birthday to phil on April 3rd! - From: { Club } - -- Happy Birthday to SnowFlake on April 5th! - From The Pork Chop Club - -- Happy Birthday to just lady on April 7th! - -- Happy Birthday to Scubasteve on April 7th! - -- Happy Birthday to Dr Gideon Fell on May 7th! - -- Happy Birthday to Hillbilly on April 9th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club , The Friendship Club, The Backgammon Tournament Club, { Club }, The Pork Chop Club, { Club } and The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to heyred72 on April 9th! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Pork Chop Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and The Word O'Rama Club - -- Happy Birthday to Trsm149 on April 9th! - From The Friendship Club - -- Happy Birthday to Lowell on April 10th! - - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Friendship Club, The He's Alive Club, The Prime Time TV Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club, The Pork Chop Club, { Club } , The Backgammon Tournament Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to Indiana Jones on April 12th! - -- Happy Birthday to Pepper on April 12! - From The Daily Laugh Club, The Pork Chop Club, The Monkeytyper's Gaming Paradise Club and The Word O'Rama Club - -- Happy Birthday to Treksterz on April 13th! - From The Prime Time TV Club - -- Happy Birthday to Twisted Nerve on April 14th! - -- Happy Birthday to AJK on April 15th! - From: { Club } and The Prime Time TV Club - -- Happy Birthday to Scoopdedew on April 15th! - From: The Scoop's Castle Club, The He's Alive Club, The Friendship Club and The Pork Chop Club - -- Happy Birthday to Sir Silver of the GoldTable - From The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club ,The Classic TV & Music Club, The Friendship Club, The Daily Laugh Club on April 16th! - -- Happy Birthday to GinnyB on April 16th! - From: The Diamonds Are Forever Club and The He's Alive Club - -- Happy Birthday to Toybox38on April 16th! to my wonderful husband- From your wife Trish41 and The Daily Laugh Club - -- Happy Birthday to MsDot on April 17th! - -- Happy Birthday to ChrisM on April 18th! - -- Happy Birthday to Sandy on April 18th! - From The Prime Time TV Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to coop on April 19th! - From: The Daily Laugh Club - -- Happy Birthday to runabe on April 20th! - From: The Scoop's Castle Club and The Prime Time TV Club - -- Happy Birthday to snoopy57 on April 20th! -- Happy Birthday to aprildawn on April 20th! - From The Classic TV & Music Club,The Prime Time TV Club, The He's Alive Club, The Friendship Club, The Deborah's Cove Family Club, The Diamonds Are Forever Club , , The Prime Time TV Club, The Daily Laugh Club and The Scoop's Castle Club, The Pork Chop Club - -- Happy Birthday to jenni on April 20th!- From The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to Terryjam on April 20th!- From The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to csesugar on April 21st! - From - { Club } - -- Happy Birthday to Lyonsgirl on April 21st! - -- Happy Birthday to Morticia on April 21st! - -- Happy Birthday to knotbuggin on April 21st! - -- Happy Birthday to clare on April 22nd! - From cissy and The Word O'Rama Club - -- Happy Birthday to laura lee on April 22nd! - From { Club }, The Pork Chop Club and cissy - -- Happy Birthday to Rhfuqua on April 22nd! - -- Happy Birthday to Millie on April 23rd! - -- Happy Birthday to sparkles43 on April 24th! - From The Word O'Rama Club and The Scoop's Castle Club - -- Happy Birthday to TerryS on April 26th! - -- Happy Birthday to rednose426 on April 26th! - -- Happy Birthday to furryfeet on April 29th! - From The Scoop's Castle Club and The Friendship Club - -- Happy Birthday to oldog on April 29th! - -- Happy Birthday to mayonnaise on April 30th! - Anniversary & Other Wishes: -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to runabe and his wife on April 4th! -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to Miranda and her husband on April 16th! -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to tango2 & evan on April 17th! -- Happy 42nd Wedding Anniversary to Bluefin and his wife on April 20th! -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to wldndn and her husband on April 20th! -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to Lady Sili and her husband on April 24th! -- Happy Wedding Anniversary to Dragon101 and jazzbeth on April 29th! * If you would like to announce any birthdays, anniversaries or other special events coming up for next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month, so we can give them a shout out in next month's newsletter! (Please keep all announcements upcoming and not belated. Announcements submitted after the newsletter is published, cannot be put in after the fact, we're sorry!)
I'd like to be more competitive in my games. How can I find someone to match my skill level? One of the frustrating things about playing board games is finding an opponent who is just right for you. As Goldilocks discovered when she visited the home of the three bears, you don't want an opponent who is much more skilled at the game than you are, nor do you want one who offers little challenge. One of the great features of this site is our Suggested Opponents. Here is how it works:We use a rating systemThis site uses a rating system to estimate your skill in every game you play. The more games you complete, the more accurate this rating system becomes. You can read about Ratings for more details. We make suggestions Based on your performance in the games you have completed, we will suggest opponents that we feel will offer a good competition to you. We do this by comparing your rating to the ratings of other players at this site, and then recommending the players who most closely match your skill level. The suggestions change according to your skill If you are just getting started, we make suggestions based on our average player. If you end up winning the game, we suggest a more skilled opponent for the next game. If you end up losing, our next suggestion will be against another player who is also still getting the hang of the game. As your skills in the game improve, so will the skill set of your suggested opponents.<p>We'll find the right opponent for you! Enable this feature on the Gamesheet tab of your Preferences. Select "Show a game suggestion". * If you have a question about a site tip or helpful tool you would like answered next month, please send GoldToken's Newshound a message before the 25th of this month.
(steelbound) with (unknown photo) is March's Photozone competition winner who won the challenge with votes and will be awarded with a profile token. Scheherizade came in 2nd place with 8 votes for (unknown photo) Jools came 3rd place with 7 votes for (unknown photo) to all the winners and to all of the members who participated either by submitting photos or voting and commenting. We had a total of entries and votes this month.Without you all, this competition wouldn't be activeYou can view all the images submitted for the Photozone Competition by using the following link Photozone Zepher's Album titled 2016-03 Silhouettes The theme for April's competition will be;(unknown photo)
The theme this month was (unknown photo) We stepped into a world of different Collections from different lives and they were all very interesting! Thank you all for your Photo Album entries. The Winner is sandi en margarita's Album titled sandi's turtle collectionnd Place goes to wldndn's AlbumThe next theme will be Nature's Gifts (unknown photo) This will be lots of fun with some beautiful pictures! Post you albums at Photo Album Contest and you may be the next to win this cool Profile Token! Best of Luck, ladyvic
April's game of the month is Kickback Thematic Hangman! Join us in a fun Double Elimination Tournament by signing up today for The Game of the Month, Apr 2016, Kickback Them Hangman Tournament! use the tools available, by pegasiswolf, is a Nugget that explains some game strategy: Hangman is all about deduction (a little intuition helps also) There are nuggets explaining to how to use TOGGLE.. and to make use of your NOTES... but not one that explains how to properly use them TOGETHER... We have all the tools we need provided.. but you must USE them... or your opponent will have a MAJOR advantage! I will walk through a real puzzle to show you my technique.... (this was a KICKBACK game.. but as you will see... I was ready to guess BEFORE choosing a letter... the letter pick is required before you can guess tho... and it does CONFIRM) this was a multi-player game... so there was ALOT of information to gain just from toggle I picked "R" and here is what my board looked like..... (unknown photo) I was then able to SOLVE the puzzle... on my NEXT turn....not by magic.. but by simply using the tools.... I toggled 1st opponent... (unknown photo) so I typed into my NOTES section "1-1 and 2-5 and 7-4 all same... " I toggled 2nd opponent... (unknown photo) so I updated my NOTES section at add "1-3 and 2-3 and 6-5 and 7-5 all same" I toggled 3rd opponent... (unknown photo) so I updated my NOTES section to add "5-3 and 6-2 same" on my next turn... opponent 1 had made another turn... (unknown photo) so I added this information to my NOTES section... which now read: 1-1 and 2-5 and 7-4 all same 1-3 and 2-3 and 6-5 and 7-5 all same 5-3 and 6-2 same 1-2 and 5-2 same of course I dont know exactly what each letter IS...yet... and here is where a little deduction and intuition comes in.... the first word is 3 letters.. (most likely "the") and since 1-3 came in 4 times in the puzzle.. we can reasonably assume it is a common letter... most likely 'E"... that fits the theory... 1-1 is also a common letter that came in 3 times.. "t" fits the theory.... now.. player 1 having SEEN what letter came in 1-1... picked the 1-2 easily... yes. it is reasonable to assume the first word is 'the'.. so lets update the NOTES! 1-1 and 2-5 and 7-4 all same...T 1-3 and 2-3 and 6-5 and 7-5 all same...E 5-3 and 6-2 same 1-2 and 5-2 same...H here is what the puzzle would NOW look like with those letters..... (unknown photo) this is a kickback thematic hangman .. with a theme of "matching middles".... hmm...that 2nd word is just screaming "great" "the great ---- -- -H---"... if u look at that first half alone.... its NOT HARD to deduce "the great wall of china"... if this was the entire puzzle... it would be time to guess... but...since this is matching middles... you need the find the 2nd half.... if that 5th word is 'china'... that means 5-3 = I... update NOTES section '5-3 and 6-2 same ... I" here is the puzzle now... (unknown photo) if you could SEE the puzzle like this.. instead of just with the 'R's.. would you be able to solve it? probably... now.. I was ready to guess!! this particular game was kickback... so even if you were NOT quite ready to guess... you can choose a COMMON letter you KNOW to be in there... from the first section... A? N? L? .. and that would possibly give you more information and make the solution very obvious... and THEN you can make your guess that same turn... so USE your TOGGLE.. USE your NOTES... visualize the puzzle more complete (and write the deduced words in your NOTES also) and your opponent will be left open-mouthed... when you take this: (unknown photo) and figure out "THE GREAT WALL OF CHINA DINNER PLATES" We hope you enjoy it! Special to pegasiswolf for writing this month's Game of the Month Nugget. You too, can write a knock-out Nugget and reap the rewards! If your Nugget is chosen as the winner for GoldToken's Game of the Month in GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter, you will win:
March's winner is: HomeMade Buns
These are especially good with (homemade SloppyJoes-In skillet-Brown Hamb. add ketsup, brown sugar, a t.of apple vinegar and 4 slices of your fav. cheese.) 1 cup + 2 tablespoons hot water 2 packages Fast Rising Yeast 1/3 cup olive oil ¼ cup sugar Mix together and let sit 5-10 minutes until foamy. 1 egg 1 teaspoon salt 3-4 cups all purpose flour Add remaining ingredients and knead 3-5 minutes. Keep adding flour until dough is elastic and no longer sticky. Separate into 8 even buns, and shape them into discs. Place on greased baking sheet and cover with a towel for 10 minutes. Bake at 425 degrees for 10-12 minutes, until tops are slightly browned. Cool on baking rack. GoldToken's birdstoe will receive a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Silver and Wood members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Please send a big to birdstoe! April's recipe contest is: "Healthy Recipes". The winner will be given a "one time" access to the entire list of site icons, and can select any one that is not currently being used by another player, regardless of membership level (Guests, Wood and Silver members can keep the icon for 1 year!). Rules:
{ Image: i994.photobucket.com/albums/af66/llwgirl/elephants/pinkelephant-2.gif } **~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~** We would like to say to eliphont551 for letting us step into their personal life for a bit. 1. What brought you to GoldToken? I wanted to play Backgammon. I was playing at IYT but people were so rude. I wasn’t good at the game and I found several players here on GT that were willing to help me learn the game. How'd you choose your name for GT? A dear friend of mine sent me a birthday years ago knowing that I love elephants. . She addressed it to Eli Phont and the name just stuck! I have no clue where the number 551 came from. 2. What interest you most on GT? The family friendly atmosphere! Everyone is so helpful! I enjoy wiki editing. I enjoy the clubs. I’ve volunteered for the Olympics since their start. I love it all. Favorite game here? I don’t think I can pick just one game. There are many I enjoy playing, however, there are a few that - playing them once - it’s enough! 3. What state or country do you reside in? I live in Iowa.What in your state or country do you think tourists should definitely see? Other than the corn fields in the summer, there isn’t much. There are seven quaint villageshttp://www.amanacolonies.com/history-of-amana/ Also, Waterloo, Iowa, my home town, is where the John Deere Tractors are made. A tour of the plants is quite interesting. 4. What hobbies do you have? Oh My! I have many hobbies. I enjoy knitting, crocheting, ceramics, scrapbooking and many more. 5. Children? Grandchildren? I have two grown sons and 5 grandchildren 6. Do you work? I’m retired.What kind of work do/did you do? I worked for a doctor for 33 years. 7. Any pets? I have a Beagle mix rescue dog. I have taught her many tricks, sit, stay, come, etc. and each of those, she will do using hand or voice commands. I’m pretty proud of her. 8. Are you under 30?___ 30 to 50? x_ or over 50? I’m retired, need I say more?Male or Female? I’m Female. 9. What's the farthest you've been from home? Vacation or for business? I live in Iowa, which is about the center of the United States and I’ve been to both coasts, Canada & as far south as Arkansas. So, I’ve been around a bit. * The trips were all vacations.* 10. If you could be anywhere right now where would that be? Right here. 11. Favorite season? In Iowa all four of our seasons have something to love, so I like them all. 12, Favorite movie? I’ve not been to a movie for a long time, but I could watch Ghost and Dirty Dancing anytime. (me too) 13. If you could meet anyone (living and dead) in the world, who would it be ? I think I’d like to meet Barbra Streisand. A beautiful voice and a beautiful lady If there are any questions you would like to see asked in future interviews, please let us know. Laura laura lee
Hi, I found Goldtoken back in 2000. I was playing at It's Your Turn. I found the people so much more friendly here. I've made a lot of friends, won a lot of games (and lost a lot of games, too). Right now I own a club called The A Fast Games Club We play games that play fast. I hope to continue for a long time at Goldtoken and keep making friends. MrLarry47
Best New Discussion Board Idea The Contest of the Month for the April, 2016, newsletter is Best New Discussion Board Idea! Post entries on the Discussion Board by April 27, 2016, for consideration. Win the chance to see your idea posted on a trial basis! Entries should include:
We have a winner for the Best Club Banner of 2016!to Cheetah, who posted this entry for The Deck of Cards Club: (unknown photo) Her banner will run for a year! We hope it draws some new club members.
The Caption Contest winner for the March, 2016, newsletter is bestgremlin with: This wouldn't happen if you put it closer to the litter box... bestgremlin! To enter April's Caption Contest, click on the link and post your best caption. photo titled Caption Contest, April, 2016 The winner will be chosen by our news team, given 5 Golderos and announced in next month's newsletter.
{ Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon070927171439.gif } { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon130822091041.gif } { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon130310224919.gif } { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon100421132657.gif } { Image: goldtoken.com/pics/icon070818100730.gif } Happy Hunting I received a request to put a row of flowers on the Name Icons board which was a hit. I will through the next few months dedicate a row to other icons that we have, such as dogs, cats, people, fish, etc. etc. If you have a favorite, feel free to message me with your idea Don't forget the Icon of the Day Icon Of The Day
The Stonehead Stone Games Club is almost finished with their Last Chance 2015 Tournament. Quicksand Four In a Row and Hotspot Four In a Row are still competing. They will be starting a new tournament soon, make sure you get in on the fun. Contact the club owner Oakheart or any of the officers for more info. The Sallyp and Friends Club is looking for some new players, they have active team and ladders with many different games. They are celebrating the Birthday of one of their beloved officers johnnyyboy. Come and help them celebrate this joyous occasion by joining in the PRIZE games. Join in wishing him the best They hope to see you there. Contact sallyp for more information or johnnyyboy when you wish him the best The 1st of The West of the Setting Sun Club Meijin tournaments is under way with everyone's eye on the special Recognition token at the end of the year! This is the 1st of four tournaments to decide the top player of the Club. These tournaments are all the more exiting because of the recent match between AlphaGo (Google's Deepmind Go playing AI Waving Red Sabre ) and Lee Sedol (one of the world's top players Salute ) where AlphaGo won 4 games to 1! Since those five games we've had some new membership as well Every player is now asking themselves "Could I beat AlphaGo?" Anyone interested can find a useful intro to the game here: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go_(game) and you can contact the owner tzorec for more information on this exciting game. The CHRISTIAN/JEWISH ALLIANCE Club is in the process of reorganizing and streamlining its discussion boards and membership. Anyone interested in joining the club can messge MrsT or any of the officers for more information. The Side of the Milk Carton Club is a Club put together to discuss missing players. There are no games played there, only concern and sharing information. GoldToken is a huge family, we meet people from all walks of life and from everywhere in the world and we look forward to seeing these members every day. Sometimes as we all know someone disappears and we are lost and confused as to what has happened. Contact RabidWolff of the Wolf Pack or any of the officers to become a member of this club especially if you are missing a player that you are concerned about. Is your club in the news? Get your club news out there, be sure to send in all your club activities during the month, Assign a "Newshound", I would really like to see your club listed hereNeed to get your Club signed up for these TourniesMarch Nackgammon - [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Nackgammon March 2016 ]April Grabble Race - [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Grabble Race April 2016 ] May Dominoes - [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Dominoes May 2016 ] Sign your team up @ [ Main: Site-Wide Club Vs Club Sign Up ] Contact Jacob1987 for any additional information and Best Of Luck to your CLUB
Olympic Winners! A big congratulations to these players & their clubs!Winter Olympic Winners
Summer Olympic Winners!
Competitions are published when gold, silver & bronze winners have been determined
** (Please note: All submissions are added on a first come first serve basis.) **Did you find the hidden coin in the newsletter ? Our winner last month was Judy. to her for spotting it and being the first to send a message to GoldToken Support. We would like to give everyone a chance to play this fun game and win 5 Golderos,so you will only be eligible to win the Coin Hunt once every six months.[ Main: GoldToken's Monthly Newsletter - Past Issues ] Wiki Options This page was last edited by GoldToken Support at 10:40AM on 5 April 2016 Find referring pages |
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